Chapter 8: Breathe of Life

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Lydia transformed into her sparkly tail and immediately started to tug Josh into the water, until he halted. "Aren't you coming?" Lydia asked, puzzled by the sudden stop. "Lydi, you may be a mermaid that can breathe just fine under water but I am a human, that can only breathe oxygen. I can't hold my breath for that long. All the stores for snorkeling are closed, and sadly, I don't have an oxygen tank just lying around." He said, trying to keep himself afloat. He was right, how was she going to show him the most miraculous place in the world without him actually seeing it and experiencing it? She could just tell him all about it but it's not the same! This got Lydia thinking, "How is this going to work? There has to be a way! Wait, did he just call me Lydi?! No no no stop that brain! Find a solution! I'll worry about the nickname later." She yelled at herself, of course, not out loud.

"So?" Josh asked after the long standing silence. "Well there is this one thing, but it's fairly dangerous." "What is it?" He asked, very intrigued. She took a deep breath and answered, "It's called the breath of life. All it is is me breathing in my hands and putting them over your chest. Don't ask how it works but it does, it's a mermaid thing. You'll be able to breathe underwater for 10 minutes; we'll have more than enough time to get there, look around a bit, and head back. It's a bit of a time crunch but it can work. Though, I would have to pull you myself because I've heard that humans are incredibly slow." "First of all, I am NOT slow! I've been surfing for 5 years! Second of all, how is that dangerous? It sounds pretty harmless to me." Lydia rolled her eyes at his "not slow" comment and said "I don't know if it has any side effects. Plus, if you're under there for too long.... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something were to ever happen to you." Josh was touched by the kind words, he felt something warm and fuzzy in his heart but he quickly pushed it out, trying to ignore it. "I'm willing to take the risk. I'm the only human being that will able to see such a great wonder! I HAVE to do it." He insisted. Lydia's mouth was about to fall off, she looked at him with an "You are insane" look. "Are you sure??" She asked, making sure she heard correctly. "Yes, I'm sure." He responded, sounding quite certain of himself.

Lydia closed her eyes, remembering when she read how to do it in an ancient mermaid book she had found on one of her adventures. She cupped her hands over her mouth, inhaled deeply and exhaled the air into her hands. She swiftly, but gently, placed her hands over his chest. She quickly pulled her hand away and grabbed his hand. She brought him underwater and said "Try speaking!" Josh's eyes stung due to the salty water, then without knowing it, he just started speaking! "Ouch! Why does this water hurt so much?!" He then gasped after speaking for the first time underwater. "Whoa! Lydia, it worked!" He said very ecstatic. "Haha cool huh?" She chuckled, she's never seen him so enthusiastic about something. "Come on! We gotta go! We must not waste any time!" She shuffled. She grabbed his hand with a strong grip and dove deep into the dark blue. Though it was rather hard for Josh to breathe, due to the high water pressure, he still managed to maintain a safe breathing pattern. They swam by so many beautiful sea animals that lit up the ocean! Glowing jellyfish, a school of silver fish whose scales shone in the moons' light and a family of common dolphins. Josh was astounded; he never knew just how beautiful the ocean was.

"We're here!!" Lydia said excitingly. They swam through some abnormally tall seaweed to get to a slightly dim underwater cave. They swam through the cave filled with many different glistening colored gems on the walls and ceiling. Then, finally, they made it. "Josh, this is the City of Lights."

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