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Elsa's POV

I'm in my room, as usual, thinking. Then I hear a knock on my door. I already know who it is, it's my little sister Anna.

She wants me to go out and build a snowman with her, but if I do I might hurt her, again. I tell her to go away. I hear her sadness and disappointment as she says goodbye and it kills me that I can't go make her happy and have fun.

I go back to my thoughts about my powers and how I must learn to control them. My thoughts are once again interrupted when a maid brings in my lunch.

She sets the tray on my bedside table, curtsies, then exits quietly. I wonder if she noticed the small patches of ice around my room? if she did what will she think? Probably that I'm a monster. because that's what I am, a Monster.

A/N : Hey this is my first serious book and I suck at writing but I am really bored so I decided to write this book ! I highly doubt people will read this book but it is still fun to write!

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