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Y/N's POV: (Sisters)

I must admit, my life has changed a little ever since people found out.

And by people, I mean my closest family.

They make sure I eat three meals a day at least and that I don't use the restroom straight away after eating a meal but if I do, someone must come with me.

It hasn't been the easiest but things seem to be finally looking up.

It's crazy thinking that a few months ago I would not speak to a soul about anything going on with me but now, having heart to heart chats with someone who understands is possibly one the most relieving things to me.

I finally feel understood.

Although when I was seriously bad, Demi had to keep a little distance due to her own struggles but now our relationship is better than ever.

If she's struggling, she knows she can talk to me and we'd share our little stories, how bad things were and how we overcame them.

Same goes for me, I know I can always talk to her about anything.

Anyway, today, Demi and I are going out shopping. We usually shop online but the both of us had the need to just walk around, chat about God knows what and have a good day out.

"You ready Y/n/N?" Demi asks near the exit door.

"Yep, comin'!" I yell, quickly spraying myself with some perfume before joining my older sister.

"Lets go!" She cheers.

On our drive to the mall, we sang, or shouted along to the songs, messing about and laughing.

That's what I love about hanging out with Demi.

I don't have to worry about her judging me or making me feel uncomfortable by throwing small comments to embarrass me. I could literally fart and we'd just laugh it off.

"Oh for fuck sake." She mumbled, noticing paparazzi getting out their cars and already surrounding our car.

"Just run through them." I suggest, giggling a little.

"Easy to say, hard to do." She snorts. "Okay, as soon as we get out, hold my hand, okay?" She looks at me in a motherly way making me crack up.

"Yes Ma'm!" I salute her making the both of us laugh.

"Alright; get out on three. One... two... THREE." I quickly leave the car and slam the door shut making her glare at me.

I rush over to her side and she squeezes my hand tightly, breathing heavily. I squeeze her hand back reassuringly and we begin to walk through the crowd of paparazzi.

"Demi! Look over here, Demi!"

"Y/N, smile!"

"Do you miss Wilmer?"

"Demi, I'm a big fan, who's Ruin the Friendship about?"

"Y/N, did you gain some weight?" I instantly tense at the comment as Demi glared at the men before us.

"Oh, Demi, do that again."

You see, when paparazzi catches something that's out of the ordinary or something they can make more money out of, they take the opportunity.

"Yeah, Y/N, you're getting chubby!" One yelled and my whole care free mood just vanished.

"Shut the fuck up, immature, twelve year old Fuck!" Demi cursed, instantly picking me up and hid my face in her neck. "Don't listen to them baby girl, they just said that to get my reaction, they're lying. You're beautiful baby girl." She pecks my cheek and begins to jog to the entry of the mall, knowing the paparazzi can't get in there.

I attempt to swallow my tears back but it's no use.

I mean, I know what she's saying is true but I can't help the fact that those comments hurt.

"Don't cry, please don't cry sweet girl, you'll make me cry." Demi whispers.

"I'm sorry." I whimper, snuggling deeper into her.

"No, no, no, don't apologise." She coos. When we finally make it inside the mall, she goes to the disabled toilets so there's no one else there and sits me on the sink. "Come on, breath with me, in and out baby girl." She instructs, pulling my hand on top of her chest.

As I finally begin to calm down, she stares at me with sad eyes.

"Why are they so mean, DemDems?" I ask quietly, feeling extremely vulnerable.

"You know they just want a reaction, pretty girl. Don't you ever listen to anything mean they have to say. You are so beautiful, so smart and talented, you know I wouldn't be where I am today without you, cutie pie. You're worth so much more than their nasty words." She pecks my nose making me smile.

"Thank you Demi, I love you." I whisper, hugging her.

"I love you too, Y/n/N. Now lets shop 'till we drop."


I don't know what the fuck this is but boom! It's here. I don't like it 😒

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