The Reaping

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My twin sister and I stood side by side in the fifteen-year-old section, waiting to hear who would be chosen to represent District Four in the sixty-sixth annual Hunger Games. We watched anxiously as the escort placed her hand into the bowl and fished around until she selected one.

"Lisa Adler!"she read aloud.

I went pale as the girls around me and my sister started to make a hole to reveal our position. I turned to my sister, who's face had also gone white. She turned to me, fear in her eyes as the peacekeepers started walking towards us. She grabbed hold of my hand for dear life when the peacekeepers grabbed her arm and tried to pull her away. They wrenched her out of my grip and started pulling her toward the stage.

Before I could even process my thoughts, I shouted, "I volunteer!"

"Wonderful, come on up then my dear." the escort said in her high pitched Capitol voice. Lisa screamed 'no' as I passed her on the way to the stage. The peacekeepers brought her back and delivered her to my parents so they could keep her in line. With how badly my legs were shaking, I was surprised that I even was able to climb the stairs to the stage. When I did, the escort, grabbing my arm gently, led me over to the microphone and said, "Please tell us your name my dear."

"Nora Adler." I replied shakily.

"So that was your sister you volunteered for?"

"My twin, to be exact," I said as I locked eyes with Lisa.

"And now for the boys." she said, turning to the opposite side of the stage. She reached into the bowl and pulled out a card. Then returning to the microphone she announced,"Cal Tydon."

A boy in the sixteen-year-old section made a disappointed smirk and rolled his eyes before walking out of his section, and up onto the stage.

"Welcome Mr. Tydon. That concludes our districts reaping. Once again your tributes for the sixty-sixth Hunger Games, Nora Adler and Cal Tydon." We shake hands and the crowd made a three fingered salute before our escort led us into the Justice Building.

I waited in a room for any visitors that wished to say their goodbyes. Suddenly the door opened and Lisa runs in and hugs me so hard that I think my back popped five times. She was joined by my parents who were much more laid back, but I could see the fear and sorrow in their eyes. "Why did you do that?!" Lisa asked through her tears.

"I had to," I replied, "and no one else was stepping up."

"I'll be watching you on TV. I don't care what you need to do, just get back to us. Please."

"I promise," I replied softly. The door burst open and the peacekeepers said that my family had to leave now. I hugged each of them one more time before they had to leave. Then they were led away by peacekeepers, leaving me alone in the room.

I struggled to hold back my tears as I realized that that was probably the last time I would see my family. Unless by some miracle I actually make it out of the games alive.

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