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     I eventually stayed and I could say that it was something I regret doing. Before my aunt went up to sleep, my uncle Hyunwoo who is Wonwoo's father suddenly came in with a surprise. It felt like they were young lovers all over again and my stomach didn't feel ok watching all of these unfold. I was touched and happy but somehow envious..

     I glance over at Mingyu as my aunt cries of happiness while she's hugging uncle Hyunwoo.

     Stop looking, Nari!

     I shake my head and look away. He wasn't looking at me at all but instead he had a small smile on his face while we were all in awe with the surprise.

     "I'm entrusting the house to you Wonwoo." We were left in the living room while we decided to watch a movie. However, the moment the adults left, my brother took out bottles of soju from a corner with a huge grin on his face.

     "You did not just bring any soju! Oppa, seriously?" I ask. I didn't even see him bring any on our way here!

     "Ya! My girlfriend just broke up with me! Cut me some slack." He demanded and opened one bottle for all us to share. I quickly shake my head and went to sit at the far end of the sofa where I was nearer to the television.

     I was underage and so was these guys except my brother of course but they all seem to like the idea of having a drink.

     "You're so kill joy, Nari!" Seungcheol added. Did he just call me that?!

     "I don't like alcohol. You guys can enjoy, I promise I won't tell anyone." I rolled my eyes and diverted my attention towards the movie we were watching.

     It was Love, Rosie and I cringed at the thought at first but my brother wanted to watch it and we all just went along with it since he was so heart broken over his ex.

     "Ya! Mingyu! Chill down with the soju!" Hansol teased. He was already with his 3rd shot and I couldn't help but look away.

     His gaze was so serious. Like he was lost in his thoughts. From the start, I really knew nothing of how he feels, huh?

     I was basically in awe to see 6 bottles of soju finished in just an hour. My brother who acted so tough and cool at first is now acting so silly. It must have been the alcohol taking it's effect on him.

     On the other hand, Seungcheol, Hansol and Wonwoo have their hands over their shoulders while they sing a sad ballad.

     "I can't believe all of you.." I mumble to myself.

     "Let them be," Mingyu cuts me off.

     I sharply look at him and even if he had a lot to drink, he looks unfazed about it. He was sitting down while he silently watched the guys and would take a few shots every now and then. Who knew he was a good drinker?

     I didn't mind him though. I was placing a definite line of where we stood in each other's lives so I didn't want to act like we're so casual.

     "Wonwoo oppa, you have some ramen? I'll cook for you guys."

     As if it was the signal, they all started yelling and jumping over the word ramen and I had to quiet them down because my aunt could hear us!

     "Nari is theee best!" Hansol exclaimed while he grinned from ear to ear and had a big thumbs up for me. I smiled looking at them and proceeded to the kitchen to where Wonwoo oppa told me the ramen was.

     He told me it was in the top shelf and I could get the pan from the shelf under the sink. I was gathering everything I needed and all that was left was the ramen. I looked up while spacing out because I knew I couldn't reach for them.

     I looked back and see Mingyu sitting down in the living room with a chic expression and I felt so relieved. This was the part that he would grab the ramen for me since he was taller but no, good thing he actually didn't.

     "I think I watched too much kdrama.." I whisper to myself.

     I took a stool and stepped on it to get the ramen in the higher shelf. I succeeded without getting an injury but the moment I stepped down, the noise in the living room was heard even from where I stand so I hurriedly ran back to stop them but see Mingyu doing it instead.

     "Ya! Keep it down!" The guys were putting up a fight to tease him and he only grew annoyed with it.

     "No ramen for you guys then." I butted in. Their faces were in horror and they all sat down and behaved like kids. I chuckled and went back to the kitchen.

     I was starting to boil the noodles in the water when I heard a voice from behind.

     "Do you want me to help?"

     I knew it his voice so I didn't even look back and answered. "No, I'm fine on my own."

     I almost choked on my words when I said that. I knew I was referring to making ramen but was I really fine without him?

     "The guys listen to you. I couldn't even shut them up."

     He was right though. I could hear faint noises again and I sigh.

     "I can do this. Just go back there and—"

     "Nari," he whispered.

     I did look back and his chest was in front of me. I could smell his cologne that was mixed with alcohol while he whispered with that husky voice of his.

     "Can we talk?"

     I want to stop my heart. Why did it have to beat this fast?

     "W-we have nothing to talk about," I lied.

     I instantly went back to making ramen because honestly, I didn't want to talk about anything. I knew we had a lot to discuss and I had a lot of questions too.

      I wanted to ask him a lot but most importantly, I wanted him to know how badly it hurt me to see him together with Hayoung. I wanted to know why he did that, why he hid some things from me. I wanted him to know that if he only opened his heart, I would've gladly embraced him in.. I wanted him to know a lot but my mind and my heart is in complete frenzy right now. I don't think I'll be able to really convey my feelings if I tried.

     "Nari," he pleads again. This time I could feel his breath on my hair and I turned the stove off. I couldn't focus and I surely didn't want to cause an accident.

     "What do you wan—"

     "I miss you,"

* * *

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