Balrogs and Lothlórien

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I marveled at Frodo's near-death experience and how he managed get out of it. It was a matter of luck how that happened. My thoughts were interrupted by Gandalf shouting to us. "To the bridge of Kazahad-Dum!" He turned and began to run down a path leading to somewhere we couldn't see yet. I followed after him, Legolas right behind me. Making sure the rest of the Fellowship were with us, I started to run even faster.

We ran and ran, and I was surprised at how fast Gandalf could move for an old man. We stopped in a circle of empty space, surrounded by huge stone pillars, reaching the ceiling. I was panting, from running so fast, and I was glad I had a chance to catch my breath. I started to hear scrabbling noises, like claws on stone, and looked up quickly. To my horror, I saw hundreds of thousands of Orcs and Goblins running down from the pillars and closing in around us. I drew an arrow and waited for Gandalf to say something.

He never did. I looked around at him to see him looking farther away, behind the Orcs, at something unseen. Than, a huge roar came from a passage way behind everybody, shaking the floors and walls. The Orcs surrounding us began shift uncomfortably. There was another roar an this time the creatures around us began to scream out of fear and run to get back up on the pillars. I was confused for a moment and than terror started to settle in. Whatever could make Orcs and Goblins run out of fear, could easily kill us.

The beast roared again, even louder this time, and the passage way lit up with orange and red flames. I lowered my bow, shaking out of terror, trying to pull myself together. "What is this new devilry?" Boromir whispered to us. "A Balrog. And ancient beast of fire." Gandalf responded. I pulled my bow up again, as did Legolas and Aragorn drew his sword. "This foe is beyond any of you!" He shouted again. "Run!" and we did. Faster than before, scared for our lives. We could see the bridge a little ways away from us and so we ran faster.

We reached a huge staircase that wasn't very wide, and began to run down them. I was in front, as Gandalf had gone to fight the Balrog. I saw the stairs beginning to crack, and tried to slow down. I had too much momentum behind me though, so when they actually did split right in front of me, I saw my life go flashing before my eyes. I swung my arms, trying to regain balance. I might have fallen, but I felt Legolas reach around my waist and pull me back safely. I didn't have time to thank him, as he moved past me and jumped across the gap to the other side. He motioned with his hands for me to jump after him. "I will catch you!" he said confidently. I had no doubt that he would, I just hated, hated heights.

Breathing quickly, I tried to make myself jump, but it wasn't happening. I heard Aragorn move up behind me and pick me up. "No!" I cried. "No!" my eyes went huge, as I realized he was gong to throw me across. What was it with people and throwing Elves? he tossed me firmly over the edge, and Legolas caught me in his arms. He hugged me and set me back on my feet. I moved behind him to see Gimli protesting about how 'nobody tosses a dwarf.' He jumped across, but fell short, making Legolas grab him be the beard and yank him up. Next was Boromir, who threw Sam over and picked up Merry and Pippin under each of his arms and jumped. They came across safely and we all looked back at who was left.

Aragorn and Frodo were about to jump, when a bigger part of the stairs broke off in front of them. The stairs began to rock unsteadily, and I feared them falling. Aragorn grabbed Frodo by the back of his cloak, holding him steady. "Lean forward!" he shouted. The both did and we had to back up when the stairs came crashing into our side. They ran over to us and we all began to run towards the bridge.

When we reached it, we filed into a line and crossed it that way. I was behind Boromir and in front of Legolas. I forced myself not to look down, as I would probably get sick. "Where is Gandalf?" I shouted at whoever could hear me, once we had crossed the bridge. I got my answer soon enough, as an ear-deafening roar echoed through the mines. The Balrog was behind Gandalf who was fleeing from it, moving faster than I have ever seen anybody move. Gandalf reached the bridge and began to run across to us. The Balrog stepped on the bridge after him, but a cracking noise stopped him. He was too heavy for the bridge, I knew, but he continued to walk across after Gandalf.

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