Day 7

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Nora Adler's P.O.V.

I listen to the crashing of the pouring rain outside our make shift tarp-tent as Ashley finishes up her lunch. We had made the tent the night before and covered it in brush and such to give it a somewhat normal look.

"I guess Damian didn't die yesterday," I say.

"So the canon wasn't his?" Ashley asks. She had fallen asleep early yesterday and missed the update on who died.

"No, it was the boy from eleven and the girl from six," I explain. "I wonder if Damian stayed at the cornucopia or not. Come to think of it, the cornucopia is probably the best place to be on a day like today. I bet that cornucopia makes one heck of a tent."

Ashley laughs, then her face drops again as she says, "How could he betray us like that? Alliances usually last until everyone is killed by someone outside the alliance."

"Well that's not always the case," I say.

"I know, but still."

"It was going to happen sooner or later. It's probably for the best that it happened when it did," I say.

"We're going to have a lot of people looking for us now. We've got the boy from your district, Damian, and we can probably count on that psycho from seven," Ashley says.

"I did make her pretty mad when I shot her arm. I guess that means the only people who probably won't be going after us, are the tributes from nine," I state.

Suddenly we hear footsteps. They sound far off. We both arm ourselves with a dagger before I peek outside our tent to see who it is.

About twelve yards away, walking parallel to our position, are the tributes from nine. They are armed. The girl with a dagger and the boy with a spear. "Do you see anyone?" Ashley asks in a whisper.

"It's the tributes from nine. I don't think they know we're here. If we stay quiet they may just pass us by," I reply. We wait for at least fifteen minutes before we are convinced that the tributes have gone. We haven't even relaxed five minutes before . . . .


We look off in the direction the two kids from nine just walked off in.


"Well I guess that's two less kids to worry about," Ashley says.

"I'm just worried about the one who killed them," I say, still looking in the direction of the canons.

"Well hopefully we'll never meet their killer," Ashley says as she shifts uncomfortably. I look at her. She has been growing noticeably pale ever since we left the cornucopia. And her dark hair makes her seem even paler. I reach over to touch her injured arm, but before I can, she pulls it away saying, "I'm fine. It's not bothering me."

"You don't look well, Ash. Let me see your arm. Please," I ask.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Nora. I'm not completely helpless."

"Ok," I say, surrendering. I know there is something she's not telling me. We decided to try and wait out the storm. When it lifts, that's when we'll move.

Cal Tydon's P.O.V.

Some tributes, I'm sure, are hiding in their tents due to this wrenched rain, but not me. I was determined to find Nora and her little friend, and nothing was going to stop me.

I trudge through the woods, my cloths drenched from rain water. I'm trying to walk as quietly as possible, but I find it hard to do because I have started to grow agitated. It's about twelve o'clock and I've been searching all morning with not so much as clue to Nora's whereabouts.

Suddenly, I detect the sound of footsteps coming towards me. I duck behind a bolder and ready my trident. I'm pretty sure it's two people. Maybe it's Nora! The steps come closer and closer until finally they are right beside me. I quickly turn and bury my trident in the girl's chest. I'm disappointed to find that it isn't Nora. Just the girl from nine and her buddy. The girl tumbles to the ground.


The fourteen year old boy with her, screams as he comes at me with his spear. Acting quickly, I grab the staff of his spear and wrench the weapon from the boy's hands. Then I whack him across the face with the blunt end. He screams in pain as he drops to one knee. I expertly twirl the spear in my hand before shoving it into the boy's chest. He stares in shock before falling on his side.


"Two down, four to go," I say to myself. Then I retrieve my trident and continue my search.

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