ch.22 The Humongous Reveal

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Thalia's p.o.v.

Ugh. I was so fed up with boys!!! Today. In only one day, I was asked out by 12. You hear me! 12!!!

I was so excited about next week when we can reveal ourselves. I concentrated on the class we were teaching.

Today we were going to let them choose their weapons and also remind them of their homework. I grinned evilly. I hated mortal teachers and how they were so horrible on giving out detentions and homework for an unreasonable reason. I now understood why. (A/N I know that Thalia never went to school because she was a pine tree and a hunter of Artemis and all but lets just say that she went to school for a day and exploded the school on the same day. Knowing she's prideful and a leader I think you will know why she got detention...)

''Today, since we've been building up body strength for these past lessons we are finally going to choose your weapons.'' He left the sentence and the student's mouths hanging.

''Isn't that dangerous though?'' I sniggered at the last part. They're weapons of course they're dangerous.

''Duh that's what they are for. They are dangerous to the enemy.'' Said Annie. Don't tell her I said that... 

The guy who said the stupid comment, Seamus I think? looked down suddenly interested at the table.

With the blessing from Ares, we took out our favourite weapons. Will got out the bows, I got out the arrows. Annabeth got out the daggers, Percy got out the swords and Nico got out gladius'.

''Like a wand, there is a weapon for every single person. Don't act stuck up and try to choose a weapon to big or too heavy for you. Choose a weapon fit for you and is balanced. You can take your time, it took me ages to find mine.'' With that he took out Riptide.

The students laughed. We even heard someone say,

''What are you gonna do draw on your enemies?''

I think it was the redheaded boy. And that is, ladies and gentlemen, why I hate boys.

Percy silenced them by taking the cap off of Riptide and it grew into its full length sword form. Ah, never gets old.

''We will show you an example of physical combat. Any volunteers?''

None of the students raised their hand. So I did.

''Pine cone face?''

''You are so dead Seaweed brain''

I got out my silver hunting knife and tapped my bracelet. Aegis sprung out. The students screamed in terror. I chuckled.

We got into a fighting stance. Annabeth called out,

''Ready? Go!''

I jumped forward. I dodged Percy's half hearted blow which still made me stumble. I cursed in Ancient Greek.

''Hey!'' Percy yelled.

I took advantage of that and kicked him in the shin. I side stepped I next half hearted blow which was starting to irritate me, and kicked him in the crotch. Which is what all you girls need to do in the outside world to those nasty old guys okay? All of the guys in the room grimaced but Percy wasn't as affected as I wished him to be. He disarmed me in a flash and my knife clattered next to Will. I raised my hands in defeat.

''Still the best swordsman in 300 years eh?''

''Yep'' he said, popping the 'p'

The class clapped and we put our weapons back. The boys looked at me nervously as I slid the knife up my sleeve. Somewhere I can take it out immediately. 

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