ch.18 Reunion

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Percy's p.o.v.

After taking Harry to Madam Pomfrey, we all went to the Griffindor tower, and said

"The helm of water''

The seven started laughing furiously, and were gasping for air... Well I guess it was expected, I laughed alot when I first heard it as well. (A/N for those who don't get it: It's the helm of darkness not water, so it's like a mixture of Hades' symbol of power and Poseidon's domain of water)
The portrait opened and we went towards the demi-tower I know, cool name right! We opened the door to our own common room and first noticed that 4 more doors were added. The 3 couples went to their own room and Grover and I had a bro talk. I mind messaged to Annabeth and the others and Zoë and Lucas and they immediately flashed themselves to our common room. They went knocking on the others' doors and the couples jumped out, and for a few hours we were just talking and catching up on stuff.

"Umm, guys?''
They turned their attention to me.

"Did you have a note on your bed post?''

"Yeah. It explained who designed the place and where the door takes us to. I have to say Beauty Queen to get into a room full of make-up and jewelry and weapons. Jason has to say Sparky to get into a room which looks like an office. It helps him with his work. Though it seems really boring compared to mine.''said Piper after pecking her husband's cheek.

"Mine said the same but I had to say witch girl to get into a room which was filled painting equipment and alot of canvases. Also a stable for Arion since I'm officially his human, he's coming to meet me more often now. Frank has to say *laughs* Canadian baby man! To get into a room with a target and a dummy and alot of weapons. You can take some if you want.'' Hazel offered kindly.

"I need to say repair boy to get into a huge room filled with machinery and blue prints. It's awesome!''said Leo putting his hair aflame.

"And for some reason I need to say team Leo to get into my garden which will bloom immediately after planting a seed even moonlace.'' Calypso said, while patting Leo's fire out.
Apparently she got her magic back and now was one of the strongest magicians in the greek world, not the wizarding world though. Hazel was too.

"I haven't checked yet but I heard a voice in my head saying I had to say G-man to get into a room filled with Juniper trees so I can meet Juniper anytime.''

I sighed and looked at Annabeth. I guess we have to tell...

"Guys, it's quite awkward but.... we kinda became Gods...?''

The room was absolutely quite, then there was a sudden uproar.

"Woah cool!'' - Leo
"What of?'' - Hazel
"What can you do?'' - Piper
"No! Do I need to build shrines for you too? More work!!'' - Jason
"Have you changed form?'' - Calypso
"So even our cousins and nieces and uncles are Gods...'' - Frank
"So that's what the nymphs and dryiads were excited about...'' - Grover

Annabeth took over,
"I'm the goddess of architecture and pride, Percy's the god of demigods and loyalty, Nico's the god of souls and justice, Thalia's the goddess of lightning and maidens, Will's the god of light and peculiarity, Zoë's the goddess of swordfighting, Lucas' the god of knowledge. All of us adults except Will is an Olympian god, and yes, our appearances changed.''

With that we changed forms to our now original forms.
Annabeth continued,
"Yep we can do lots of stuff including shape shifting, flashy transportation and lots more stuff. And Jason, you will have to make oue shrines because you swore on the river styx but you don't need to do it immediately.''
She concluded.

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