War and Revival

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The four of us stood on the shores, watching the black ships sail closer to us. The Dead army was now with us, but they made themselves invisible to our enemy.

As the sailors neared, I noticed there were Orcs on board. Many more than I had expected there to be.

When they caught sight of us, they started to growl and shake their weapons threateningly.

"You may go no farther!" Aragorn called out to them. "You will not enter Gondor!"

The Orcs heard him and started to laugh.
"Who are you to stop our entry?"
Their captain called back in a throaty growl. They kept laughing, thinking the idea of us stopping them was ridiculous.

Aragorn turned his head slightly and looked at me. He didn't have to say a word for me to know what he wanted.

Quickly, I pulled an arrow from my quiver and nocked it to my bow, aiming it at the captain.

All the Orcs on board stopped laughing instantly and stared at me.

The captain looked down at me and smirked. "What are you going to do, she-elf?" He said tauntingly. "Shoot me?" He turned back to his crew and said loudly, "as if she could hit me!"

They all started laughing again, making my blood boil. No one insults an Elf and comes away without at least one injury.

Without waiting for Aragorn's command, I fired my arrow towards the captain, hitting him in the back, stopping his laugh short.

He fell on his face, blood dripping down his body. The crew stopped laughing again and looked at me, horrified. I didn't say anything, just glared at them menacingly.

Gimli laughed from behind me. "That's it!" He called to the sailors. "Prepare to be boarded!"
Again, the Orcs laughed at our threat.

"Boarded by you and whose army?" One called out to us.

As he said this, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the green, hazy figures of the Dead Army materialize behind and around us. "This army." Aragorn said calmly.

I heard the King of the Dead draw his sword with a loud ring, and he charged through Aragorn.
His Army followed, all running through us, making me feel chilled to the bone.

But I ignored the slight discomfort and watched as the Dead slaughtered the Orcs on the ship. In less than two minutes, they were all dead and unmoving.

We waded out to the ship, the cold water coming up to my waist, and started to climb aboard. Aragorn got in first, then helped Gimli up, who was having a hard time.

Legolas and I got up with less difficulty. We were Elves, short and lightweight. Well, I was short.

As I landed on deck, we all looked to Aragorn for further directions.
"To Minas Tirith." He told us.
And our boat continued upriver to Gondor, where we would reach open war.

His words gave me a slight chill the way he said them, but I was ready. As always.

Our ship sailed towards Minas Tirith with haste and we waited nervously on board.
As we neared the battle ground, I crouched down below the deck rail, hiding from the sight of the Orcs we were sailing towards.

Aragorn noticed what I was doing and motioned for the rest of us to do the same. Legolas hid right by me and drew an arrow to his bow. I did the same.

We only had to wait like this for a short while, and as we neared the shore, Orcs began to yell at us, not noticing the absence of some of their men.

Two Bows (A Legolas/OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now