Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kawasaki Ninja 300 motorbike --->

Aditi's P.O.V

After the movie, we decided to go to a pub. Which was a really bad idea. Since we're werewolves, you would think we can't get drunk easily because we burn it off faster than humans. Well, we're still trying to figure out how he does it, but Eric always manages to get drunk on an occasion. And now in the mourning, he has a small hungover. He had to stay over at our place last night. He couldn't find his feet. Literally.

Right now, Eric is sound a sleep on our couch. "WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!" I screamed in his ear and his fell off the couch, but after jumping 8 feet in the air. Drake managed to take a photo while he was in the air. We looked at each other, then at Eric. We burst out laughing. "What the hell is going on out here?!" Raven screamed coming down the hall. Drake pointed to the camera, still laughing. Raven picked up the camera and looked at Eric's photo. "What did you guys do to him?" She asked amused, passing the camera to Carlos.

"Oh nothing. Just screamed 'Wake up sleeping beauty!' In his ear!" I said once I calmed down, but as soon as I said that, I fly into another fit of laughter. "Ha ha, very funny." Eric said getting up from the floor. "You should have seen your face... It was priceless!" Drake said getting up. I got up as well. "How are you feeling?" Carlos asked Eric. "Well, I only have a little hungover. I think by the time we get to this bloody school it'll be gone, if not. Then they had better watch it!" He replied heading to our door and going to his room. I look at the clock, 7:30. School starts at 8:30. "Do we really have to go Addy?" Raven asked. "Unfortunately, yes!" I answered disgusted.

"Well, let's put on a show for them?!" Drake said, rubbing his hand together. "Tell brother." I said. "You know how have our own vehicles?" "Yeah?" I said and he gave me this knowing look and I finally got it. "Oh ho, brother eso es perfecto!" (That's perfect!) I said. "Sé." (I know.) He replied. Over the course of the years, we learned many languages, such as Spanish, what I use before, Italian, French, Japanese and Russian. We usually used Spanish since it was the first language we learned.

"Well let's get something to eat and get ready. I want this day over and done with already!" Carlos said. "Yes sir!" I said and I gave him a mocking solute. "Oh stop it... My Lady!" He said as he gave me bow. "Argh, fine! Just stop with that. Anyone else fine, but you guys, I hate it when you guys use formality with us!" I said. "We know but your reaction is always priceless!" Raven said. I role my eyes at them. "Drake, why don't you tell the others what we're doing today?" I say musingly. He smiled evilly and walked off to tell the others.

"And make sure they dress up for the occasion!" I yelled after him. Before the door closed, he gave me the thumbs up. I made breakfast for us then. By the time I was done, Drake came back in with a smug look on his face. "They love the idea!" He said as he eyed my food. "If you want some, come and get it. I'm not a waiter!" I said as he started drooling. 'Sometimes.. I think boys have no brains!' I said to Asta and Raven through our mind link. They both chuckled at me. Carlos and now a... What I think is a... You know what, I don't know what to call Drake now. I'm just going to guess... I think he looks like a drooling pug with its tongue just brushing the floor and has owl eyes.

"Seriously!" I said while staying at Drake. Carlos looked at Drake, then turned back to us. "What's with him?" He asked, pointing at Drake. I heard the door open from the other side of the hall outside. I got out my iPhone and got my camera ready. Our door burst open and Drake jumped so high he hit his head on the ceiling. I took so many photos, I could put it into a sideshow and it'll be perfect.

I couldn't stop laughing, neither can Carlos or Raven. "We smelled food?" Ruth said, looking at us like we've done mad. Then she looked to Drake, then the ceiling, then back. "That explains it." She dead panned, making Carlos, Raven and I fly into another fit. "Okay, okay you can stop laughing now!" Drake groaned out. "You guys eat. I'm going to get ready." I said evilly. As I walk into my room. I felt Asta shift through my memories for some sexy, but not too slutty, clothes. 'These ones!' She said. She showed me my black leather leggings, also my matching black leather jacket and my sexy white shirt with wrist length lace sleeves. Also with my black 2 inch leather knee high boots. I left my wavy hair as it is after I brushed it. I then, put some eye liner and massacrer on.

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