Back Home

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A/N: I added the song 'Back Home' by Andy Grammer, I thought it fit the occasion. It's a great song, check it out! And also, this might be the last chapter for this book. Give me suggestions for the continuation if you have any!
And very merry holidays, whatever you celebrate, have fun!

Our horses trotted lightly on the grass as we rode lightly towards my familiar home.
Legolas and Aragorn had come with me for the journey, where Aragorn would see his beloved Arwen again.

Legolas and I had agreed that Legolas would visit me in a few months time after going back to Mirkwood and his people. But for now, after this day, they would both be gone.

I knew I would see them again, and maybe the Hobbits too. The Hobbits and Gimli had gone to their own home after Aragorn's crowning. Gandalf had said farewell and gone with the Hobbits.

Rhea perked up as we neared Rivendell, recognizing her home. I patted her neck and smiled. We were both glad to be here.
"Do you think they will be happy to see us?" I asked, mostly joking.
Legolas smiled and laughed.
"Happier than anyone."

Our horses turned down a path and there it was. Rivendell was in sight and right in front of us.
There were many Elves walking about, talking and buying goods.
All of them stopped why they were doing an stared open-mouthed at us.

"They are back!" One shouted and others began to talk excitedly.
"Finally, they have returned!"
"Call Lord Elrond!"

All three of us smiled and continued forward through the town to the palace. We soon saw the meeting spot where the Fellowship had first come together.
"I told you they would be happy." Legolas said.

The tree of us stopped and dismounted by the meeting circle. We turned, hearing a voice call us. It was Lord Elrond, hurrying down the stairs of his palace.
"You are back, it is a miracle! Where are the others?"
"My Lord," I said. "The others are safe in their own homelands, the Hobbits included. The Ring was destroyed as well."

He smiled in joy. "None have passed?"
We paused.
"There is only one." Aragorn said softly. "We lost Boromir to the Orcs near Lothlórien, may he rest in peace."
Elrond nodded.
"May he rest in peace."

Than he turned and led us back up the stairs into his palace where he began to talk to us. We conversed on important matters such as how the kingdoms will be run now. And how we could prevent another occurrence such as this.

I was listening intently and participating, when I heard two voices call me.
"Ryanne! Oh my goodness, Ryanne!"
I turned instantly, recognizing those voices.

Saydra and Roanne were sprinting towards me, arms outstretched.
They reached me and hugged me fiercely. "We thought you would never return. Ro was in tears for the first month and a half." Saydra said quickly.
I sighed and smiled, glad to be with my friends again.

Lord Elrond had kept talking with Aragorn and Legolas, so I lead my friends away from their conversation.
"No, everything is fine." I told them. "Our mission is complete, and everyone is alive, save one."
They nodded.

"Who are those with you?" Saydra asked. "The Elf and the man?"
"The Elf is Prince Legolas, of Mirkwood. The man is King Aragorn, of Gondor."
Roanne looked impressed.
"You met some important people along the way." She told me.

Sydra smiled. "The Elf is cute!" She whispered. Roanne giggled. "He is!"
I looked at both of them with my eyebrows raised.
"What?" They said. "We just think he's cute."
"I know." I told them. "But he's my cute Elf. So back off."
They gasped.
"Are you two a thing? Really?" Roanne asked, shocked.
"Yeah, I guess. He's coming to visit in a few months after he leaves today. We might go see Aragorn."

They smiled hugely, showing that they approved. "You two are cute together!" Roanne told me. I rolled my eyes. "Ok, enough about me, what's been going on with you?"
Saydra immediately blushed and Roanne lit up. "Saydra has developed some....feelings for a certain Elf."
Ro started slowly, eyeing Saydra.

I gasped. "Really? Who is it, tell me!"
"Nobody, really!" Saydra said the same time Roanne said "Linder!"
There was a pause.
"Linder?" I asked. Saydra nodded, embarrassed.
There was another pause. Then, I let out a little giggle.
"Stop it!" Saydra shoved me playfully.
"I'm sorry, but I hope it works out!"
"Oh come on, I have never talked to him before!"

Roanne laughed. "Ry and I will help you with that! But now, she has to go say goodbye to her boyfriend, and the King." I glared. "Don't call him that."
"Whatever you say."

I said goodbye to them, promising to catch up with them later, and walked back to where Aragorn and Legolas were with Elrond.
"Ryanne, we were just finishing, I see your friends had you distracted for a while." Lord Elrond spoke, a little amused. "Yes, sorry."
Aragorn turned to look at me.
"Ry, Legolas and I will have to leave now, but we will see each other soon."
I nodded. "I will miss you both too much!"
Legolas out his hand in mine and led the way back to their horses.

Rhea had wandered off, probably to the stables, I would find her later.
Aragorn hugged me tightly before mounting onto his horse.
"Are you sure you want to leave now?" I asked. "You haven't even seen Arwen." He paused, as if I had managed to convince him.
Then he shook his head. "I cannot stay any longer. I have a kingdom to lead, and many people. But do tell her I was here and thinking of her."
"I will, I promise."

Then, I turned to Legolas. I pulled him close to me and we hugged for a long while. "I'm going to count the days until you come back." I whispered to him. "And so will I." He said back.
He pulled away slightly and kissed me on the lips. Aragorn turned his head slightly, pretending to be interested in his saddle.
We broke away finally and he cupped my face in his hands. "I love you Ryanne." He told me.
I nodded. "You know I love you too."

He dropped his hands from my face and turned to mount Arod. I stepped back to look at them both on their horses. "I will miss you both!" I told them. "Aragorn, Legolas and I will try to see you in a few months, won't we?"
Legolas smiled and nodded.
"We will try our best."
Aragorn nodded once and smiled at me. "Until then Ryanne," He said. "Farewell."

He kicked his horse and turned away at a trot from me. Legolas hesitated, but I reached my hand to my lips and blew a kiss to him. He smiled, then followed Aragorn out of the courtyard.
They both looked back once to wave, and I waved too.
Even after they were out of sight, I kept waving. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt a tear on my mouth. I smiled, oh how I loved them.


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