The truth

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Demi's POV: (Sisters)

I never meant for it to come out the way it did.

I know I'm bad with words but I never thought it'd come to the point where the only way to justify my actions was to reveal my darkest, deepest secret.

My whole life, I've tried to be as honest and open as I can. I never pushed myself to reveal something I knew I wasn't ready for.

But here I am.



Probably overreacting.

Am I though?

It was just a stupid Q&A but look where that got me.

Even my little sisters didn't know. Why would they? They're my little sisters, I'm suppose to keep them safe from things like this.

'Dems, please call me when you see this, I love you xx -Y/N.'

I let out a sob.

She wasn't suppose to know.

'Are you okay? -MadHatter.'

Am I? No.

Will I be? Yes.

'Y/N is calling...'

I can't.

But what if something is wrong? Maybe she didn't see?

"Hey baby girl." I sniffle, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my jumper, facing my camera up to the ceiling, praying Y/N isn't hearing or seeing any of this.

"Dems, what's going on? Are you okay? Do you need me to come to you?" Y/N frantically asks, panic clear on her face and in her voice.

"You saw?..." I trail off.

"Of course, I don't really know why I asked if I should come when I'm already on my way." She slightly giggles.

"What d- do you mean?" I ask confused.

I'm in Amsterdam right now, she should be in Alabama, filming her series at the moment.

"I should be hugging you in about 20 minutes. Please don't do anything stupid, I'm nearly there Demi-bear." She started making kissing noises and ends the call.

A small smile plays on my lips at my little sister's heart.

She may be only 14, but she's wise beyond her years.

"Demi?" I hear a knock on the little cubical door.

"Hmm? Yeah? I'm coming, hold on." I quickly get up and splash my face with some water but end up looking the same, just more wet.

"Demi, I just want you to know you didn't insult me in any way, I honestly found it funny, don't listen to what they say." I hear a thick, Australian accent saying behind the door. It's Max.

I open the door and wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you Maxy, and I'm sorry." I quietly whisper in his shoulder.

"Don't be sorry sweetheart, I didn't take it seriously and neither should you." He pulls away and squeezes my shoulders.

"Oh God, I was so worried about you." A little voice says behind me, I turn around and see Y/N with teary eyes, jogging over to me with open arms.

"Sissy." I cry a little, finally seeing someone I really needed comfort from.

I just want to be sure she doesn't hate me for not telling her. I need to explain.

"I'm s-so sorr-"

"Don't you even finish that sentence. You have nothing to apologise for! You just fucking exposed yourself for God sake." She says sternly.

"I-it's not that I don't trust you I just didn't want y- you to-"

"I know. I know. Listen, I'm in no way, shape or form mad at you. I'm not hurt you didn't tell me. Dems, I understand. Maybe I didn't go through whatever you went through but I could only imagine how hard it is to talk about something so damaging and scarring." She soothes, stroking my hair as I sob into her shoulder. "Come on." She slowly leads me to a big bed and we lay down, my head on her lap as she plays with my hair.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." I close my eyes, ashamed that my little sister has to see me break down.

"Demetria, you apologise one more damn time and I'll slap you." We giggle at how serious she sounded but then just laid there in silence. Thinking. "You wanna' talk about it?" She asks.

"Do you?" I look up at her curios eyes.

"Of course I'd like to know who hurt you like this but you can only tell me if you're 100% ready and sure, I don't want you to tell me just because you feel like you have to and blah, blah, blah. Tell me if you feel like it'll help you, take it off of your chest. I don't want you to hurt because it pains me to see you like this, just please do whatever will make you feel better." She pleads, a single tear rolling down her face. I quickly sit up and wipe it away.

"Y- you know my biological dad, Patrick?" I ask, pulling her onto my lap so I can nuzzle my face into her hair, it's just gives me this weird type of comfort. "When he was drunk, he didn't think. He had trouble thinking straight when he was sober but when he was drunk, he'd do the unimaginable." I take a few deep breaths before continuing. "I finally had the courage to speak up and t- tell him how I felt about him drinking and he got so mad, I've never s- seen him so mad b- before." I whimper, imagining his face, how raged his eyes looked. "He pushed me around, s- slammed some things and threw some p- punches but when he took me to his b- bedroom, I knew something wasn't r- right." I shake my head, my cries getting louder and louder. "I was 9! Fucking 9!" I sob, wrapping my arms around Y/N's waist, my mouth against her shoulder as her hands gripped my arms. Her head turned around and she kissed my forehead.

"Shh Dems, breath, you have to breath." She shakily instructs, caressing my cheek with her soft, small hand.

"I just want him to go away, I love him but he haunts me." I whisper, putting my hand on hers to keep it on my cheek as I rest my head in our palms.

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" She asks.

"Sometimes when I'm alone." I whisper looking down.

"And if you slept with me?" She asks with a tiny smile.

"I'd be the happiest sister alive." I giggle.

"So be it then, no more nightmares for you hopefully." She claps her hands.


"I finished filming and Mum said to keep you company on the road but I was planing to anyway, so... SURPRISE!" She jumps onto me, making me lay down as her arms were wrapped around my neck.

"I love you Y/n/N." I whisper.

"I love you more, Demi-bear."


I wish I was related to Demi.

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