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Elsa's POV

The past five years have been very.... Interesting. Jack has been trying to help me but it isn't going as well as planned.

I have gotten a little better now though. I recently became of age. Today I am going to be crowned as Queen of Arendelle.

Jack keeps telling me that there is nothing to worry about and that everything will be fine, I want to believe him, but the fear is constantly making me lose control.

I needed to practice. After I got dressed in my dress and cape I headed down the hall to the study.

I picked up a candlestick and small powder case, they began to frost over! I quickly set them back down on the desk and put my gloves on.

"Conceal, Don't feel, put on a show. Make one wrong move, and everyone will know, but it's only for today! It's agony to wait!" I open the doors of the study and shout "tell the guards to open up" I paused "the gates!"

I kept humming that tune as I looked out at the kingdom. "Don't let them in, don't let them see" I mumbled along with the tune" Be the good girl you always have to be" I heard Anna singing down in the square"conceal" I paused "conceal, don't feel, don't let them know!" I sang quickly.

Anna continued singing as I made my way to the chapel.


The priest held the crown as I bowed my head. He carefully set the crown on my head.

The priest gestured for me to grab the orb and scepter, I began reaching until the priest coughed

"Your majesty, the gloves." I slowly took them off and set them on the pillow.

My hands were shaking as I grabbed the orb and scepter. I was scared. I held my breath and faced the crowd.

"As she holds the holy properties, and is crowned in this holy place, I present to you... Queen Elsa of Arendelle." The priest said the first part in Norse.

The crowd cheered as I quickly turn and placed the orb and scepter on the pillow and replaced my gloves on my hands.


I walked into the Ballroom as I was announced as "Queen Elsa of Arendelle"

Anna was announced and she shyly skipped in and waved. She was oddly placed so the man that announced us directed her beside me.

The guests began to dance and I thought I should speak to Anna.

"Hi" I said

"H-Hi me?" I nodded and hummed a yes. "Oh! Um hi!"she said

"You look beautiful" I said

"Oh thank you! You look beautifuller! I-I mean not fuller, you don't look fuller, but you look more beautiful!" She said. I giggled at what she said.

"So, this is what a party looks like." I said as I examined the room.

"It's warmer than I thought." Anna said, I agreed with her, but I kept cool because of my powers.

I smelt something delicious "mmm what is that amazing smell?" Me and Anna took a deep sniff of the air.

We both looked at each other and exclaimed "CHOCOLATE!"

We both giggled. Anna looked like she was about to say something, but the man that announced us announced a short, spritely, old man.

"May I present, The Duke of Weasel Town"

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