Miss Anonymous

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Y/N is 28 years old.

Y/N's POV: (Sister)

My whole family is known for something.

Demi: singing, acting; being everything everyone wants to be.

Dallas: acting, teaching; being crazy and creative.

Maddie: writing, producing; being mature as fuck.


I kill.


I'm the most wanted in Texas.

No one knows that though.

They call me Miss. A, or Miss Anonymous.

I, unlike my other siblings, was very close to my biological father, Patrick.

So close that I lived with him and not my mother.

That's why I'm not very close with them now.

I visit them from time to time but no connection is shared between us.

Which makes my job easier.

'Victim: Demetria Devonne Lovato

Born: 20/08/1992

Reason: Money.'


You'd think being a multi-millionaire you wouldn't have issues like that.

Silly bitch.

I chuck the folder in the bin before getting my bag ready.

Guns, knifes, bats, ropes, tapes- you name it and I've got it.

I call the number I was given; "I'm on my way now." I say to the phone.

"Good. Kill her slowly. The bitch made me broke." I raspy voice growls.

"Yes Sir." I confirm.

"Send me a picture after you've done it."

"Sorry but that not possible, it's too risky and I'm not about to have that get leaked." I explain.

"Smart. Just do it but call me so I can hear her screams."

"That's arrangeable." I shrug.


"Bye." I roll my eyes.


"Oh hey Y/N, I wasn't expecting you here, what's up?" Her fake smile shows how much she doesn't want me here.

"You know, I just came by to catch up." I explain, laughing sightly.

I invite myself in, looking around.

"Anything to eat or drink?" She asks politely.

"I could have something to eat." I lie. "Ooh! How about I do my magical sandwiches for us?" I suggest.

"Go for it, the kitchen is yours." She chuckles.

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