Day 2

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Early the next day, we decided to start our 'hunt' as Damian calls it.

Jessica volunteered to stay back and guard the cornucopia. So the four of us walked stealthily through the woods, walking on stones and logs to prevent as much noise as possible. Eventually we pick up the sent of smoke. What idiot makes a fire during the games? Are they asking for death?

Damian signals us in the direction of the smoke, and we all head in that direction. We find the campfire, but no one is there.

Suddenly I hear a snap behind me. I duck just in time to dodge being impaled by a dagger. I quickly load my bow, turn, and fire. The arrow hits a small girl square in the chest. I hold back tears when I realize that she's only about twelve years old. She falls to the ground.


"Nice shot!" Jase says.

Yeah, nice shot he says. "Let's just keep moving," I say. We kick out the fire and continue our hunt.

Hours later. . . .

These tributes must be pretty good at hiding themselves, because it's like three o'clock in the afternoon and we still haven't found anybody.

Suddenly we hear Jase, who is behind us, scream in pain. We turn to see two boys. The one boy is running and the other starts running after he sees us looking at him. Jase is on the ground with a dagger in his heart.


"NO!" screams Ashley as she runs to Jase's side. Damian and I run after the attackers. I manage to hit the one who stabbed Jase, but the other one got away. We heard the cannon for the one I shot go off as we work our way back to Ashley. Ashley has tears in her eyes as she asks ,"Did you get them?"

"I got the one who did this, but the other one got away," I say.


"Um guys, that sounded like it came from-"I start.

"The cornucopia. Let's move!" Damian finishes. I grab Ashley's hand as we run to the cornucopia.

When we get there, there is a dead boy on the ground. "Jessica?" I yell.

We turn the corner of the cornucopia to find Jessica leaning against the cornucopia for support. Her hands are covered in blood and she is holding her side. "Jess?" Damian says.

She looks at us with tears in her eyes and says, "I'm sorry." She removes her hands to reveal a deep cut in her side. Ashley and I quickly run over and help her to a comfortable lying position on the ground.

"What happened?" I ask as I lift her shirt to see the extent of the damage. It's a long and very deep cut. It's needs stitched but I don't have any supplies for that in my pouch. So I reach in and grab my bandages. I am about to apply the bandages before Ashley stops me saying, "She won't need them anymore."


This time I can't hold back my tears. I reach my hand up and close her eyelids. Damian turns away so we can't see him cry as well. I remove her weapons and place them inside the cornucopia. A little later, the aircraft comes and takes her body away.

There were no more kills that day, and that night when the anthem played, Jessica's face was the first one to light up the sky.

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