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I wake up to find a comfortable, flexible, training outfit on the table beside my bed. I pull on the clothes and walk out to breakfast. While at breakfast, Finnick told us that the best thing to do would be to work on survival skills today, and leave the weapon training for tomorrow. I totally agreed with this idea, Cal on the other hand, said it was up to him what he was going to train in each day, and he stormed out of the room. Typical. I just knew that would happen sooner or later.

As soon as we were permitted into the training center, I rushed over to the first survival station, which was on plants. I glanced at the large screen and immediately identified the majority of the plants. The lady at the station taught me about the ones I couldn't identify. When I finished with the plants, I moved on to building fires and snares. The man at the station showed me what materials I needed and how to assemble and use the snares properly. I had a hard time figuring out how to light the fire without matches, but I eventually was able to make a small fire.

When I finished that, I learned how to purify water and how long it takes to cook small animals.

I looked at the time. I had enough time for at least one more activity before we would have to stop for the day. So I decided to go with something called "Surviving the Bloodbath."

I stood on a pedestal in a simulated arena, waiting for the countdown to end. Then I stepped off the pedestal and started running for the first bag I could see. I grabbed the bag and started running back for the simulated tree line. I dodged a lot of arrows and daggers before the simulation ended and we were sent back to the hotel.

At dinner that night, I gave Finnick my report on what I worked on today. Cal also talked about his day which consisted of mostly fighting and an occasional survival technique lesson.

"So how did you two do with finding allies?" He asked.

My eyes widened. I completely forgot about allies. "I guess it sort of slipped my mind," I said.

"Me too," Cal admitted grudgingly.

"Well then I would suggest that tomorrow you should devote at least some of your time to finding potential allies," Finnick said. I nodded and Cal rolled his eyes. He's going to say something like "let me do what I want, kid!" Isn't he?

"I told you, Finnick, I'm doing my own thing. So let me do what I want, kid!" Cal yelled. Called it. I say in my head as Cal storms off again. Then I leave the table as well and head to my room.

The next day at training I decided to start with agility training. Luckily me and my sister have always been very acrobatic. So I managed to weave my way through the obstacle course effortlessly. I then decided to take a short break and look around for potential alliances.

From what I could see, the careers from one and two were all in one alliance, the tributes from three and the girl from five were in an alliance, and the boy from five and the tributes from eleven were allies. Every one else was going in alone.

Honestly though, do I really want to be in an alliance? Sooner or later I'll have to kill my allies before they kill me. Did I really want to put myself in that situation? I guess my odds of winning would be better if I was in a group for at least some of the games. But who should I choose. Maybe the alliance from three and five. They seem doable. I'll talk to them after I finish training. And with that, I headed off to the weapon training area.

First I walked up to a knife throwing station. I picked up a handful of knives and began throwing them at the targets. My aim wasn't perfect, but it was effective enough to harm a human being. So I moved on to a new section. I tried axe throwing, but that didn't work out as well for me, so I moved on to spear and trident throwing. I lifted the spear in my hand, and keeping my eye on the target, I launched the spear and it hit the bullseye. Then I lifted the trident. It was a lot heavier than the spear but I still managed to throw it strait into the bullseye. Ok I'm even starting to surprise myself here.

When I turned around, I noticed the careers staring at me from across the room. Whether they were talking about me joining them or planning my demise, I don't know, but I'm kind of hoping it's neither.

Blocking them out, I moved on to archery which I also excelled at. Then I moved onto swords. The instructor taught me a few useful techniques, then let me try them myself. My movements weren't quite as clean as his, but he said it would do.

Having finished everything I had planned on training with, I started walking over to the group I planned to align with. Before I could reach them, however, Damian and Jessica (District one) stood in my path.

"Hey four," Damian began, "we've been watching you train, and me and the others think you're worthy enough to be in our alliance."

This was just what I was worried about. Even if I did join them, it would be hard to get rid of them when the time came. Plus it would make me a potential target of the other tributes.

"Well four? What's your answer?"

I sighed then said, "Let me think about it. I'll give you my answer tomorrow. Okay?"

They agreed saying, "Okay. Until tomorrow then." Then they walked away, probably to tell the rest of their alliance the news. I sighed and decided to go find out how Cal was doing.

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