Chapter 27: Photograph

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"The investors are going to love you. Both of you." Mr.Jones said with an evil smirk creeping on his lips. "A princess, I see? I can charge double for that." He said as he tried to reach through the net to touch Lydia's hair. She flinched at the touch, causing Mr.Jones to reluctantly move away. "How did you find me?" Lydia asked once more, in an unpleasant tone. "Hon, I'm a marine biologist. A rich marine biologist, might I add. I have my own team and they go around searching for creatures all the time. When their animal detector detected something was here, they followed it. When they saw your friend's shells on a rock and saw how intriquite the designs were, they alerted me and I knew it had to be a mermaid." He explained, pacing around the annoyed (and slightly terrified) mermaids. "I broke out of prison, grabbed one of my boats, and headed down here as quick as I could." "Where's Lauren?" Lydia pondered aloud, looking around the boat. "I left her. I can't afford any set backs." Mr.Jones replied. "Sir,-" "Mr.Jones is fine." He corrected.

"Mr.Jones, please let my friend go and leave my people in peace." Lydia pleaded. "No can do, young lady. I can charge triple for the both of you. Plus, now that I know you exist, I can track your 'people' down and become even richer." "I'll do what ever you want! Just let her go, please." She countered, knowing the risk she was about to take. But, for Lydia, she would do ANYTHING for the ones she loves. "Hmmm... without complaining, fighting, or calling your father?" He asked, on the verge of accepting the offer. Lydia assertively nodded her head. "Fine. Chris! Throw the orange one back in!" He ordered, yelling at an overly buff man with salt and pepper stubble on his face. Chris picked Coral up, despite her constant fighting. "Let me go or else I will whip you so hard, your grandchildren are gonna feel it!" Coral shouted, scratching and punching the tall man. "Ouch!" He shrieked, almost dropping her back on the floor. He, eventually, threw her back into the ocean and they raced back to the valley.

Present day

"Ronal, what do you mean she's gone?!" Josh said in a panic. He had to steady himself by gripping his couch, breathing hard so that he doesn't pass out. Caleb quickly came to Josh's aid, steadying him before he collapses on the floor into a stressed out puddle of agony. "The Queen said that Lydia left to go to Coral's apartment to pick something up. After a couple of hours of not seeing her, the King ordered a search. They've been searching for hours and they still haven't found her. He told me to come here to see if she came back."

"King? Queen? Wait, is Lydia royalty?!" Kelsey exclaimed, trying to comprehend what is being said. "I'll explain later, Kels." Josh interrupted, really not in the mood to explain the whole fiasco. "Are you sure you haven't seen her?" Ronal desperatly asked, searching the room they were in. "Unfortunately, no." Josh answered, mentally slapping himself. "If I was there, I would've protected her!" He screamed in his thoughts. "JOSH!" He heard from a very familiar feminine voice that belonged to his mother. "Mom? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" "I saw one of my co-workers reading the paper and guess what made the front page?" She showed him the folded up piece of paper, pointing at the black bold letters that read "MERMAID FOUND 1,000 MILES FROM THE VALLEY: BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO WITNESS A ONCE OF A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO SEE A REAL MERMAID PRINCESS AT THE VALLEY SUMMER FAIR TONIGHT" "I think I know where Lydia is." Caleb inferred, looking to the rest of the group for confirmation. "Let's settle this once and for all."

The night was dark but the air was filled with the excitement of the people, eager to witness the first mermaid found in history. Photographers getting their cameras ready whilst people paying to be the first ones to get to see her. Lydia sat in her small tank, contemplating her terrible decisions. "If only I stayed." She whispered. "Ah, what a glorious night to make thousands of dollars!" Mr.Jones said, fanning himself with a wad of cash as he entered the small tent. "Lighten up, princess. You'll be so popular that you'll have your own aquarium, much bigger than this small tank, dedicated to you! As long as you are on your best behavior." He said with a condescending tone, playing with the water she was in. It took every bone in her body to not slap his hand out. He gave her one last grin before exiting, "5 minutes to curtain, princess!"

"Excuse me! Coming through!" Josh yelled at the crowd of people. It took Josh, Caleb, and Ronal hours to get in because of all the traffic, and that's saying that they live 10 minutes away. "Hey buddy, wait in line like the rest of us!" A man in line scolded at Josh. "Sir, I don't need this right now. I NEED to get to the front of the line!" He desperately explained to the man. "I don't give a monkey's butt. You'll wait just like everyone else that paid to be here." Josh rolled his eyes, knowing this man didn't know of the dire situation he was in. "Josh! We need to get to her!" Ronal yelled through the crowds. Caleb ran back to the group, trying to catch his breathe. "I looked everywhere, there's no way to get to her." He reported. "Perfect." He sarcastically said. "Great, now we have to wait in this hideously long line for who knows how long." Josh thought as the line was slightly moving, indicating that people were now entering. He then heard a very familiar tune coming from his pocket. "Hello?" Josh said into the shellphone. "Josh! I'm so glad you answered! I know how to help Lydia! I'll be there soon, just get her out of there and bring her to the abandoned pier." "I'll try with all my strength, King Robert."

Bright flashes from the photographers and cellphones were filling Lydia's eyes as she moved around her tank, if you can even call it that. She could barely stretch in that thing. Her ears were filled with people saying "Just look at that hideous thing!" "How remarkable!" "I will gain so many Instagram followers with this fish." She looked at all the people staring at her, trying to identify them. She then noticed a little girl she's seen before. On a very hot summer day, at a smoothie shop on the beach! "It's Bethany!" She thought to herself. "Hi Lydia! I thought you were supposed to be a secret?" The red haired girl whispered loudly over the giant group of people gathering around the tank. Lydia didn't want to speak so she just gave her a depressed look and shrugged her shoulders. Bethany then briefly showed her the necklace Lydia had given her. Her face lit up with the biggest smile she's had all day, the only one she's had all day. Photographers quickly started to take pictures of Lydia with her contagious smile that they haven't seen all night. Bethany was then pushed out of the tent by the monsterous crowd.

"Does everyone understand the plan?" Josh asked as they were entering the tent. Ronal and Caleb nodded, having the plan fresh in their minds.

"Alright, let's get my- I mean, our Lydia back."

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