To Helms Deep

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The coffin was white and Théodred laid inside. There were purple and white flowers on top of and around the coffin.

Théoden, the Fellowship and people of the castle were gathered around the King's boy. Éowyn sang a lovely tune that made many people start to cry.

I didn't know Théodred, but I felt for the King and Éowyn. I knew what it was like to have a family member die. I have had it happen to me.

My eyes got itchy and my throat closed up, and I willed myself not to cry in front of everyone. Crying was a little foreign to me, and I hated it. It made me feel weak, vulnerable. Sighing heavily, I looked at Théoden. The King was letting tears flow down his face freely, as he watched his only son being buried. Wetness splashed my checks and I stopped trying to hold back my tears.

I cried silently, my heart hurting for Éowyn as she kept singing in her beautiful voice. Once the song was over, she began to sob as well. I walked up to her and pulled her back to the rest of us. I held her as she cried for Théodred.


"Gimli, that's enough wine!"

The Dwarf paid no heed to my words as he filled up a fifth cup. His plate was overflowing, and I had no doubt that he would finish it all.

After the funeral, we were brought into the dining hall, where we were served great food and wine. Two little children, a boy and a girl, were seated by Éowyn. She had told me that their mother had sent them off when their village got attacked. They might not see her again. I hoped they did though. Little children should not have to go through terrible events, such as a parent dying.

"Where's mama?" The girl asked in a loud voice. "Hush now." Éowyn said, pushing her plate in front of her. The little boy sat in between me and Éowyn, looking worried and not eating a thing.

Legolas sat in front of me, and we talked in quiet voices, trying not to disturb Éowyn and the children.

"We will be in open war before three days is over." He told me. "Shhh!" I said. "Don't say that. Your going to scare them." I nodded towards the little boy and girl seated besides me. "And if Théoden sends for allies, it might not be that bad." He shrugged and took out one of his swords and examined it. We had gotten our weapons back after the funeral, once we had proved we weren't going to harm anyone.

"Elf! Elf!" A little voice said, tugging on my cloak. I looked down to the speaker. The little boy sat there and he stared up a me with big eyes. "Yes dear?" I asked, smoothing his hair down with my hands. "Where is my mama?" I paused, not knowing what to say.

"Your mother is chasing away bad guys." I settled with. "She is being very brave and making sure that you two are safe with us." He nodded, still clutching onto my cloak. "Here." I pushed a plate of food in front of him. "You should eat." He held onto my cloak with one hand and started nibbling on some bread with his other one.

I looked at Legolas from across the table, and he smiled at me. I smiled back.

Across the room, Aragorn was deep in conversation with the King. "You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. They will come and fight for their king!" Théoden whirled on him, angry.

"They will be three thousand leagues away! Éomer cannot help us! I will not risk open war!" Aragorn sighed. "Open war is upon you whether you risk it or not."

Aragorn was pushing the line of respect with the King, and they both knew it. "Last time I checked," The King said. "Théoden was king if Rohan, not Aragorn."

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