Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Aditi's P.O.V

Ruth, Louis, Ryan, Aurora and Eric parked their cars first, got out and waited for Drake and I. Drake parked his bike next to them. Seriously, do I have the brains out of the two of us? Thinking creatively, I swerve my bike next to Drake's and people started murmuring and whispering to each other. "Muestre apagado!" (Show off!) Drake said as I took off my helmet and moved my hair from side to side. "Pero usted me ama para él!" (But you love me for it!) I said with a smirk. Eric looked at his watch, "Es 8:28, nosotros tiene algunos minutos a ir hasta la primera alarma." (It's 8:28, we've got a few minutes to go until first bell.) Eric said.

"Permaneceremos hacia fuera aquí para ahora. No quiero entrar allí apenas todavia." (We'll stay out here for now. I don't want to go in there just yet.) I said. The others nodded in an agreement. "What language are they speaking?" "Do they even speak English?" "They should just go, they're not wanted here!" We hear other pack members say. "Si tienen cualquier idea de quién seamos y eso nosotros pueden entenderlos, no estarían hablando en el momento!" (If they have any idea of who we are and that we can understand them, they wouldn't be talking at the moment!) I said, disgusted. They didn't even bother to lower their voices.

"Aditi, puede por favor I?!" (Aditi, please can I?!) Drake said. His hands clenched into fists at their words towards us. "No, dijimos que no causaríamos problema... Bien, ése es si no nos hacen preocupar! Entonces el conseijo del hombre lobo oirá de nosotros!" (No, we said that we wouldn't cause trouble... Well, that is if they don't cause us trouble! Then the Werewolf Council will be hearing from us!) I said putting my hand on his arm. "Argh, fino!" (Argh, fine!) He said.

The bell rang then. Everyone in the school yard headed for their first period. "Adelantado, déjenos consiguen nuestros horario." (Come on, let's get our schedules.) I said as I started heading for the main office and they followed. We walk up to the main office and up to the lady behind a desk. I cleared my throat and she jumped, startled. "Oh my goddess!" The lady said, her hand over her heart. "What can I get you children?" She said to us disgusted by our presence at her school. "We need our schedules!" I said and she grabbed a stack of papers. "Names?" She said.

"Drake and Aditi Silver." Drake said and she handed ours to us. "Ruth, Carlos and Raven Bell." "Eric and Ryan Sullivan." "Louis Grant." "And Aurora Faye." The others said after us and the lady handed them over their schedules. "Now you all will be with your own age groups. We know that you asked to stick together but the Werewolf Council has denied that request. If you have a problem with that then take it up with the council!" She said before getting up to leave. Rather quickly I might add.

Ryan and Louis growled loudly and she picked up her pace. "Easy guys. Ruth let's see your schedule?" I asked and she handed it over to me, "Drake? Ryan?" They handed over theirs over. I looked over the times.

1st period - English

2nd period - Science

Morning Tea

3rd period - Werewolf history

4th period - Art

5th period - Music


7th period - Wolf Training

8th period - Wolf Training

And that's only Mondays. The others are jumbled up, but at least that we're together. "You can calm down Louis, we've got Ruth with us in every lessen all throughout the week." I said and Louis loosened his hold on Ruth. I handed the tables back and asked for Aurora's, Carlos and Ravens. Theirs is the same as us, not with the classes, but with them being together. "You too Ryan. Their together and I really don't need to see your two schedules. Since the rest of us have all our classes together." I said.

Ryan and Louis still look uneasy. "You two will be fine!" I said and they nodded, very hesitantly, but they nodded. "Now let's get to class... Or we can skip our first two classes?" I said with a smirk and they smirked back. Taking that as a yes, we wondered around school until the bell rang for morning tea. We were ready at the cafeteria by that time so we decided to take a seat at the very back corner. It's smelled like nobody was sitting here anyway.

