What I need

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Imagine you and Demi are both in high school.

Y/N POV: (Best Friend)

Something was up. I don't know what it was but I could see it in her eyes.

She didn't mouth something stupid to me across the class, she didn't throw some paper with ridiculous messages inside of it. She didn't really do anything.

She sat there, head in her hands, completely still.

People kept snickering at her, giving her side eyes but she didn't even realise.

It's as if she was dead.

"Demetria, please look up." The teacher says but she ignores him.

"No, no, no sir, her name is Gaymetria." Some undeveloped kid snickers in the back with a gang of his friends.

It's as if someone stabbed her. She shot up, grabbed her bag and ran out with her hand on her mouth, tears already falling down her flawless skin.

"Sir, May I please follow her?" I politely ask, grabbing my things in the process, not really caring about his opinion.

"Oh look, her lover is gonna' save her." The same boy sarcastically gushes.

"Fuck you." I throw my notebook at him and run out.

I follow the loud sobs and end up in the girl's bathroom.

Only one stall is taken.


"Dem Dems?" I softly knock on the cubical door, feeling my heart shatter at every sobs her body lets out.

"G- Go away!" She lets out a scream.

I move away from the door, pretending to leave. Maybe she needs some time alone but I sure as hell won't give her that. I'll let her think it but I ain't going anywhere.

"I know you're s- still here Y/N so just fucking LEAVE!" She yells, opening the stall, looking as if she cried her whole life and more. I've never seen her so devastated.

Her eyes red, black smeared on her cheeks meaning she wore makeup today. Why did she wear makeup? She never does, unless it's a special occasion.

"Look, I know you're here just to make fun of me for-"

"What? Why would you think I'd make fun of you?! I'm here because you worried me sick! What's going on? What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" I ask, quickly moving closer to her, pulling her out of the toilet so I could give her a hug but she pushes me away.

"You need to go." She whispers, looking down.

I look back at where she was stood and saw a bottle of pills on the lid of the toilet.

"What are those?" I ask, completely ignoring her request but pointing at the orange bottle.

"None of your fucking business, now leave!" She yells.

I know not to take her personally when she's really upset or mad because she says things she doesn't mean.

"Why?" I ask, already assuming what those pills are for.

"Because I want you too." She groans, the tears never stopping from flowing.

"Well, I don't want you to kill yourself so, I'm gonna' have to annoy you for a little longer." I say, emotionless.

"W- what?" She finally doesn't look so angry but, exposed, scared even.

"I'm not stupid, now, you either tell me what's going on or I tell your mum what just happened and she'll be heartbroken." I threaten.

"N- no, you c- can't tell her!" She pleads, getting closer to me, holding both of my hands in hers.

"What's going on D?" I sadly ask, tears building up in my eyes.

"T- they found out." She squeezes her eyes shut, biting down on her bottom lip.

"They found out what?" I push.

"That I'm g- gay." She puts her head on my shoulder and cries her heart out.

She's gay.


Love is love, I still don't get it.

"You know I'll love you no matter what." I sooth, rubbing her back.

"But you don't love me the way I love y- you." She whispers and we both freeze.

"Huh?" I pull away, looking her in the eyes.

"I was gonna' put a l- letter in your locker t- to tell you but t- the boys ripped it out of my h- hand and made fun of it. I- I'm so sorry." She sobs into her hands. "I never wanted to ruin t- the friendship we had but as always, I have to ruin e- everything, everything is alway my faul-"

I smash my lips against hers, running my fingers through her hair, my other hand caressing her cheek.

"That's not true." I whisper, catching my breath. "You didn't ruin a thing." I assure.

Hell, you just made everything better.


Short one but whatevs. I'm hungry.

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