Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ryder's P.O.V

It's been 3 days since I last saw my mate. During those 3 days I tried to get what she said out of my head. It's been haunting me during the days and at night. I've been avoiding my so called Father for the pass 3 days. He thinks I'll get over it and choose someone from my pack or he will choose one for me... Which I'm not letting happen, not in a million years. I don't won't to hurt my mate anymore than I already have.

I went to the secretary the day after I-I r-rejected.... My mate and got the names of her friends. I don't know what made me do it, but I felt like I needed to know who she was with. It made Damon uncomfortable having 3 un-mated males with her. Even when one of them is her brother, it still made Damon uncomfortable.

"You alright Ryder?" Casey asked as he walked in my room. According to him, Alan and Atlanta, I've become a lot more aggressive and harsh in my moods and a lot more distance as well. Even Mum mentioned it a few times. "Take a guess!" I snapped at him. Casey flinched at my tone and stumbled back a bit. "I'll take that as a no then." He said. "Good guess." I said bitterly.

"Look, um, did you get the names of your mate's friends?" Casey asked nervously. I slightly turned my head towards him so I can see him a little. "Yeah, I did." I dead panned, making my thoughts go back to my mate and Damon howled for her. All I can remember of her is her face. I wish I took the opportunity to take a really good look at her and remember everything about her.

"And?" He pressed for an answer. "Why do you want to know? You don't know her!" I yelled at him and he backed into the corner of my room as I stalked toward him. "T-That's t-the t-thing! I-I t-think I-I d-do k-know t-them." Casey stuttered. I stopped instantly. "What?!" I asked surprised. "I-I think I-I might know them." Casey stuttered a bit more calmly now. "How do you think you know them?" I asked, curious now.

"I think I know them from my old pack." He said. Casey was found wondering our territory at the age of 12. He old us that he was kicked out of the pack so we took him in. "I thought that your old pack kicked you out?" I asked, confused now. "Bullshit!" He said, angry now. "Watch it Casey!" I said and he backed down a bit.

"My old pack didn't kick me out, more like betray us!" Casey said bitterly. Betrayed? "What!" I managed to say. "Our old Beta, he turned the pack on the Alpha and Luna. Aditi and Drakes parents. There was only a handful of us left as a pack. My parents, the Sullivan's, the Bell's and the Grant's. I got split off from the others. My Dad told me to run so I did. I didn't know where the others where so I just kept running, hoping to find them along the way... But I turned back to the pack house for a second... To see it set a blaze and I heard screams coming from it!" He paused.

"I didn't believe that the others made it out... But seeing them 3 days ago.... I didn't believe it at first..... I....." He continued, but stopped as he slide down my wall and sat on the floor. "You what?" I asked. "I really thought that.... That they died in the fire.... Along with my little sister." He said, voice breaking. I stood shocked, then really pissed off. "Your saying that your old packs Beta betrayed their Alpha!" I said angrily. "Yes." Casey said weakly. Damon was ragging in anger. "I just wanted to make sure it is them." Casey added quietly.

"Ryder... You need to calm down." Alan said from my door with Atlanta behind him. "Close the damn door!" I said through gritted teeth. Alan and Atlan walked in and close the door behind them. "What's got you like thi-" Atlanta started to asked, but stopped when she saw Casey on my floor, close to tears. "Casey? What are you doing in here? You alright?" She asked instead. "What happened in here?" Alan asked.

Casey told them what happened, since I was close to shifting. By the time he finished, I calmed down enough to talk properly. "Ryder I need those names!" Casey said desperately, getting up from the floor. "Yeah, sure. There was Eric and Ryan Sullivan, Ruth, Raven and Carlos Bell, Louis Grant and Aurora Faye." I said. Casey stared at me for a long while. "What?" I asked. "Who was the last person you said!" He asked. "Aurora Faye. Wh-" I cut myself off, just realising that Casey had the same last name as Aurora. "Aurora is your sister, isn't she?" Alan asked. He and Atlan picked it up too. Casey nodded grimly. "She's alive... Their all alive!" He said weakly.

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