For Rohan!

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"Brace the gate!"

A guard yelled at the few people who were standing in the room.

The gate was looking worse and worse as the Urak-Hai kept smashing it with their weapons.
Holes were being made in it, allowing us to see some of their arms and swords.

I knew better than to try to stop them from entering, so instead, I got my weapons ready.

The gate smashed down with deafening force, causing wood bits to fly everywhere. At the noise, Théoden came running in with more guards by his side.

His swords was drawn and he had armor on as well.
We started to kill all the Urak that we could. I used my bow, shooting everything in sight.
They were getting killed, but at a slower rate than I had hoped.

"We cannot hold them off!" A guard yelled at Théoden. I knew he was right.
At that exact moment, Aragorn ran past me to the king.

"Hold them!" Théoden shouted to Aragorn over the noises of the fighting. "How long do you need?" He questioned back. "As long as you can give me!" Was the answer.

Aragorn nodded as the king went back to fighting off the Urak-Hai. He turned to me and Gimli than motioned for us to follow him.

I pushed my bow behind my back and ran after him, Gimli close behind me.

He led us through a small doorway that was barely tall enough for me to duck through. It opened out on the side of the keep.

We carefully inched our way around the wall until we could see the bridge leading to the huge doors that had been broken down. My back was pressed against the stone wall as hard as I could press it.

I was terrified that I was going to fall or stumble and give our position away. Which would be awful.

Urak-Hai were all over the bridge, trying to fight their way inside if the keep. I frowned at them all. Where we supposed to kill them all?

Gimli grumbled. "Oh come on! We can take them!" That Dwarf.
Aragorn looked at him with a hint of doubt.
"Its a long way to jump."

He was right. I remembered in the Mines how Gimli insisted on jumping and almost fell to his death. I bet he was pretty sure to not make the same mistake again.

Gimli looked embarrassed. "Toss me." he muttered to Aragorn. Aragorn raised his eyebrows. "What?" He asked, unsure if he had heard correctly.
"I won't be able to make the jump, so you will have to toss me!"

I smiled to myself. Hopefully, Aragorn wouldn't laugh out loud and give our spot away. Thankfully, he just nodded at the Dwarf and reached down to pick him up.

Gimli held up a hand. "Uh...don't tell the Elf." He turned and looked at me as he said that. I held up my hands in defense. "I promise!" He turned to Aragorn. "Not a word."

He than picked up Gimli and threw him across the gap to the bridge.

"AAARRRRRGGGG!" Gimli yelled as he landed and started swinging his axe around at every Urak-Hai in reach.

Aragorn turned to me. "Are you going to go or do you need a push as well?" He said jokingly. I smiled sarcastically at him and begin to run as fast as I could towards the huge gap.
Just as I was about to fall into it, I jumped as hard as I could towards the bridge and Gimli.

I landed hard, but instantly regained balance and took out my swords.

Aragorn landed next to me soon, and it was just the three of us, against seventy or so Urak-Hai. But we were doing pretty well.

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