Carelessly forgotten

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Y/N POV: (Sister)

It's the 2nd of December which means it has officially been 14 years since I've been on this cruel world.

People only recognise me for being Demi's younger sister. No one cares that I have my own hobbies that some people seem to enjoy.

At school, all people do is look at my wrists and body to see if I'm just like her.

Now, I've always been insecure about my body because I'm not one of the thinnest girls out there, quite frankly, I weigh more than Demi but I'm also taller. I like to call myself curvy as I have a flat stomach but big thighs and ass. No boobs though unfortunately.

Anyways. Today isn't one of the best days because everyone is busy and I'm home alone, getting birthday wishes from everyone but my family.

My family and I have a good relationship honestly. We always care for one another and it's unusual for us to have arguments but lately I've just distanced myself from everyone.

With time passing, I just feel more sad, for no reason honestly.

Maybe it's because my friends are currently being snakes or maybe that it seems as if I'm Everyone's second choice? I don't know, I've just been making all these excuses on why I'm this upset but that just makes me even more depressed.

Y'all probably know my sister Demi. Obviously you do. She's coming home soon, today or tomorrow, I don't know, don't care either. All I care about is that she's coming because I do miss her.

Demi and I are really close. Yeah, I know I said it sucks that I'm only known as 'Demi's little sister' but that doesn't mean I don't like her as a person.

I trust her with my whole life, I'd do anything to make her proud and happy.

"Honeys I'm home!" I hear a female voice, followed by; "where is everyone?"

I slowly get off of my bed and dry my tears without looking in the mirror, then proceed to walk downstairs.

"Dems?" I ask confused as I see the back of Demi probably because if it's not Demi, then my house has just been broken into.

"Y/n/N I've missed you so much baby girl!" She exclaims before jumping onto me. I lift her up as her legs wrap around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"I've missed you too DemDems!" I loudly whisper in her ear as tears start to flow down my cheeks yet again.

After about 5 minutes, she jumps off of me and looks at my face with a huge smile but it instantly disappears.

"What's wrong baby?" She asks then cups my cheeks with her hands.

"N-nothing, I just missed you." I lamely lie.

"I've been away for longer than this and you've never cried before at my arrival." She says confused.


"You know you can tell me anything." She reminds me softly and gently takes my hand in her own to walk me over to the couch.

"I know." I look down and fiddle with the sleeve of my jumper before wiping my nose.

"Then what's going on, I know something is bugging you." She pulls me closer to her so I'm laying in between her legs with my head on the side of her neck whilst her lips move against the side of my forehead, strangely calming me.

"I'm just sad." I mumble.

"Why are you sad?"

"I don't know. I feel disappointed but I don't know why and just really alone." I say but admitting that out loud just made the lump in my throat grow more uncomfortable which led me to let out a sob.

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