Chapter 15: The Great Escape

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  After an hour of swimming, Josh and Ronal finally made it to the cell where Lydia and her parents were. "There it is Josh! Your love should be in there." Ronal smiled. Josh was so happy, he was so close to seeing her again, he could just here her calling his name! "Now, all we have to do is get passed the swordfish." Ronal said, pointing at the door where 2 big muscular swordfish with golden armor guarded. "How are we supposed to get passed them?" Josh asked. Ronal pondered for a moment then a light bulb went off in his head. "I'll get them away from the door and you quickly go inside and get Lydia and her parents." He whispered. Josh nodded at the idea and the two got into position. "I know the King and Queen are in there! I'll save them!" Ronal said, loud enough that the guards could hear him. The swordfish swam as fast as they could; chasing the poor, but surprisingly very fast turtle. Josh made his move and swam inside the rotting jail. He spotted them right away and swam towards them. "Sssshhh." He hushed. "Josh!!" Lydia whispered yelled. "Hi Lydi." He smiled. Lydia really liked Josh in a tail... maybe a little too much. "So, this is the famous Josh?" The King speculated. "Yes Daddy." She said with a big smile on her face.

Josh had to find the key! He looked everywhere he could but no luck. "Um, do you happen to know where the keys are?" Josh asked Lydia. "Titus has them." Robert sighed. "You think it will be that easy to pass by MUAH?" King Titus asked, menacingly swimming into the room with the key swaying in his hands. "Oh come on, go away!" Josh screamed in his head. King Titus grabbed Josh by his arm and put his scepter to Josh's neck. "I told you not to mess with me boy. Now, you will face my wrath!" The King scolded. "Say goodbye to your prince, Princess!" The King said, about to strike Josh with the scepter. As the energy came out of the scepter, Titus ever so slightly loosened his grip and Josh freed one of his arms and accidentally pointed it at the jail cell.

"Foolish boy! What did you do!?" King Titus yelled, looking at the, now broken cell door. "Lydia!" Robert cried through the dense bubbles. "Attack!!" Ronal yelled, gesturing towards the evil king. The same golden mermaids who attacked Josh swam in and started to attack Titus, grabbing his scepter, pulling his hair, and dragging him out of the small jail. "NO YOU STUPID MERMAIDS! I COMMAND YOU TO UNHAND ME!" He yelled at the determined mermaids. And with that, Titus was never seen again.

"Woohoo!" Ronal cheered in victory. Once he heard no one cheering with him, he got worried. "Josh? What's wrong?" He asked. He looked over to the broken cell door and saw everyone crowding around something on the floor. He swam over and saw Lydia on the floor passed out with Josh trying to wake her up. "Lydia! Wake up!" Josh cried, with tears in his icy blue eyes. "What happened to Lydia?" Ronal worryingly asked. "This all my fault." Josh wept, hugging the unconscious mermaid. "What is going on??" The old turtle asked, getting a little frustrated because no one was answering his question. "Titus was about to kill Josh with the scepter and Josh tried protecting himself and moved it away from him and accidentally hit the door as well as Lydia who was right behind it." Robert answered. "Oh, Josh, it's not your fault then. You were just trying to protect yourself." Ronal said, trying to cheer up the merman. "Yes it is! If I knew this was going to happen, I would've let him hurt me. Not her." Josh said, extremely disappointed in himself. "Come on. We need to bring her somewhere else. We can't bring her anywhere in this ocean. We can get caught by humans, due to it being summer and all. Is there anywhere we can bring her?" Elizabeth asked. "We could bring her to my house." Josh offered. "Perfect! All I need is my scepter and my crown and we can all become human and get out of this disgusting jail! Except for Josh, obviously. He already has the ancient necklace." Robert said. "Here you go sir!" The three golden mermaids said in unison, giving Robert his crown. "When did they-?" "I have no idea." Josh whispered, answering Ronal's unfinished question. Robert grabbed his golden crown and his golden and silver scepter with a feeling of belonging. "Let's go." King Robert proclaimed.

The five swam to the surface, and with the King's scepter, they all became human. Even Ronal, since he insisted on going due to his knowledge on medicine. "How are we supposed to hide Lydia's tail?" Ronal questioned. Everyone looked around for an answer until Josh spotted an orange beach towel that someone had left behind. "The towel!" Josh exclaimed. "You're a genius Josh! Let's just hope it's long enough." The King said. They wrapped Lydia in the slightly damp towel and 'tried' to look as inconspicuous as possible. They got a few questionable looks but nothing crazy, thankfully.

"Mom!" Josh called, opening the door to his house. "My baby boy! I was worried sick! Are you ok?" His mother worried. "Um, yeah I'm fine. Can we have a couple new visitors over?" Josh asked shakily. "Sure hon, but who?" Mrs.C questioned. "How about, Lydia, her parents, and a man named Ronal?" Josh said in one breath. "Um-" before Mrs.C could say a word, "Come on in guys! Hurry!" Josh rushed. Lydia was being carried by her father while everyone else trailed behind. They rushed her to the leather couch in the family room and set her down. "Mom, close all the windows!" Josh commanded. Mrs.C closed the windows and ran back to the scene. "What on earth happened?" Mrs.C worryingly asked. "Long story." Ronal simply answered. "Mom, could you get a spray bottle with water?" Josh asked, putting a pillow under her still wet head. "Sure sweetie." Mrs.C said, racing to the kitchen. She brought Josh the spray bottle and Ronal sprayed Lydia's tail, making sure she stayed wet.

"Ok, now that we are here, what do we do?" Josh questioned the others. "Well, now we have to figure out how to help her. There's nothing this scepter can do. You can't reverse what has been done by the scepter with the scepter itself. You have to do it some other way." Ronal explained. "So, there's nothing we can do?" Elizabeth worried, holding her daughter's hand. "Actually, there is! It's in the ancient book of mermaids but that book hasn't been seen for years." Ronal sighed. "Lydia has the book at her house! She told me about it." Josh exclaimed. "Did she say where it was?" Ronal jumped up at Josh's comment. "I think she said it was in a drawer or something." Josh pondered aloud. "I'll get it. I know where she lives." Ronal said as he ran to the door. Before he could open the door, the doorbell rang. "Who is that?" Mrs.C questioned, confused on why there would be someone at her front door right now. "It's a blonde haired man in a suit with a camera and a young lady with a high blonde pony tail and a skirt." Ronal described as best he could. Josh's heart stopped as he heard Ronal describing the people at the door. "Oh no. It's Lauren and her father!" Josh exclaimed in fear.  

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