Beautiful thing

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Y/N: (15 y/o sister)


Today is 6 years of Demi's sobriety.

To say I'm fucking proud would be an understatement.

She's been through so many struggles and temptations but now she doesn't even think about drugs or alcohol.

No matter what she says, I think she always gave things to the world. She said that her fans saved her but when someone tells her she saved them, she says that they saved themselves.

She had the choice of being a shit, alcoholic sister, a victim of addictions or a survivor. She could of just recovered and kept it to herself, not show the vulnerable side of her to the world but she's bold enough to get out on a stage, in front of thousands of people and say she made it, she did things unimaginable but, she made it.

Now, call me cheesy or whatever but she is my role model.

I don't give a shit what I go through but I want to have the big heart and a great mind like she does.

She's simply selfless and I don't know how she does it.

Our whole family decided to surprise Demi on her concert tonight.

Because she has helped me through so much, been there when I cried my eyes out, cursed people out who were bullying me, I decided to write her a song.

I know it may sound basic but I poured my whole soul and heart into it.

So many sleepless nights I spent- just to make sure everything sounds perfect.

She deserves everything good and better.

Currently, Demi is performing 'Échame La Culpa' but her next song is 'Warrior' and I know she'll do a little speech which I'll rudely interrupt.

"You'll do great baby girl." My Mum whispers in my ear, frightening me as I stare out at the thousands of people in the crowd.

"T- thanks." I shakily smile before taking some deep breaths.

It's for Demi.

Do it for Demi.

"Okay, now, I'd like to get serious for a moment." That was my cue to go on.

"Good luck!" My Mum winks at me as I stand on the little elevator that raises me up on to the stage.

Everyone screams and some chant my name making me smile and have butterflies of nervousness in my stomach.

"Hey Demi." I say causally, making my way over to her and the piano.

"What are you doing?" She giggles but I can tell she's confused and maybe even slightly panicked.

I decide to ignore her and look out at the audience. "I know y'all are probably thinking; 'get the fuck off of the stage' or 'who is that bitch?', well, I'm Y/N, Demi's little sister and today is a very special day because Demi is officially 6 years sober!" I praise making everyone cheer and clap.

"What is happening." I hear Demi mumble and look down at Kelsey who was recording us, smiling.

"Demi, I just want you to know that you inspire me to be a better version of myself and we're always there for each other. I wouldn't change out relationship for the world because as cheesy or 'gay' as it sounds, you're my best friend and I know I wouldn't be the happy, chirpy me without you, so I hope you don't mind but I have something for you." I shyly smile and sit next to her, in front of the piano.

"What are you doing?" She says through her teeth as she smiles so that no one else can tell she's talking.

"I love you." I simply state before getting the microphone on the little stand and adjust it. "I'd like to dedicate this song to my beautiful sister; Demi." I blush and give her a toothless smile as everyone calms down.


You can do this.

"You think that you know my heart
And you probably do
So I'm always with you
I could stay with you for hours
In an empty room
And never get bored
Never have nothing to do

You're my other half
You're what makes me me
What makes me smile
When I fall down and can't get back, get back, get back up
On my feet

Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
It makes me myself
Makes me funny, you're a beautiful thing

We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
We find the rainbow
Up in the sky
You'd say don't you cry, it's all gonna be alright

If we ever gone through a fight oh that would be bad
'Cause you know all of my secrets
But I know all of yours

We make hours turn into seconds together
The weight of the world feel like a feather
'Cause we're holding it right in our hands

You're my other half
You're what makes me me
What makes me smile
When I fall down and can't get back up, get back, get back up
On my feet

Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
It makes me myself
Makes me funny

You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low

You and me
Together, we'll forget what we have been told
We'll live in our own dream world
You and me, forever
We'll forget what we have been told
We will take on the whole world

Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
It makes me myself, it makes me funny
You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low

And that's a beautiful thing."

I don't even get the chance to look at her because she throws her arms around me and sobs into my shoulder.

"T- thank you, so fucking much! That w- was incredible! I'm so proud of y- you." I pull away from her and wipe her tears before pecking her cheek.

"No, I'm proud of you. Look how far you've come, how strong you've become. Without you, none of this would be happening so tonight is all about you. I love you, my beautiful thing."


You MUST listen to that song, it's fucking amazing!

Sorry it's a rubbish imagine, I wrote it really quickly and had no idea what to write so this came out🤷🏼‍♀️.

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