Chapter 39

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Cally's pov

Minho, Newt, and Ezra busted out laughing, me on the other hand, buried my face in my hands to hide my embarrassment. 
     "You're kidding? Right?" Ezra asked Minho in disbelief, who shook his head.
     "No! Really, I'm not! She ordered me and Clint to hold the Shank down when she started burning the end of his arm!"
     "That poor guy didn't know what was happenin' to him," Newt added to the story while still laughing.
     Ezra looked over at me, big smile on his face, "you actually did that?"
     I crimped in a little, looking at him from between my fingers, "Umm, yeah, I did..."
     Ezra shook his head while laughing, "Ow my God, Callidora, mom would freak out when she hears that you assaulted a guy!"
     "I know!" I exclaimed, letting my hands fall down on the table. "But it worked! The Shank stopped bleeding."
     "Still, that's fucked up, sister. How did you get the idea anyway?"
     I bit down on my bottom lip, "you think I didn't learn anything from all those murder, si-fi and hospital shows I watched?"
     Ezra and I locked eyes and started laughing. "Let me guess, it was Lost, wasn't it?"
     "No," I answered without thinking, just not wanting to give him the satisfaction of guessing right on one try. "No... It was...." But then it hit me, it was Lost. "Okay fine! It was! But not just Lost, it's used in a bunch if shows."
     Ezra grinned at me, "Yeah? Name five."
     "You know what? Sure! Super Girl, The Walking Dead, Xena: Warrior Princess, The 100 and Lost. Need I go on?"
     Even though I answered his ridiculous question, Ezra still wasn't satisfied. "How do i even know you aren't pulling those answers out of your ass right now? I don't even remember that scene in Lost."
     I let out an annoying sign. "What do you- we watched it together! Remember? Charlie got wounded in the head by one of Danielle's traps, and Sayid puts the gunpowder on it before-"
     Ezra buried his face in his hands at the memory, just as he had when we had been watching it. "OW GOD! Yes! I was freaking out 'cause I didn't want to see that part."
     I laughed, "yes, I know! You hated the idea! But anyway, I didn'thave Gunpowder like Sayid did, but I remember the other shows using a hot blade... So I saw that Shank's hand lying on the ground and thought: 'why the heck not, I'm gonna try that shit!' Turned out pretty good if you ask me."
     "Of course you bloody think so," Newt said, "ya're the one who did it, I've heard Guz isn't happy 'bout it"
     "Ow, that Shank needs to deal with it," Minho chimed in. "Guz should be happy that he didn't bleed out."
     "Well, I get it. I won't be very grateful if I lost my hand to one of those motherfucking metal jerks." Ezra stated after he took a sip from his water.
     "Ez, if I hadn't missed you the past few months, I would hit you for swearing so much," there could have been a threat somewhere in that sentence, but the smile on my lips and the relieve in my voice erased it entirely.
     Ezra looked over at me, "That's truly heartwarming, sis." He said, sarcasm in his voice, "but honestly, I don't give a damn about what you think about my vocabulary."
     I laughed, shook my head, and looked up to the sky, "Ow, brother mine, you're a hopeless case."
     "Tsss, bitch," Ez mumbled.
     I slammed him on the back of the head, "jerk!" Then we looked at each other and busted out laughing again.
     It had been two weeks since Ezra had arrived in the Glade. The talk we had with Alby turned out to be a good idea after all. Sometimes when I remembered something new I would tell him. That just didn't happen often.
     The news that Ezra and I were twins spread like fire. In a few days the whole Glade knew about it. Of course they all thought I had seen it during the Changing, they didn't know anything about our past.
     Newt didn't need the crutches anymore. Unfortunately, his foot wasn't going to heal entirely. He walked with a limp now, making him not capable to be a Runner anymore. Instead of  running, he worked with the Track-hoes. I thought he would be sad, but he seemed a bit relieved that he couldn't go into the Maze anymore.
     Ezra had his own job now too. He was officially a Builder. Under the command of the Keeper Gally. I felt a bit sorry for my twin, Gally wasn't the easiest Keeper, but Ezra seemed to get along with him just fine. I guess it helped a little that Ez was my brother and Gally actually cared enough about my opinion not to make his life too much of a living hell.
     Minho and Ezra also got along just fine now. Since Ezra is my twin brother and we were together a lot, Minho had to get used to the fact he was there. After some time they even seemed friends some days, for example at days like this. The days where we after dinner, and most Gladers were already sound asleep, Newt, Minho, Ezra and I would still be awake and just talked. We mostly talking about things that had happened. Things from Ez and my past, things that had happened since I was in the Glade and things before my time there. Most of the stories would turn out embarrassing for one of us and today, it was me.
     "Okay, okay," Ezra started while he put his elbows on the table and pointed up with both his hands. "Have I ever told you guys what my beloved twin sister wanted to become when she was younger?"
     Newt and Minho shook their heads, curious to where this was going. but not me. My eyes widened in horror. "No! Ez you are so not telling them!"
     Ezra laughed and open his mouth, "when she was younger, Cally wan-"
     I slapped Ez on the back of his head, making him stop talking for a second. But then he just continued, "Cally wanted to become-"
     "NO!" I called out to him while I tried to put my hand on his mouth. I jumped up when he licked my hand, "EZRA! That's gross!" I groaned as I wiped my hand on his back.
     "LESBIAN!" Ezra called out, so I couldn't stop him anymore. More laughter from the guys surrounded me.
     "A lesbian?" Minho asked between laughs.
     I fell down on my seat beside my brother again and covered my face back in my hands. "I didn't know what it meant! Okay?" I pulled my hands down and looked at the small group of Gladers, "some kid at school said it, and I asked mom what it meant. She told me it was when two woman love each other, would live together and do fun things! So, I thought that it meant that you would live with a friend, watch movies, and play video games all the time! I didn't know that it was a sexual orientation!"
     The three guys kept laughing, "Oh, come on! It isn't even that funny!"
     When they didn't stop laughing, I decided to embarrass Ezra too, "Okay! But at least I didn't want to become a unicorn fairy princess who was also a pop-star!"
     Now Ezra punched me on the arm, "Cally! I was five!"
     "Yeah, so? If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me."
     "Ow, you want to play it that way? Well, I also know a thing or two, like when you started crying in Hot Topic when they played that emo song you always seem to be so over emotional about!"
     "It's called Welcome to the Black Parade, and MCR had just broken up! It was a really emotional time for me."
     "Yeah, sure, just like when you had finished playing The Last Guardian, and I found you crying in the living room."
     "Trico almost died while saving me from his own pack! They ripped off his tail!"
     Ezra laughed as he started to get to me. Newt and Minho didn't really understand what we were talking about anymore, but apparently, they still found it amusing.
     I rolled my eyes, "Ha, ha, ha. You guys just keep on laughing at my pain and embarrassment. It's so funny."
     I could have been talking to a wall and gotten more response, "Okay, you know what, guys?" I said while getting up. "I'm going to bed. You Shanks have fun gossiping about me."
     Now the three did look at me, "Okay sister, see ya tomorrow."
     "G'night, Cals!" Newt called after me.
     "Sweat dreams or whatever," Minho responded, still laughing.
     I looked down at Bark, who was following me to my room, "we really need another girl in here, Barky."