The pack wolves filed in and eyed us wearily. "Me prengunto su mirar fijamente en?" (I wonder what their staring at?) I said sarcastically, speaking in Spanish again. "Filthy rouges!" A blond haired girl said. I'm guessing she's a slut and whore because of the way she's dressed and has way to much make up on! "Fabuloso! Por supuesto hay una puta slutty aquí!" (Terrific! Of course there's a slutty whore here!) I said. "Receptor de papel qué usted esperó! Una escuela liber de la puta limpia?" (Well what did you expect! A clean whore free school?) Eric said.

"No dañaría!" (Wouldn't hurt!) I said sarcastically. "Did I hear them say slutty?" The blond asked her friend. "I think they did!" Her friend said and the blond stormed over to us, the others had curious and excited expressions on their faces. "Did you just say slutty?" The blond asked angrily. "That's for us to know and for you to never find out!" I said, surprising the whole room. The blond stumbled back until she tripped over a chair. The others and I burst out laughing. The blond got up and grabbed Raven by the neck and began to choke her.

I was up quick as lightning and tackled the blond to the ground. Raven went to Carlos and Ruth crying. Eric came up beside me while the others surrounded Raven. "Touch my family again and I swear, a tackle will be the least of your worries!" I growled. The other pack members looked surprised. "Ryder! Do something!" The blond screamed. I look around until I saw a very hot guy standing in front of us. Asta was screaming something at me. I didn't realise I shut her out.

'Sorry Asta, I didn't know that I shut you out. What is it?' I asked her. 'MATE!' Was all she said. I looked at this guy again and he was staring at me, love shinning in his eyes. "Ryder their rouges!" The blond screamed at my mate. So his name is Ryder... And an Alpha. Well that's just great. As soon as the blond said those words, Ryder snapped out of his trance and now hatred was shown in his eyes.

"There's noway I'm mated to a rouge!" Ryder said. Somehow, I know this would happen. I didn't even flinched at his words. "Aditi?" Eric asked beside me. The blond got up and ran to Ryder and hid behind him. "Mrs. Silver what is going on here?" A teacher asked. I looked to the teacher and growled lowly. Ryder growled back. "So your name is Aditi Silver. Well, I, Ryder Stone reject you, Aditi Silver, as my mate!" Ryder said.

Asta stilled a moment shocked at his words, then she started howling and whimpering. The others heard her thought mind link. Eric and Drake were furious to the point of shifting. They started growling, really loudly. "Bastantes individuos." (Enough guys.) I dead panned, lacing nothing into my voice. I'm NOT going to show him that I'm hurting. I turn back to Ryder. "And what would you do if I accepted that?" I said. "N-Nothing!" He stuttered. The others and I heard him, but the rest of his pack members didn't.

"Well then, I, Aditi Silver accept your rejection, Ryder Stone!" I said, lacing some hurt in my voice, only enough to let Ryder know. He looked shocked, then sad, then regretful. I turned back and walked towards Raven. Raven came running towards me, "Shh, it's okay! Do you want to go home?" I asked and she nodded. Eric took her from me and headed towards his car. Carlos followed growling at the blond as he went. "Carlos!" Ruth said and he stopped.

Ryder kept his eyes on me. The others followed Eric out, all that was left of us was Drake and I. "If anyone touches our family again we won't hesitate to kill!" Drake growled. Ryder didn't acknowledge him, but just stared at me. "Drake... Let's go!" I said looking at Drake. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the door, but I stopped. "If your wondering mate why I'm not breaking down crying or not showing so much pain... It's because of what I've seen and been through, this only scratches the surface of my pain!" I said looking back at Ryder.

He looked liked he was in pain, like I was feeling on the inside. He opened his mouth to say something but I went through the door and ran to my bike. "ADITI!" Drake called out from behind me. I heard him coming up behind me. When I got to my bike, I put my helmet on, turned on my bike, pulled out of the car park and raced home. I looked in my side view mirror to see Ryder, on the ground, hand over his heart, crying.

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