Chapter 18: The Fight is On

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"You thought you and your mother can hide from us?" Lauren snickered, stepping closer to Josh, which was on the floor clutching his gut in pain. "Hahahaha, you poor unfortunate soul. Thinking that you could escape from the most powerful man in this valley." Lauren's father laughed, walking into the big house. "Help!" Josh yelped as loud as he could. "Silly boy!" Lauren sneered. She put his neck in between her high heel. They were so high that his neck fit perfectly. Josh trembled through his sweat as Lauren started turning her foot. If she kept turning her foot, it would crack his neck and initially kill him. "Nothing stands in the way of me and millions of dollars." She scolded.

As Lauren was about to fully twist her foot, "Josh!" Lydia gasped, running into the scene. "There you are, mermaid!" Mr. Jones said, making sure she couldn't get to Josh. "Come here gorgeous! If you surrender, we'll let him go and he can live. If you don't... he dies." He said dramatically. "Over my dead body." She assertively said, punching his face with all the force she could muster. "Ah! You little!" He screeched, holding his face in his palms. Lydia ran past the evil man and yelled, "Let go of him!!" She ran as fast as she could and without hesitation, she pounced right on top of Lauren. The two girls were on the floor, throwing punches and scratching as hard as two angry cats in a cat fight. Lauren grabbed a picture frame with a picture of a middle aged man with a little boy on his knee and tried to hit Lydia, which she skillfully dodged. The picture frame shattered into a thousand pieces as it hit the floor. Lydia then kicked Lauren in her side and the blonde Barbie fell to the floor with a thud. Lydia ran back to Josh to see if he was injured. "Josh! Are you ok?" Before Josh could answer, the parents that were up stairs came down to the mess in front of the door. "What on earth happened?!" Mrs.C questioned, looking around to see broken glass, Lauren passed out on the floor, and Mr. Jones helplessly rubbing his nose.

"Mrs.C!" Lydia called. She was so happy to see her! She hasn't seen her since that morning. Mr. Jones took this opportunity to grab Lydia while she was distracted. He held her waist tightly so that she couldn't escape, no matter how much she fought. He reached for his pocket knife, held it up to her neck and said "Stay back! Or else she will get it!" Caleb, Queen Elizabeth, King Robert, and Ronal all ran in to see what was going on. "Let go of my daughter!" The King demanded. "I said STAY BACK!! Listen here mermaid," he whispered, "Surrender, or else everyone in this room dies including you." Lydia could barely breathe due to the knife being so close to her neck. "Ok." She said, giving up. She didn't want to put everyone else in more danger than they already were, she had to. "Excellent." He smirked. He gripped her arm tightly and led her to the door and grabbed Lauren by her feet, dragging her across the floor. Before he left, he said "It was nice doing business with you, all of you." He then slammed the door as his 'grand exit'. "I'm going after her!" Josh said, sprinting to the door. "No, I shall go." The King stated, pushing Josh to the side.

He ran outside and before Mr. Jones left, the King used his scepter and flung the shiny red Ferrari before everyone got in. "Hey!" Mr. Jones yelled. King Robert then raised Jones into the air, making him drop Lydia, and brought the man to him. He then placed him on the ground and grabbed him with his big and strong hands, removing him from the ground once more, almost choking Mr. Jones. "Let make something VERY clear. You do not mess with my daughter. You do not grab my daughter or hurt MY daughter. You hurt or mess with her, you deal with me and I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that. Touch her or threaten our species again and I WILL destroy you." The King scolded. He dropped Mr. Jones on the cold hard concrete and Mr and Mrs.Ramone quickly grabbed him and brought him to jail, along with Lauren.

"Daddy!" Lydia cried, running into her father's arms. "No one messes with my princess." He said, hugging her tightly. "Lydia! Are you ok?" Everyone asked, running outside. "Yes, I'm fine." She reassured. She happily hugged everyone tightly. Then she got to Josh. "I'm so glad you're ok!" She said, running into Josh's arms. "I'm so glad YOU'RE ok!" Josh said in return, holding onto her securely. Lydia then looked into Josh's captivating icy blue eyes and their lips met once again. The kiss was full of relief and delight to be with each other once more. They separated and both slowly turned towards the creepy adults and teenage boy staring at them. "You can stop now." Josh said. "We won't be in your way." Elizabeth jokingly said. Josh and Lydia rolled their eyes and hung onto each other tight. "Well, we all better hit the hay. It's been a long day for all of us." Caleb inferred, rubbing his big brown eyes. "Good idea young Caleb! We all should rest our minds, we have a big day tomorrow!" Ronal suggested, following everyone inside. "Why is it a big day tomorrow?" Lydia asked, still having Josh's arm around her. "We're all going back to the ocean tomorrow dear." Ronal said, confused by Lydia's question. "Wait, what?!" Lydia asked, startled by Ronal's answer. "We're going back??" She thought to herself, she didn't want to leave!

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