Miss Lovato

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[Y/N is fifteen years old. Demi isn't famous.]

Demi's POV: (Teacher)

Today is my first day as an official teacher.

Not a visitor nor a help out, but an actual, proper teacher.

I'm more nervous than excited, knowing that the kids will have zero respect due to me being brand new to their environment.

Am I gonna' be that teacher who lets everyone off? Or the one who will give out detentions for my own amusement?

I know that sometimes my nerves get the best of me but I'm hoping that the kids don't completely hate me and make me go mad.

Now, I know it seems like there's only negative things but I'm doing this because I want to help.

Not only to make people have greater chances at their best future but maybe to rescue someone from feeling alone, leading someone to a brighter path.

But I won't be able to do that if I don't get out of this comfy ass bed.


"Alright, we've already been through the rules and conditions, if you struggle with anything, you've got all the numbers you may possibly need stuck on the wall here. If someone misbehaves and you feel like they shouldn't participate in class for other students' sakes, call SLT and they'll be removed with an immediate hour detention with me after school, okay?" Mrs Loyds explains to me, pointing to various things during her rumble.

"Got it." I nod, straightening out my pencil skirt.

"Oh, make sure all the girls have their skirts unrolled and two inches above their knees, and the boys have the right shoes along with their shirt tucked." She adds smiling, before leaving me in an empty class.


I can do this.

I sit down behind the desk and turn on the projector, making sure everything works as it's supposed to so I don't make a fool out of myself.

There's a knock on my door, making me jump slightly at the unexpected noise.

"Come in!" I say.

An old teacher comes in with an unamused teenage girl, looking down at her scruffy school shoes.

"Hi Miss, sorry to bother you on your first day but Y/N just needs to sit in the class for a couple of minutes, make sure she does her homework." The lady informs me before leaving the girl to stand by the door by herself, exiting my classroom.

"Hi! I'm Miss Lovato." I say, walking up to her, smiling widely at my first introduction to a student.

"Um- Hi. I'm Y/N." She mumbles, fiddling with thumbs that seem irritatingly red.

"That's a nice name." I compliment. She looks up at me and gives me a little smile but mine drops.

She had dark, brown bags under her bloodshot eyes. Her lip all bloody from chewing on it as her eyelids slowly revealed her bright, hopeful orbs.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, frowning in concern.

"Yeah." She mumbles, looking back down.

She moves past me, setting her bag down on a desk and sitting down.

I go back to my own sit, staring at a blank page.

She's not okay.

But I don't know her.

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