Chapter 22: Fond Memories

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"What do you mean you were in my place?" Lydia questioned, eyes widened. "I was a prince and your mother was a commoner. Not just any commoner, a human commoner. I've known her since childhood. One day, while she was walking out and about, she accidentally found the entrance to my secret cave. That cave was a place of rest for me, due to my busy life as the prince of Pearlia. Her parents owned a fishery that was coincidently right over it. The moment she found me, we became instant best friends. As we got older, I started to fall in love with her, and she with me. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. But, I couldn't. So, I went to Ronal one day and he turned me into a human through an ancient necklace." He said, pointing at the necklace Lydia had around her neck. "When your mother saw me, her face was priceless." He laughed, looking at his wife. She rolled her eyes, "He looked so cute." She said, winking at Lydia. "Anyway, I couldn't stay human forever because I had to return to the castle and complete my royal duties." Elizabeth stepped in and said "I love your father so much that I left everything and married him." "Wow!" Lydia exclaimed. "Yes she was a commoner, but as long as she was a mermaid we could still marry." "So it's one or the other?" Lydia said with sadness filling her heart. "I'm afraid so my dear." The King said, saddened that he couldn't give his daughter the desires of her heart.

"Robert, maybe she can balance them instead of choosing one." Queen Elizabeth suggested. "How do you suggest we do it?" Robert questioned. "With another necklace!" Elizabeth exclaimed. "Can Ronal make another one?" The King pondered aloud, liking this idea. "Let's ask him!" Lydia sprinted to get Ronal. "Got him!" Lydia said, dragging Ronal to the conversation, along with Josh. "Is everything alright your highness?" Ronal worryingly asked. "Yes Ronal, we just wanted to know if you can make another crystal necklace." The King stated. Ronal pondered for a moment. "I can certainly try sir. The ancient book of mermaids should say something about the necklace." Ronal said, reaching into his satchel, which he bought earlier that day, and took out the book and starting skimming through the crinkled pages. "Why would you need another necklace?" Josh asked, making his way into the conversation. "Because if Ronal can make another one, we can both enjoy both worlds! I'll spend some time here on land and when I need to, I'll go back to the ocean. The other necklace would be for you! You can become a merman whenever you want and you can visit me in the ocean when I'm not on land!" She exclaimed, telling him the brilliant idea. Josh's face lit up at the idea of being able to be with Lydia all the time. "Where do I sign up?" Josh joked, putting an arm around Lydia. "I think I can make it. It's going to take time but by the time summer is over, I should be done with it." Ronal said, reading the instructions for closer inspection. "Oh Ronal! Thank you!" Lydia exclaimed, giving Ronal a full on bear hug. "Haha, you're welcome princess." Ronal laughed, hugging the young mermaid.

"My dear, it's time to go." Her mother sadly said, seeing sadness filling her mother's hazel eyes. Lydia frowned at the statement but she knew that she'd be back in no time. "How long will you be gone?" Josh asked, hoping that it wouldn't be too long. "Until summer is over." Lydia said, disappointed that she wouldn't be able to be with him for 2 months. "Wait, I thought you were going to an out of state college Josh?" Mrs.Ramone chimed in. How long has she been there?? "I changed my mind. I decided to do online college instead. I'd be able to get a job and help my mom out." He replied. Caleb looked at his friend in awe. Never in the history of ever has Caleb heard his best friend say something so... sentimental and kind. "You did this." Caleb pointed his pointer finger at Lydia, smiling in gratitude. He gave Lydia a hug, saying his goodbyes. "Hopefully, when you come back, we can all go to the end of summer party." He winked. Lydia smiled at the idea of a summer party. It would be her very first party. "Good bye Mrs.Ramone, thank you for everything. If you were to ever need anything, please let me know. Oh, and thank your husband for me." The King thanked. "Will do!" Mrs.Ramone said, hugging the queen. "Bye hon!" Elizabeth said. "Bye!" She sentimentality said back.

"Thank you for taking care of my baby girl, Josh." The King said, bringing Josh into a warm embrace. "You're welcome sir." Josh squeezed out, crushed by the King's monstrous arms. He let go and gestured his hand to the beautiful brunette awaiting for her goodbye. Josh stepped closer then stopped right in front of her. "Lydia..." Josh started, "Before you leave, I wanted to thank you for showing me that life is so much better when I don't think of myself all the time. Thank you for always being kind to me, no matter how much I hurt you. You are the most selfless person I've ever met." He said as he embraced her. "I'll miss you." She whispered, melting into his arms. "Come on you two, just 2 months then you'll be back into each other's arms." Ronal stated. After a dozen more goodbyes and 5 kisses, they emerged into the warm water and began to swim to the Atlantic. "They'll be back soon." Mrs.Ramone comforted Josh, lightly patting his back. As he was about to walk home, he heard his name being called. He snapped his neck to the water to see Lydia waving her hand. "Lydia? What's wrong?" Josh worryingly asked, rushing to her. "Nothing. I just wanted to give you 2 things." She said as she gave him a cone shaped shell.

"What's this for?" Lydia looked at him like he was crazy. "A shellphone?" She said, tilting her head. "A what? Oh, wait... ah I get it." Josh said, comprehending the 'shellphone' in his hands. "It'll sound like the ocean when I call you." She explained. "The ocean??" He said, giving her a confused look. "I'll call you." She winked, about to swim away. "Didn't you say 2 things?" Josh questioned while crouched over. She raised her eye brow, pushed herself up from the water and gave Josh one last kiss. He smiled in the delight he felt in his heart.

As he felt her warm lips separate from his, he slowly opened his eyes... and she was gone.

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