Where are they?

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Y/N's POV: (Sister)

Mum and I have been giggly and immature for the last three hours, playing the game of; "I'll never tell!" When asked why.

You see, Demi hasn't been able to spend too much time with us due to being on tour 24/7. She FaceTimes me, sometimes crying, saying she misses her cuddle buddy.

Whenever Demi and I are under the same roof, we sleep together. She loves to cuddle and when I was younger, she'd basically force me to stay in her arms and I guess I just adapted to it.

But I've missed her a lot, although I'll never say it out loud.

"Demi's coming, She keeps asking where you guys are." Kelsey comes into the tour bus chuckling as she sees mum's and I's suitcases right in the middle of the bus.

"Bye! Love you! I love you!" I hear my older sister's voice shout from the entrance door, her head looking at the crowd of people who chant her name.

Mum and I stare at her in anticipation, barely being able to wait to share our news with her.

"Oh hi! I was like; 'Where the fuck did they go?'." Demi comes over to us, grinning as Mum pulled her in to peck her face.

"Oh, we just wanted to get out of the way." Mum waved her off as she sat down. "Oh, and don't mind these." She points to our suitcases as Demi looks at them in confusion for a seconds because a face eating grin covers her lips.

"Oh, you're staying?!" Demi exclaims as we both eagerly nod. "Oh good! Aww! Good!" She wraps her arms around the both of us and we giggle.

"Surprise!" I chuckle, pulling away.

"Yeah." Mum looks between Demi and I, just smiling for no reason.

"How long are you staying for?" Demi asks, scratching her head.

"4 weeks." Mum confirms as I fiddle with my fingers.

"4 weeks with my cuddle buddy!? I must be dreaming." Demi exaggerated as I chuckle.

"I know right! My schedule is pretty tight so feel special." I act, making my mother and sister burst out laughing.

"Yeah right." Mum says, slapping my knee in a joking manner. I pretend to act offended at their correct assumptions of my loneliness.

"Excuse me?" I feign hurt.

"Oh please." Demi giggles. I finally break and laugh at our weird behaviour. "Aww! I'm so happy." She sighs in content.

"I missed you." I pout.

"Aww! Did my wittle cuddle-bear miss hew Demi-bear?" Demi coos, standing up and sitting back down but next to me, pinching both of my cheeks before kissing my whole face.

"Stop! It tickles!" I squirm and laugh, everyone around us chuckling at our behaviour.

"I missed my little cuddle-bear!" She pouts like a child.

"And I missed my Demi-Bear." I admit as she squeal.

"I missed you calling me that." She sighs, pulling my head into her chest, kissing my forehead. The both of us lay down even more then I hear Mum kissing Demi's head.

Demi brushes her fingers through my hair, tucking a strand behind my ear.

"I love you baby-bear." She whispers.

"I love you too Demi-bear."


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Really short but really cute 😉.

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