Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Aditi's P.O.V

Alright folks, I have a new book up, it's not apart of the Royal Chronicles, it's about dragon and mainly based on the Inheritance Cycle. For those who are either are an Eragon fan, dragon lovers or just simply like my books, I encouraged you to check it out. Please. It's called Taeugro's Dragon Lords.

"You've got to be joking!!" Louis, Eric, Ryan and Carlos scream while Ryder and Altan growled. "Sadly, I'm not." Alex replied. "When was this?" I asked tightly. "A few years ago...... Addy, even if we knew where you were, we wouldn't have handed you or Drake over to them!" He answered as I began to pace. "I know, I know..... Did the note say who it was from?" I asked. "It only had Ours written at the bottom of the paper in red writing.... We found out later it was actually blood they wrote with." Alex answered. "Ours?" Drake asked. "Why does that sound familiar?" I asked. "It's familiar to the whole Warrior clan, but none of us can think of where it came from!" Alex said frustrated.

Everyone was silent for a few minutes, until Drake noticed the parcel I still have in my hand. "Addy, what's that?" He asked. I handed it to him and said nothing. "She's mad." Aurora said. "Try furious!" I said tightly. Faolan came to us and started calming us. I stopped pacing, leaned against a wall and watched Drake as he watched me. "Calm?" He asked. "Calm." I replied. Drake nodded and opened the parcel, he immediately dropped it to the floor. "There noway it's them!!" He yelled, jumping up from his sit. "What!?!" I yelled and I walked over to the box and opening it. "Santa madre de...." (Holy mother of....) I said as I looked at the daggers. "They can't be...." I added when I picked one up. "The Daggers of Old!" Alex said. "Dagger of Old?" Amber asked. "As in Lightbane, Deaths bite, they have many names, but their one true name is-" "The Blades of the Black Firestorm." I cut Alex off. "They are said to be the blades of the Northern Royals." Casey explained when Atlan, Ryder, Amycate and Amber looked confused.

"Where the hell did these come from!!" Drake asked. "Miss Rose said from out of town.... I don't think she knew anymore than that." I said, looking at Drake. I look back at the daggers, there were twelve in the box, four for each high ranking wolf. Alpha, Beta and Delta. The blades were silver in colour, but not silver itself. There was a pattern of fire and a storm on each blades. The end of each blade had a jewel in the hilt. Each jewel matched the Northern Royals mark. Onyx for Alpha, mine. Crystal for the Beta, Drake's and Tigers eye for our Delta, Leo. Right now I was holding one of mine. Eric grabbed the box and looked at the postage stamp on it. "Who ever sent it, did a pretty good job in hiding where they sent it, they've sent to to about twenty different post offices and back tracking them would take to long." He said. "There's a letter too." I said, using the tip of the dagger to open it.

Dear young ones

I know who and what you are. These daggers were given to me by your ancestors themselves, I now give them to you. You are going to need them by the end of the year.

Use them wisely.

I handed the letter, or more of a note really to Drake. He looked at me like he's seen a ghost. "This isn't possible!" He croaked. "You tell me otherwise." I said and Drake ran a hand through his hair. "This can't be happening." He mumbled, starting to pace. "If this guy wanted us dead Drake, they wouldn't have given us the daggers." I told him gently. "This is getting ridiculous!" He said, like he didn't even hear me. "Drake?" Atlan said and I held up hand for her to stop, she did. "Drake, your a mindless troll!" I tested, he continued to pace. "Oh wow!" Aurora said. "What?" Casey asked her. "Usually he'll reply to that.... But..." She trailed off. I got out the triple zero keys and stepped front of Drake. "Go, run." I said, handing the keys to him. "I'm fin-" "No, your not, go, take a run. Now." I said gently and he took the keys, shutting the door behind him. "He was lost in thought wasn't he?" Ruth said. "The most lost I've seen in years." I replied.

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