Chapter 28: Love Conquers

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Lydia yelped as she was being poked by a random man, that was probably in his late 60's. Security had to escort him out. "Once again, nobody touch the specimen! For looking and taking pictures of only!" A security guard yelled out to the crowd, which were still piling into the tent, barely leaving any room to breathe. " 'Specimen'. Is that all I am to them?" Lydia thought as her stomach churned at the harsh words. Lydia (tried) to float in her tank, which was failing to do so due to the tank being so small. All she could do was think. Think about Josh. She missed him so much, oh how much she wanted him to be there with her to make sure some crazy old guy or some obnoxious teenager don't touch her for the 5th time that night. But, she knew that that would be impossible.

"There's a mermaid in the ocean!!" She heard someone scream out, then watched everyone bolt out of the tent to the new discovery. "New mermaid? Oh no, did Coral come after me?!" Lydia pondered, lifting her head out of the water to try to see what everyone was talking about. Then, as though God heard her heart's cry, Josh and Ronal ran into the tent, closing it tightly so that no one could come in. "Josh!!" She cried joyously, almost falling out of the muggy water. He looked back and ran to her, cuffing her cheek as she said, "Who's in the ocean? Is it Coral?" Josh slightly chuckled and simply answered her with, "There's no one in the water, don't worry. It's all apart of the plan." He gave her a wink then lifted her up from her excuse of a tank.

She put her arms around his neck and he carried her bridal style, never wanting to let her go again. Lydia breathed in the familiar cologne and burried her face in his chest as she listened to his rapid heartbeat. "Young Josh, we need to get out of here NOW!" Ronal reminded, pushing him to the newly discovered back exit. They scurried to their destination, jumping from bush to bush, hiding behind trees, and running through the dark shadows that was cast by the vibrant moon. Josh heard everyone protesting behind him, yelling "Where is she?! I payed money for this!!" Then seeing Caleb sprinting away from the the angry mob.

They ran to the tiny pier, stopping at the very edge where the King had been waiting. "Lydia! Are you ok sweetie?" He asked her once she came into his field of vision. "Thankfully, I'm fine daddy." She said, stilling clutching to Josh for dear life. "Alright sir, now what?" Ronal asked, intently looking to the King for direction. "Do you remember how Titus became King?" "Yeah, he wiped the minds of the people of Pearlia." Lydia inferred. "Well, I can do the same thing with the humans. I can make them forget about ever seeing a mermaid." The King quickly said, lifting his sceptor to show where the power will be coming from. "That's a great idea, sir!" Ronal exclaimed, looking to Josh for a smile. But, instead of a smile, he got a startled look. "Does that mean, I won't remember Lydia?" He asked, looking at the brunette in his arms. The King's eyes became droopy with sorrow. "It's the only way." "But, if he sees me, then he'll remember again! Just like the citizens of Pearlia remembered you!" Lydia said, looking for the hope she needed. "Unfortunately, my dear, it works a bit differently with humans. The moment I erase their memories, they'll be lost forever."

As Lydia's eyes started to water, she heard people stampeding around the surrounding areas, in search for her. "There's no time to lose. Lydia, say your last goodbyes." Ronal urged, patting the mermaid's shoulder in comfort. She then looked at Josh. He was a bit hesitant, knowing this would be their last conversation. "Lydia, you are the best thing that could've happened to me. You turned my world upside down- in a good way! You turned my life around for the greater good. I wouldn't trade it for the world " He weeped with his eyes stained red. Lydia cried as she said, "Josh, you were the first boy I've ever fallen in love with. You are the sweetest and most amazing person ever in existence."

With her voice all shaky, she whispered in his ear, "Promise me something." Josh gave her a slow nod. "Promise me that you'll find someone who finds you as amazing as I know you are." The tears streamed down his face, "That's impossible." He responded, giving her a weak smile. "Lydia, if I ever get a second chance, I will drop everything I have and live with you in the ocean. We can be happy and raise a family. I promise to love you til the day I die. I promise to protect you and to take care of you with every inch of my being." He pressed his forehead against hers and gave her one, last sweet kiss. "I love you." Josh breathed. Lydia looked into his icy blue eyes, scanning his face to remember it forever. His shiny, light brown hair, his beautiful blue eyes, his chiseled face, and his comforting cologne. "I love you too."

He then slipped her into the warm water, reluctantly letting her go. "Thank you Josh. For everything." The King stated, raising his sceptor up in the air. He spun it and pointed it straight up, allowing it to do its job. They then quickly disappeared into the water, leaving a dazed Josh. "Come on, dear." The King said, putting an arm around his daughter. Lydia then felt she got slapped by this strong force that she couldn't explain. "I can't." She suddenly said, stopping abruptly. "What? Why?" Robert hesitated at his daughter's statement. "Because I love him. And, he loves me!" She exclaimed as she swam back to the surface. "Josh!" She called to him as he was walking off. She saw him stop, and stare at her blankly. "Lydia! He won't remember!" The King desperatly pleaded to her. "He will. He has to!" She answered, waiting for a response. The King gave her a sad look, knowing of the disapointment to come. Then, as though the impossible had happened, Josh went from a blank look to a growing smile.


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