ch.17 A Visit From Friends

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Harry's p.o.v.

When I left the DADA classroom, I couldn't remember why I had been there in the first place. I then walked up to Ron and told him that I was now definitely sure that they were death eaters and Annabeth and Will were under the imperius charm. His eyes widened and hissed,

"We need to tell McGonagall!!''

"I don't think she'll believe us. Why don't we tell the whole school instead, then McGonagall's got to believe us.''

"Good idea''

We walked around yelling,

Until we heard foot steps coming to the great hall.

The death eaters and their victims came in and walked over to McGonagall. They have a quiet conversation and both the death eaters and McGonagall walk away with a smile on their faces.

I yell once more,
''He's a death eater!!''

Then he walks up to me and starts rambling on how horrible my memorization skills are.

Then he shows me his arm with the dark mark, just that it's not a dark mark, it's a trident with 15 lines through it. I panic and run to the forbidden forest, knowing that I can defend myself from any threat in the forest and that no one will dare to come looking for me.

A few steps into the forest, I hear a roar.

Then a huge thing with a head of a bull and a body of a man with an ax comes out of the bushes.
I yelled,


I yelled a few more spells but none of them work. I keep trying, then I hear more footsteps, I saw Jerkson rushing towards us with a stick? (A/N that's the mist Harry!) And charged the monster. Then out of the shadows, 7 people on a giant black dog jumped out. To my surprise, when I turned my attention to Jerkson again, the monster was gone leaving Jerkson with a very satisfied look, and a bunch of adults and one kid younger than me with a goatee and a cap with walking sticks who were getting off the dog.

I walk up to the group, not scared at all and say

"Who are you? Are you Jerkson's friends?''

They were silent for a second. I guess they were intimidated!
Then they burst out laughing. Wait what!

"Jerkson!! That's even better than Kelp head!!''
the one with blond hair and a scar on his lip said.

"Percy!! Is that one of your students!''
That was by a beautiful girl with choppy brown hair.

"I guess you weren't fit for a teacher after all!''
A guy who was shorter than others but still quite tall with curly brown hair said through giggles.

"Hey that's mean!'' Jerkson said with a fake pout.

"What was that thing?''
I asked, then I fell unconscious.

Leo's p.o.v. (A/N yay!!)

We received an IM message from this incredibly old lady.

"I am headmistress of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry...''

"Ha! Pig warts!'' I laughed.

"Shush!'' My wife said,

Ooh my wife! I like saying that, I wonder where Percy is, ugh ADHD!

"Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Will and Thalia are teaching there. We wish for all of you to teach there, and by all of you I mean, Caleo, Frazel, Jasper, (A/N you know who I mean I was just too lazy to write all of their names) and Grover.
We have prepared your rooms and your subjects. You cam come anytime today. Please do not show your powers to the students yet. Well good bye and see you later today.''

And the IM message ended.

"What!!! Annabeth's alive!!!????'' We all yelled. Hazel concentrated and answered.

"Apparently this school, Hogwarts allows ghosts.''

"Well that was all new!'' Said Jason.

With a burst of mist, Hecate appeared.

We all bowed at the goddess.

Hazel spoke up first. "We've received a message from the headmistress. Does that explain the reason why you're here?''

"I came to give you the knowledge of magic and your wands.''

"Jason Grace- 12 inches slightly stiff, made with a pine cone tree with lightning and the Lupa's fur as a core.''
His wand was lightning yellow at the tip and became white as it went down he had cracks in it which looked like lightning bolts.

"Piper McClean- 11 inches, very bendy, with a dove feather and liquid love as a core.''
Hers was pink at the top and became brown at the bottom. It had feathers carved into it.

"Calypso- 10 and a half inches, slightly stiff, with moonlace and celestial bronze as a core.''
Wifey had a warm brown wand which was very simple but it reminded me of her.

"Leo Valdez- 12 inches, very bendy with celestial bronze and greek fire as a core, also it's fire proof.''
Mine was red at the tip and went to the same brown as Calypso's and had fire marks on the tip. I lit myself on fire and the wand didn't burn Yess!!

"Frank Zhang- 13 inches, slightly stiff with a boar's bone and a spear head as a core. It will always stay attached to you when you transform yourself into an animal.''
His was dark brown and was tinted blood red at the tip.

"Hazel Levesque- 10 and a half inches, slightly stiff with gold and silver, and hellhound fur as a core.''
she had a brown wand similar colored to Frank's but was tinted black instead of red.

"Grover Underwood- 12 inches, very bendy, with a Pegasus feather with reeds and Pan's horn carvings as a core.''
His wand was quite normal yet peculiar. It seemed short but long, it seemed thick but thin.

Hecate noticed my confusion and added,
"Grover's wand will keep changing it's shape because he's the lord of the wild. The wood responds to his presence and keeps changing.''

Oh. Nice.

She raised her hand and said some old words and we suddenly knew the history of magic.

Then Mrs.O'Leary came running and lay down indicating for us to get on. We all went on her back and suddenly we were wrapped in black, but as quickly as it happened, we saw a giant castle and Percy and a Minotaur and this dude who angered old drama queen up in the sky.

*cue thunder rumble*


The guy as I recall, Happy Rotter 'the boy who lived'
For how many times? I laughed because Percy survived many times from different things. Same goes to me and the rest of us by the time we were his age.

We rushed over to Percy and we all took turns on hugging him and punching him. We turned to face Happy, whom I was really annoyed at for having a name which was the same meaning as Festus.

"Umm honey?, his name's Harry not Happy.''

Happy certainly didn't look that happy and scowled at what Calyso said.

Oh alright, Harry then!

We just ignored him but couldn't because he fainted. We all looked at Percy. He raised his hands to prove his innocence but laughed and said,

"I obliviated him"

"Wow I wanna do that''
I tried it on something minor like what I had for breakfast,

" Obliviate ''

wait what was I on about?

"I'm really hungry, I haven't had anything today.''

They all looked at me weirdly.


We carried Harry and we gave him to Madam Pomfrey seriously why does every witch/wizard have weird names?
and with Percy, went to find the rest of the bunch.

End of chapter 17

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