Chapter 19: Not Now

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Lydia sat on the Ramone's backyard swing, looking at the beautiful twinkling lights that filled the night sky. Everyone had already gone to bed so it was calmingly quiet. Lydia swung back and forth, back and forth. Feeling the small gusts of wind every time the large swing swung forwards, for she will not be able to feel the crisp air again. She contemplated how life will be like when she heads back to the ocean where everything is the same again, except now she'll live in a castle. She can occasionally swim with dolphins or a large school of fish but nothing really exhilarating. In the ocean, all she could really do was swim around caves, brush her hair 50 times and count how many bubbles she can make by throwing a rock. On land however, she can dance, run, watch television, climb rocks, and much more she still hasn't discovered yet. Not to mention, she has Josh and his family. But she also has her newfound family in the ocean.

"Uuugghh" she groaned out of frustration. She had no idea what she wanted to do. "It's getting late; I should probably hit the hay, as humans say." She said, getting up from the floral patterned cushion that laid upon the wide swing. She walked into the dark house and saw a light coming from the kitchen. Being a curious mermaid, she tiptoed into the room. She heard water boiling and the sound of silverware being hit against a glass or cup. To her surprise, it was Ronal making, what looked liked tea.

"Ronal?" Lydia said in surprise and out of relief. "Why, hello Princess! What are you doing up so late?" The crippled man asked, fixing his reading glasses. "Thinking. What about you?" Lydia responded. "I'm making myself a cup of green tea. What are you thinking about so intently, your highness? " He smiled. "Ronal, you don't need to call me that." Lydia assured. "Pardon me Princess- I mean, Lydia. What is troubling you?" He reworded. Lydia sat at the distressed white table and explained her grief. "I don't know if I want to go back." She said bluntly. "I'm going to need a bit more detail miss." He said, sitting in front of Lydia. "I have my friends here and I can do so many more things on land." "And Josh?" Ronal interrupted. "Yes. He's here too." She said. Just the thought of life without Josh was sad and lonely. "But, in the ocean, I have a mom and dad, you, and my best friend Coral. Not to mention all the animals! Who will take care of the sick animals that everyone completely ignores?" She said, holding her head in her palms. "Ronal, I don't know what to do." She said with tears in her hazel green eyes. Ronal got up to comfort the poor girl. "Follow your heart sweetie. It should tell you. Why don't you talk to your parents? There must be an alternative." He said calmly. "You really think so? How about if they get mad at me? Maybe they'll think I don't want to be with them?" Lydia questioned. "Their understanding merfolk, I'm sure they can find a way to balance the two worlds. They know you love them and they love you." Ronal said, comforting the young girl. "I think I will talk with them. Thanks Ronal! You're the best!" She joyously said, giving Ronal a big hug. Ronal has always been like a grandfather to Lydia every since she was but a small merkid. He was always there to talk to and he gave the best advice. Ronal was her designated care taker when she wasn't in the castle with Titus. Robert ordered Ronal to keep an eye on his daughter, which he did. He kept his identity as secret as possible so that Titus wouldn't suspect anything. That's why he lived in the middle of nowhere. "You better go to bed Lydia or else you'll never want to wake up." Ronal joked. "Yeah, I probably should." She laughed. "Good night Ronal!" She chirped as she ran up the wooden staircase.

Josh stood at the edge of the familiar pier him and Lydia went to when they saw the City of Lights. He watched as every rain drop fell into the deep dark ocean. He blinked and saw Lydia's depressed eyes looking right at him. He reached out to hold her hand but she scarcely backed away. "Lydia, where are you going?" He desperately asked. "I can't stay Josh. I need to go home." She sadly said. "Don't go! I'll protect you, I'll take care of you!" He yelled. Lydia said nothing and splashed into the dark ocean where she would remain forever. Josh fell on his knees in despair and heartbreak. Everything was dark and gloomy. The waves laughed in victory for they have captured her and there was no escape. Funny how he could hear everything but it felt so quiet... until...


He lazily hit the snooze on his dreadfully annoying alarm clock and tried to go back to sleep. **BEEP, BEEP-" he hastily hit the button to make it completely stop. Josh sighed and sat up in his temporary bed, looking at the tear stains he left on the grey pillow. The Ramones graciously let everyone stay the night, knowing that they've had a very long day. He slept in the guest room, Lydia slept in the loft, his mother slept in the other extra room they had, and Lydia's parents slept in Caleb's room while Caleb and Ronal slept on the couch. "It's here." He dreadfully said. He knew that Lydia would have to go back home, but not so soon. Not now. Not right after his feelings have been realized for her. He wanted to hug her, kiss her, go everywhere with her. He could just picture them going to a carnival and seeing her bright smile, hearing her soulful laughter as he had his arm around her. But, he knew that could never happen. He thought of staying in his bed. Maybe, if he stayed in bed, the day wouldn't go on. "That would be nice." He thought to himself. He lazily got up and got into his clothes from yesterday. Caleb let him use one of his pajamas for the night. "Josh!" His best friend called from the other side of the wooden door. "Yeah! I'll be right there!" Josh called back. "Ok man! Just letting you know, my mom is making her famous waffles!" Caleb notified as he walked away. Josh LOVED Mrs.Ramone's waffles. She would make them almost every morning when he slept over.

Josh walked to the mirror to try to fix his messed up light brown hair then walked over to the door, anticipating the smell of the heavenly waffles. As he was about to open the door, he heard a familiar voice. "Don't worry Lydia, they won't be mad at you. They'll understand... right?" Josh caught Lydia saying to herself. He heard her walk down the stairs then he opened the door to that memorable smell.

"Here we go."

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