The White Wizard

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We walked as silently as we could through the Fangorn Forest, looking for the slightest signs of where Merry and Pippen could have gone. Legolas and I strained our ears to try and hear familiar sounds, but to no avail.

Gimli stopped short, and bent down to look at a low-hanging branch of a tree. He dipped his finger in something and brought it to his mouth. He instantly spat out whatever he had just tasted. "Orc blood." he simply stated. I wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad sign.

Aragorn than kneeled down and looked at a mark made on the soft dirt. "These are strange tracks." he observed. "There are more of them." I said, walking over to him and pointing at a trail of the same marks. "The air is so close here!" Gimli muttered, not enjoying himself.
Legolas than spoke for the first time in a while, in a soft, low whisper as if we might be heard by someone. "This forest is very, very old." He left us with that.

All of a sudden, the trees began to creak and groan, and one or two of them moved. It scared me, so I quickly drew one of my knives and held it at the ready. But nothing came at us, nor did the trees do anything. "Gimli, Ryanne, lower your weapons." Aragorn said to us in a hushed voice, looking around wildly. I noticed Gimli had drawn his axe, and he lowered it slowly, seeming reluctant.

I watched Aragorn move around us, almost as if he was searching for something. What was he doing? I wondered. Why aren't we moving forward anymore? We still need to find the Hobbits.... I had a lot of questions as to what we were doing. Legolas than quietly came up besides me and took my knife out of my hand, and back into it's place on my thigh. I looked up at him, sort of embarrassed that I hadn't already done that. "Thank you." I whispered, not really knowing what else to say.

He didn't respond, just put a finger to his lips, indicating me to be silent. I nodded and tried to listen for any threatening sounds.

Ahead of us, a brach snapped loudly and suddenly, making me jump. Legolas heard it too and ran over to Aragorn. "Aragorn, something is out there!" He said in elvish. Aragorn nodded, already knowing what was coming. "The White Wizard approaches." He said, loud enough so Gimli and I could hear it too. I heard Gimli muttering, annoyed. "Don't let him speak!" He stated. "He will put a spell on you!" Isn't that what he said with Lady Galadriel? But I knew the White Wizard was much different, so I drew an arrow, and held it to my bow. Aragorn had drawn his sword, Gimli, his axe, and Legolas had done the same as me with his arrow.

"We must be quick!" Aragorn told us. That was the last thing I heard before I was blinded by a great white light. Gimli threw his axe at the Wizard, but he deflected it, shattering it into many pieces. I fired my arrow, and so did Legolas, but the Wizard waved his hands and those bounced off as well. I turned to see Aragorn's sword turning bright red, and he dropped it, acting as if he had gotten burned. I shielded my eyes, as the bright light was almost blinding. Than, to my surprise, the White Wizard began to speak to us.

"You are tracking two Hobbits through this forest." He said. I wondered how he knew that, as Legolas and I would have known if we were being followed. But than again, he was a wizard. "Where are they?" Aragorn demanded, his voice hard and serious. The Wizard turned and looked at him. I couldn't see his face, so I couldn't tell who he was, or how he was looking at Aragorn. "They past through here the day before yesterday." He answered. That lowered my spirits considerably. We were that far behind them? "They ran into someone they did not expect to meet." He continued, speaking in rhymes, which were always frustrating to me. "Does that comfort you?" he asked Aragorn. I didn't think it did at all.

This seemed to annoy Aragorn. "Who are you?" he said. "Show yourself!" The light dimmed and who was standing there, but Gandalf. Except...Gandalf was dead. Right? But right now, I didn't care, as long as he was back with us. "It cannot be." Aragorn whispered. Legolas than bowed on one knee. "Forgive me." he told Gandalf. "I mistook you for Sarumon."

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