Newt's pov

Cally waved at us without looking back as she walked to the Homestead together with the dog. Did we go too far? Did we upset her that she leaves or is she really just tired?
     I got a hard swat on the back from Minho, who had started laughing again. I looked from Minho to Ezra, who didn't get it either.
     "What's so funny?" I asked Minho, who shook his head and made himself stop laughing. "It's nothing... it's just.... if you want me to believe you don't have a crush on her, you'll have to stop staring at the Shank like that."
     I sighed heavily, "that again? Can ya just let it go already?"
     "Wowowow," Ezra started, "you've got a crush on my sister?"
     "No, I don-"
     "Yes, he does!" Minho raised his voice to drown my words out.
     "I knew it!" Ezra said while slamming his fist on the table.
     "C'mon, guys, I really don't. Why a-"
     "He keeps denying it," Minho continued, "but he stares at her all the time and he-"
     "I don't stare at her!" I said through clenched jaws. "And I'm not denying anythin'  'cause there's nothing to deny! I don't have a crush on her."
     Minho laughed, "he's only saying that because she has a boyfriend."
     "Ow yeah, Felix," Ezra started, leaning back. The amusement now entirely gone.
     "What 'bout him?" I asked. A sharp pang went through my chest when he mentioned his name. It's been a while since Cally had told me about him, but I still thought about him more often than I liked to admit, the thoughts almost always accompanied with a bloody awful feeling.
     "I don't like him that much." I was ashamed to admit I liked hearing those words. "I know Cally is in love with him or something, but he's not good for her. Always doing what he wants and always managing to manipulate Cally into playing along, even if she didn't want to. Sure, he wasn't all bad- but he didn't make her happy. To be honest, I haven't seen her this happy in years."
     I frowned, "have ya ever tried talking to her 'bout it?"
     Ezra nodded, "yeah, she doesn't listen. So, Newt, if you want to ruin their relationship, I'm totally with you."
     "What?  I don't want to bloody ruin anythin'!"
     "Ow, com'n Newt! Her brother just gave you permission to get the shuck girl! Why still be so stubborn?"
     "Okay, ya know what, Minho." I glared at him,  my jaw clenched. "I'm not gonna mess with Cals's relationship just so you can win that buggin' bet."
     "It's not about the bet." Minho said.
     My glare intensified. "Yeah, sure, Minho. I'm bloody done with you two. I'm gonna follow Cally's example and go to sleep. You two should do the same if you want to have some energy tomorrow." Not needing any more of their nonsense, I made my way inside. 


Edited: 12/12/2020

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