Arriving and Seeing

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Riding on a horse for hours can make your legs and your back very sore, so, when a sigh of relief went up through the crowd when we saw Helms Deep, I let myself smile a little.

We walked our horses through the entryway, and guards went ahead of us shouting to the people who lived there.
"Make way for the King! Make way for Théoden, King!"
Théoden's horse came clopping behind them, with Legolas, Gimli and I right behind him.

Éowyn was still on foot, and she was behind me too. She ordered the guards to take the supplies they brought, to the caves. Which is where I was assuming the women and children would stay during the battle.

Bringing Rhea to a halt behind Legolas, I slowly slid down from her saddle. My leg was sore and stiff, but I could move well enough on it. Legolas jumped down besides me. "Does it feel better?" He asked, tying Arod to a small post. "Not better, but not worse." He nodded but looked worried. "You don't have to worry." I told him. He smiled at me. "That doesn't mean I won't."

I rolled my eyes. "Really, I'm fine." I insisted. "I can hold my weight, I can run." He looked at me seriously. "You should still get it treated." I knew that, but I also didn't know if anyone could treat it for me. And I couldn't do elvish healing on myself. I was going to respond when I heard footsteps to my left and a small sob.

Looking down, I saw the small boy and his sister running up to us. "Elf!" The boy cried. "Elf!" I knelt down to look them in the eye. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked. They were both crying and looked heartbroken. "My mama.." He started.
Oh no. "I can't see her!" My face fell and I pulled him to my chest. "It's alright." I soothed them, but I knew that was a lie.

I could tell Legolas was just standing behind me, unsure of what to do, so I stood up and held on to the boy's hand. "She is here." I told him. "We will find her." He nodded and started to walk with me. Legolas and the little girl walked alongside us as we scanned faces for anyone the children might recognize as their mother.

I was really hoping that their mother was here and alive. If they had to go through the same thing I did at that age, I doubt they would handle it the same way.

A voice behind us, stopped us in our tracks. "Éothain, Freda?" I turned around, it was a woman. The children, Freda and Éothain, whirled around and soon their tears of sorrow turned to tears of joy. "Mama! Mama!" They ran to her and clutched her.

I smiled as their family was together again. I looked to Legolas and he was smiling too. My gaze froze on him for longer than normal. His cheeks were turned up as he watched the children. His eyes were bright and shining a beautiful color of blue. He was gorgeous.
I shook my head and looked away before he could see me staring.

I suddenly looked behind me and saw Éowyn. She looked depressed and upset. I than remembered how she looked at Aragorn back at Rohan. She had feelings for him. My heart hurt for her, so I waved goodbye to the mother and her children and made my way over to her. Legolas followed me, going over to Gimli.

As I got closer to her, Éowyn looked at me. "So few have returned." She whispered to me, searching my face. "Our people are safe." I told her slowly. "We have paid for it with many lives." She began to look more worried after I said that. She looked around hurriedly, than turned back to me. "Lord Aragorn...." She started. I took a deep breath. "He fell." I whispered again. She looked to Théoden, who was dismounting his horse right next to us.

He didn't say anything to her, just looked at her and walked away. He shouted orders to men as he walked towards them. I glared slightly at him as he walked away. Why couldn't he be more compassionate?
Éowyn had a look of complete horror on her face. But all I could do was think about how Arwen would respond when we came back without the man she loved and who loved her.
Tears almost welled up in my eyes, but I forced them down.

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