Beholden truth

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[You and Demi are room mates in College]


You know that feeling when you have a lump in your throat and you want to cry but no tears come out? You just feel trapped inside your own mind, slowly going insane?

I've felt that way for months now.

It's like I'm holding my breath, I'm drowning myself when I don't have to but I'm scared to face reality.

I'm falling for my best friend.

And I'm falling fast.

The worst part is is that my best friend is a girl.

A beautiful girl- fuck that, let me rephrase myself; a beautiful woman who doesn't know I'm as straight as a roundabout.

Her and I had millions of conversation considering our sexualities, she wasn't scared or nervous about telling me that she doesn't mind the gender but personality.

So why was I a fucking idiot and said that I don't know when I obviously fucking do?

I mean, I know she won't judge me, she'd actually be proud of me for coming out. I just don't understand myself sometimes.

Like I said before, I'm willingly drowning myself.

"You coming to Bryce's party?" An angelic voice interrupts my little pity party, making me furiously try to get rid of the tears that flow down my less than average face.

"Uhm- n- no. I don't feel w- well." Maybe she'll buy that? What am I saying? It's Demi. She watches crime shows for a living. No way in Hell would she let me lie to her.

"What's wrong?" Her concern voice nears me so I pull my bed covers over my head, trying to hide my blotchy face from her.

"N- nothi-"

"Don't you dare even finish that." She warns sternly making me shut up instantly and sniffle a little. "Why are you crying babe?" She attempts to pull the covers down but I don't let her. "Let me see you Y/n/N." Her soft tone makes me melt. I hesitantly reveal my face and look into her chocolate brown eyes, seeing worry and concern.

"Just go t- to the party, I'll be f- fine." I choke out, feeling more tears coming.

How pathetic of me to be crying about something that is my fault.

Nothing even triggered it.

Nothing even happened, something might but nothing has, not yet.

I was just laying in bed and thinking; then BAM, I'm crying hysterically over my horrendous life.

I can be more dramatic, don't try me.

"Like Hell I'm gonna' leave you here crying all alone. I wasn't even going to go in the first place. Tryin' to stop all the alcohol and drugs but focus on school stuff." She shrugs. "But what happened? Did someone hurt you? Did someone die? What's going on?" She rapidly asks, brushing my hair with her fingers.

"I was just thinking and got myself worked up." I shrug, sitting up, leaning against the wall. She shuffles and sits besides me, pulling me head to her chest.

"What were you thinking about?" She asks gently, still playing with my hair.

"D- don't worry." I stutter.

"Too late. Look, if you tell me, you might actually feel better for getting it off of your chest." She advices.

"But what I was thinking about could possibly- well actually, it will change everything." I sigh.

Just grow a pair and tell her.

"Everything as in..."

"What people think of me, what you think of me, our friendship, it could ruin it all." I whisper, feeling anxiety rise within me just thinking about loosing Demi.

"I'm sure there is a positive to it. There's always a positive." She comforts.

I guess.

The positive would be she says she loves me too and we live happily ever after but when does that actually happen?

"Just tell me, Y/N. I promise it won't change a single thing about what I think of you. You'll always be the same, kind, selfless, beautiful you to me." She smiles making me tear up.

God, I beg it's true.

"Should I just say? Like bluntly? Or- fuck it, I'm saying it.... I like you. As in; I like like you." I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to disappear.

I feel her shuffle next to me, soon she no longer is next to me.

My heart broke.

She left.

She hates me.


I lost her.

I gasp when I pair of lips lands on mine.

"I like like you too."


This is really short and I'm not proud of it but it was a great request!

If anyone has any requests, do voice them as I'm literally out of it all.

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