Eye and Mountain

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I swiveled around as I heard my name shouted.

"Get down!"

It was Legolas, who was staring up into the sky, warning me of impending danger.
Without hesitation, I dropped to the ground in a crouch.

From the ground I looked up, still trying to ward off blows from the Orcs, and almost screamed out loud.

In the sky, were multiple Nazgûl, swooping down and picking up our men, throwing them into the sky.

One had flown down right above me, causing Legolas to react.
I nocked an arrow to my bow, and aimed it at the Ring Wraith on the Nazgûl.

Quickly letting go of the bowstring, my arrow shot into the sky and hit the rider in the neck, causing him to fall to his death.
I rose from my crouching position and immediately had to pull out more arrows and shoot the enemies around me.

Then my name was being called again, in a more desperate manner.
But this time it was Legolas and Aragorn.


My heart sped up a hundred paces all at once, the I felt something at my back, knocking my quiver off and lifted me into the air.
Instantly, I knew what it was and I opened my mouth in a scream.

It was the first terror-filled scream I had produced in a long time, and I almost didn't know it was me.
My scream was blood curdling and I truly sounded scared.

I called to him, hoping he could help kill the flying beast that still held me.
But we were soon out of range, and nothing could be done.

Turning on my back in the claws, I drew a sword of mine and slashed at the leg that was closest to me.
The beast screamed and clenched my body tighter in it's claws and still flew higher.

I wasn't yet a hundred feet off the ground, but I was growing on it. I forced myself not to look down and I swung again at the leg holding me.

Then suddenly, the Nazgûl swooped down again, making me scream again, feeling my stomach drop. But before it hit the ground, it pulled up again and started rising into the air.

Having no idea what it just did, I guessed it had killed more of our men while still holding on to me.
But it flew higher into the air and all I could do was pray it didn't drop me.

"Ryanne, hold on!"
It was Gandalf, his old voice perceptible to my Elven ears, but not to the Nazgûl's.

Looking down, my stomach dropped again, but I saw the Wizard whispering to a butterfly perched on the end of his staff.
I had no guess as to what that could mean, but I didn't worry.

But still the Nazgûl rose, and this time it flew across the sky, towards the Mountain.
My breath caught in my throat, and I tried to move around in the claws holding me.

When the claws didn't release, I swung my sword and it came in contact with the beast's leg, making it cry out and turn back to the battle.
The claws around me opened, and before I hit open air, I managed to grab a talon on its foot and hang on.

The Nazgûl dove for the ground again, trying to rid me off of it. I bit back a scream and reached my arm back to put my sword behind my quiver so I could reach my second arm up to hold the talon.

But before the Nazgûl could hit the ground or pull up, a large mass hit it in the side. The beast roared, and flew out of my grasp. I was flung high into the air and my hair was blown around my face.

On the way down, I did scream this time, loud and terrified. Then, I stopped falling.
I had hit a large, feathery back of an animal and I looked to see what had caught me.

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