It's getting Stronger

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4 years have passed.

Elsa's POV

I was in my room in the corner nearest to the door holding my knees and crying. I had just told my parents to leave my room so I wouldn't hurt them. The corner was full of ice, but I didn't really mind the cold. Even with the gloves my father have me I could not control my powers.

I'm such a monster, not even the trolls magic can control this curse.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show." I continued to chant until I heard a tap on my window

I stopped chanting but refused to look up, it was probably my imagination

"Elsa! Hey! Hey Elsa" a familiar voice said

I looked up to see none other than Jack Frost.

He smiled at me, I then got up to open the window and let him in. It has been years since I have seen him, but he looks just the same.

He came in and sat at the desk looking around the room.

"Wow, your older now." Jack said casually

I giggled at how obvious his statement was. " Yes that is usually what happens to children, they get older." I said

Jack smirked and said " not all kids," I didn't understand what he meant "I am considered a child but, as you see I am not older." He said

I nodded and a thought came to my head. How does Jack control his powers so well?

"Jack?" He hummed in response so I continued. " How do you control your powers so well?"

He looked at me then to the floor deep in thought.

" Well," he started and I patiently waited for him to continue " I - I - I guess I just had many years to practice." I was not pleased with this answer at all. I didn't have nearly enough time and I had no where to practice either.

" I see" was all I said

Jack's POV

She didn't look pleased with my answer. I don't know how I control it, I just do! I really want to help Elsa, but she feels she has to be alone.

I then heard a knock on the door

It sounded like a girl, she was begging Elsa to go play with her. Elsa just tried to ignore the girl until we heard a bicycle speed passed the door and down a flight of stairs . The we heard a loud crash! Elsa looked concerned until we heard some maids ask 'Anna' if she was alright. Anna said she was fine and ran back to the door to explain to elsa what fun she just had.

I then noticed Elsa was wearing gloves, I wonder why she doesn't seem to be cold at all. Maybe she's a clean freak?

Elsa's POV

After I was sure Anna was ok I walked to the window. I notice Jack was staring at my gloves, probably wondering why I'm wearing them inside or wondering if I'm a clean freak. I don't feel like explaining so I hide my hands and start a conversation

" So Jack how have you been?"

"I have been fine I guess." He said "how have you been?"

I didn't want to lie and say I have been good because I haven't, I have been sad and scared. I also don't want to tell him the truth. I suddenly saw the northern lights!

"Jack look!" I said with urgency

He quickly came over to the window beside me. " Oh the lights! North must need something!" I knew exactly what he was talking about

" Santa needs your help, you should go it could be important!" I said. he giggled for some reason

"Ya I know, I have to go see you tomorrow Elsa!" He shouted the last part as the wind carried him towards the North Pole .

Wait did he say he would see me tomorrow? I don't want to hurt Jack but he is my only friend so I was pretty excited to see him again.


Jack's POV

The wind carried me to the pole. When I got there, sandy was trying to tell north something but the images were really fast and jumbled.

"What's the problem?" I asked. Every one in the room was glaring at north.

"North, why don't you tell Jack why we are all here." Tooth said

"Well, you see, um, I'm sorry, but, I may have panicked. I saw a shadow that looked like pitch. And-" he said but bunny cut him off

"The rest is obvious, now I gotta get back to the warren." He said as he made a tunnel by tapping his foot on the ground twice.

"Bye kangaroo!" I said. I heard him growl in anger before a flower appeared on the ground where the tunnel used to be.

Sandy and tooth left after scolding north again. I honestly don't see what is so bad, I mean better safe than sorry.

"Bye North!" I yelled as I left.


A/N: hey I hope this story is good! If not please tell me how to make it a good story! Thanks! 😊 sorry if chapters are too short!😕

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