Meeting for the first time

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Jack's POV

I did all my rounds, made It snow where needed, and decided to have some fun. I was flying around looking for the perfect place to freak out some people.

I flew over a beautiful kingdom where the sun was beating down and the flowers were blooming. Perfect! I flew around the castle going to random windows to frost. When I went to about the 7th window, I frosted it but there was some ice inside the room. Oopsies!

I then saw a young girl about 7 or 8 years old. She saw the frost and began to freak out, and I mean Freak Out! She began to pace around her room and she sounded like she was scolding herself. the question is why?

Then to frost began to melt due to the hot sun beating down on the castle. She looked out the window and looked straight at me or through me, because no one ever believed in me nor did they see me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the window abruptly swung open. The young girl looked like she was looking at me, but that wasn't possible because she surely did not believe in me. I turned to see what she could be looking at with such shock. I saw nothing I turned back and she started to smile.

Elsa's POV

Last night I had a nightmare, it was about the incident with Anna on That night. I was scared and when I woke up my bed was covered with a thin layer of ice. I opened up my curtains to let the sunlight in to melt the ice.

I began to search for another book to read when I heard a crackle at the window. I immediately looked at the window and saw it was frosted over! I began to panic. "Elsa control it!" I began to scold myself. I looked back at the window, the frost began to melt and then I saw HIM! Jack Frost!

He looked confused at first then he looked sad. He seemed to be deep in thought. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him again. I then quickly opened the window to get a better look. He turned around and looked to see something but turned back to me.

I began to smile because the one person that was like me was right in front of me! He then had a look of shock on his face, as if he expected me not to see him. He then spoke to me with uncertainty.

"C-Can you see me? "

I was insulted! I am not blind! Of course I can see him! I didn't want to seem rude so I replied politely.

"Yes I can see you."

He was shocked still but he smiled and said:

" Hello my name is Jack."

Jack gave me a smile and I smiled back as I introduced myself

" Hello, my name is Elsa. May I ask why you are here?"

He thought about it then ignored my question and asked:

" May I come in, Elsa?"

I thought about it, I shouldn't let a stranger in my room. But he wasn't really a stranger, was he? He is Jack Frost I should have nothing to fear. I looked up at him, he gave me an impatient smile. I then nodded and stepped out of his way.

Jack flew in and then apologized.

"Sorry about getting all this ice in your room, I didn't mean to."

I was confused at first. I made the ice in my room. He must think he did! I wonder, should I tell him of my powers? Maybe I should, maybe he could help me!

" Oh no that is not your fault at all!" I said

"Yes it is, I am Jack Frost. The one and only! I can control ice and snow." He explained

Hmm I don't think he will believe me if I tell him. He will just write me off as a kid with a big imagination!

" Very well then, prove it." I said. I knew that he was the one and only Jack Frost but I wanted him to show me his powers.

"Ok" he said simply

He then waved his hand in a figure eight shape and a snowflake appeared and he blew it towards me. I caught it in my cold hand. He seemed confused when it didn't melt in my palm.

" My hand is cold, that is probably why it hasn't melted yet."

He didn't look convinced but he let the topic drop

" So you never did tell me why you were here."

He smiled and shrugged

"Just spreading some frosty fun!" He said

I giggled and he chuckled. This is the happiest I've been since the incident. But I shouldn't get to have fun, I should have to spend my time alone learning how to control my powers.

" You should probably be going now." I said as gestured towards the open window.

Jack frowned and nodded as he took a couple steps towards the window. He then turned towards me and said

" You should let yourself have fun more often." And then he flew out of the window.

I felt sad and alone, but that is how it must be until I can control my powers.

A/N: ok so they met I hope you like this story so far! Follow @washingtonstate because they gave me my first vote on my story and they're awesome!!!!

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