Chapter 2: The Discovery

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Not too far from where Lydia was, there was a high school, about 2 blocks away from the beach. The anxious teens waited eagerly for the clock to turn 3:30. **Ring!!** went the bell and right when it rang, the kids raced out of their classrooms. Some throwing their school work on the ground, one kid started playing pop music while walking out of the building, with half of the school trailing behind him. Then all the peers in the hallways parted in fear of the popular teens, the kings and queens of the school. 6 in total, there were three girls and three boys. The girls had bleach blonde hair, one more bleached than the other, and the boys were the hottest boys in school so you can imagine how cute they were. One with curly golden blonde hair, another with straight jet black hair and the other with slightly curly light brown hair that glistened in the sun. "I'm so glad we don't need to come back to this prison every day." The girl with the most bleached blonde hair held up in a high tight pony tail said to her, seemed to be, boyfriend. "Thank goodness!" He replied. "The sad part about it is that we can't torment people anymore!" The girl evilly chuckled. "I'm going to miss rebelling against the teachers and seeing their faces when we do something "out of line." Her boyfriend with the light brown hair said. "Remember Josh, we have our parents!" She laughed. "That's true." He chuckled. "Hey Lauren look! Our last victim of the school year." Josh said as he pointed at a girl with glasses and zits, she had sweat pants on and a pink sparkly top. "Hey loser! Where did you find that outfit? The dump?" She yelled so that everyone could hear her. The girl looked like she was offended so Lauren kept on tormenting her. "Your red hair looks like someone died in it." "Someone probably would die by just looking at her hair." Josh added. The girl ran to the girls' bathroom and burst out into tears. The six of them laughed their butts off the whole time while waiting for their ride to arrive.

A limo appeared in front of the school. All the kids oohed and awed at the luxury vehicle. A chauffeur wearing a black and white tuxedo walked out of the car to open the door. "See you later Josh! COME ON GIRLS, LET'S GO! GET YOU PRETTY LITTLE BUTTS IN THE CAR!" Lauren scolded at the two girls as she kissed Josh on the cheek. "Bye! See you at the beach!" He said as the chauffeur closed the car door. "Bye guys!" Josh waved at the other 2 boys as he walked off. Since the school was so close to the beach, he decided to walk there.

After a very relaxing walk, Josh finally arrived at the beach. He got there 30 minutes early so he decided to take a nice walk alongside the beautiful and peaceful waves before meeting with his eccentric girlfriend. He saw the part of the beach where there was police tape that clearly said "CAUTION DO NOT CROSS". But, due to his rebellious nature, he decided to hike up those big sharp rocks and walk across the forbidden area.

"Help! Help!" Lydia cried, hoping that someone would hear her. The King banished her to a part of the beach where people could not go due of the high tide and dangerous rocks. She was feeling weak; she needed some fresh water and fast. She started to feel faint, her blood pressure fell tremendously. Then suddenly she heard something that sounded like footsteps. She started yelling as loud as she could in the state she was in, "HELP! HELP PLEASE!" Josh almost had a heart attack as he tripped and fell on to the rocky sand. He looked up, and to his surprise, he saw Lydia trapped in the hole. Lydia froze. She was so nervous, she was closer to a human then she has ever been. "AAAAAAAHHH!" Josh squealed. As he started to get up Lydia said "NO! Please don't go! I've been stuck in here for 4 hours! Don't be afraid, I promise I won't hurt you." Josh was shaking so bad it looked like he just saw a ghost.

Lydia looked at him with a sweet smile and said "Please get me out of here, I need water. Hmm actually... Can I see your hand?" Josh looked at her with awe. A: he has never seen a mermaid before in his whole life, just in the stories his mother told him when he was younger and B: she was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Stunned and not knowing what he was doing, he stuck out his shaking hand. Lydia grabbed it very softly, put it on her necklace and **PRICK**. "OUCH!! What was that for?!" Josh yelled while sucking on his now bleeding finger. But then, **WOOSH** Josh almost got blinded by the bright light that appeared in the hole. But it was only for a second until he saw Lydia out of the cave in some rags that barely covered her. Lydia was astonished by her human legs and was very confused on how to use them. As Lydia tried to stand, she accidentally tripped and fell right on top of Josh! As their eyes met, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Josh, with his eyes wide open, attempted to form words. He just laid there not knowing what to do. Lydia noticed what position they were in and she quickly (tried) to stand to her feet. She looked like a baby calf trying to walk for the first time. Once Josh finally noticed there was a half naked mermaid in front of him, he immediately went back into character.
"Um hi? Do you know English?" He said making hand motions. Lydia laughed and said "Yes I do! I'm glad you do too! Sorry to have startled you like that! I'm new here. My name is Lydia!" She said kindly. The butterflies in her stomach got even worse the more they talked. "Oh um my name is Josh. Nice to you meet you? If you don't mind me asking... What are you?" "No not at all! I'm a mermaid!" Lydia said hopeful he would accept her. "What are you doing out of the water or on earth for that matter?" Josh asked perplexed. "It's a lot to explain but this is how I got here."

They spent the next half hour sitting on the sand, talking about Lydia and why she was there, what the purpose of her necklace was, and well everything. "So that's it." Lydia said with a deep breath. Josh's mouth almost fell to the ground. "Wow Lydia! So the King left you here to die?" "If you hadn't found me, then yes." Lydia said with a sigh. "Where are you going to go?" "Well I was thinking, since I don't have land money and I don't know anyone else, I was thinking with um... you?" Josh was very surprised by her answer. He thought about it hard before he said a word. "Hhhmmm." He pondered. Lydia looked at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. Josh couldn't resist! He couldn't leave her there, for the first time in a very long time Josh ACTUALLY felt sorry for someone. "Fine." He said with a sigh. "Eeeekkk!!" Lydia squealed. "On one condition! You do exactly what I say!" Josh demanded, pointing his finger at her. "Yes yes anything!!" Lydia said overjoyed. Now Josh had a mermaid on his hands. How is he going to teach her everything? How was he going to explain this to his mom? As he walked Lydia to his house with all these thoughts rushing to his head, he got a phone call. As he went to go look at who was calling, he gasped. It was Lauren! Oh.... no.

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