Spies and...mines?

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We were to set off right away, but Elrond gave us an hour to gather our things and say our goodbyes. I had gone back to my room to collect the rest of my weapons and gather some necessities.

I put my quiver and bow on my back when I found them on my bed, where Saydra had left them. I hesitated before walking out the door, but than decided to put my short swords behind my quiver, just in case. I than jogged back to the courtyard where I found Roanne and Saydra.

They were around my horse, Fayn, when they saw me coming. Roanne ran into me, crying hysterically. "Woah, woah!" I said. "It's fine. Trust me!" She didn't loosen her grip around my waist however, as she calmed down. "Just...just...don't get hurt!" She said to me. I paused. "I will try not to." she let go of me and I breathed in a huge breath, due to the fact she had been suffocating me. Ro laughed and dried her eyes "I'm going to miss you Ry!" I smiled. "And I, you." I than turned to Saydra who wasn't crying but looking very upset. "It's going to be so boring around here without you!" We all three laughed, drawing the attention of others around us. I looked down, embarrassed for the second time today when I saw Legolas looking at me.

After I was finished with all the mushy emotions, I kissed a goodbye on Fayn's nose and went to stand by the others.

We set off at once, winding our way out of Rivendell, and out in the 'unknown'. I hadn't been out of the city in a few years, so this was fascinating to me. As I walked, the three Hobbits came up to me and introduced themselves as Sam, Merry and Pippin. They were very sweet and adorable and were willing to share stories of their adventures together. They told me about Frodo and his ring, which in their perspective, sounded very frightening.

After a while, though, we reserved our strength and went to walking in silence. Once I began to notice them dropping behind, I turned to Aragorn. "Aragorn, some of us need to rest." He looked at me. "We must keep moving, Ryanne." I sighed and looked back at the Hobbits. They were panting and Sam was complaining about being hungry. I had a feeling that wasn't the first time we were going to hear that.
"Aragorn, the Hobbits...they are tiring." He looked back at them and saw what I had seen seconds before. "Fine." He said. "But not for long." We came upon a flat place with some rocks and bushes for shelter. Aragorn instructed everyone to rest, and eat if needed.

I sat down on a rock and watched as Boromir(Aragorn told me his name!) was attempting to teach the Hobbits how to fight. I smiled as I watched him hit Pippin accidentally and causing Merry and Sam to jump on him, bringing him to the ground. I walked over to see them wrestling with each other. "Very good you three!" I complimented the Hobbits. Boromir looked at me with a look on his face. "Would you like to try, m'lady?" He was mocking me. Very well than. "Me? of course I would!" I wasn't about to back down out of this. Gandalf, who was obviously listening to us, called out "Don't be rough on him Ryanne!" Boromir laughed. "I have nothing to be scared o-" He was cut off my me wrapping my foot around his ankle and pulling it out from under him. He hit the ground hard, but recovered quickly. I backed away two steps, knowing his next move already. He spun and tried to kick my legs out from under me, but I jumped up, and onto a rock just above. Stepping to the right, I swiveled and jumped down, landing in a crouch. Boromir got to me quicker than I thought he would, picked me up and tossed me onto the grass. Which made me very angry. I rolled and stood up. "That's cheating!" I called back to him. He shrugged. "Elves are very light!" I narrowed my eyes at him and sprinted towards him again. Reaching him in a surprising amount of time, I jumped on his back and hit down on his collar bone. Groaning, he fell, holding his shoulder. He would be fine. "Rule one." I said to a grounded Boromir. "Never take your eyes off your enemy." Gandalf chuckled at me. Helping Boromir up, I hopped back on the rocks and walked over to the Hobbits.

They had amused and impressed expressions on their faces. Our whole spar had lasted only a minute. "Is that was a real fight is like?" Pippin asked in his Irish voice. I shook my head. "Not at all. There would be blood involved." I left out some parts, not wanting to scare him. I turned to Gimli, Gandalf and Legolas to see their expressions. Legolas was standing on a rock, but looking up at the sky. I let him be, mostly because I was just to nervous to walk over and talk to him.

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