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Elsa's POV

I was on my way to my room, then Anna called me.

"Elsa! Wait!" She came up to me." Hey why did you end the ball?"

"Anna, it was getting late-" she cut me off

"No elsa, let me ask again: What happened?" She said in a tone that kinda scared me

"Well, Hans-" she interrupted again.

"Wait! Hans was there!?!?" She yelled

"Yes Anna now listen!" I yelled "Hans kissed me and I kissed back and I pushed him away. The guards took him away. The whole encounter stressed me. So now I was hoping to rest my stress away." I told her.

"One more thing sis, why did you kiss him back?" She asked

One thing popped in my head, I was to tired to lie so I told her:

"Jack Frost"

Then I quickly walked to my room.


Jack's POV

I flew off after arguing with

Elsa. I honestly didn't know what came over me! I mean yes she did just kiss her worst enemy, but I know he has real feelings for her.

She freaking kissed sideburns! I hate him so much! She has never ever kissed me- wait what? Is that what I'm upset about?

I was blindly flying around the castle thinking of elsa. I decided I should talk to her and tell her I'm not upset and that I completely support her relationship with Hans.

I went to her room and waited.


Elsa's POV

I walked in my room, I was so stressed I sprawled myself on my bed and closed my eyes. Then I felt a cool breath tickle my face. Oh no! I was hoping not to see him til tomorrow!

I need to set the record straight now though. But I was scared so I kept my eyes closed. I felt Jack back up from me, he must think I'm asleep.

Jack's POV

I think elsa is asleep and I'm debating if I should wake her to tell her to get her pajamas on or let her sleep in that uncomfortable dress.

I do need to talk to her, but she already so stressed. I opened the door about to leave, then I closed it and thought

Elsa's POV

I heard the door open and shut so I assumed that Jack left. I opened my eyes and got up, heading straight to my dressing room.

I got on my pajamas and laid in bed. I began to drift off to sleep. Then I heard something. It was Jack sitting down at my desk.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" I asked as I looked at his sad face.

"I was wondering if we could talk." He said

"Yes of course we can, but aren't we already talking?" I asked

"Yes but I need to tell you this," he started" I totally support you and Hans." I was shocked he thinks I am marrying that son of a banshee.

"No Jack listen-" he cut me off

"It's ok elsa, I am happy for you. I am proud of you, proud that you found love finally. I know he truly loves you, so I am perfectly ok with it. do not let me hold you back." he told me. that was sooo rehearsed.

"Jack! Listen!" I yelled " I don't love Hans! He kissed me! I pushed I'm off and had the guards take him away." I told him

"Elsa please spare me the lies, even if he kissed you, you kissed him back!" He said. I swear I could see some tears in his eyes, he must really hate the idea of me and Hans together.

"I only kissed him back because I was thinking about me kissing you!" I yelled quickly. he looked stunned. "now- now just go! leave! do Not come back! Ever!" I yelled. I was so upset with myself. he flew out quickly. after what I just said I wasn't surprised he wanted to leave so quickly.

Jack's POV

I flew out quickly so I could think, she seemed so upset. I mean, I don't understand what she said, I mean does that mean she wants to kiss me? ugh I have no experience with love!

I want to kiss her, hug her, hold her, and most of all I want to tell her those 3 words I have always wanted to hear:

I Love You

But she returns my feelings, right? I mean I think so. Why the heck did I leave? Oh ya she told me to.

But I'm going back to tell her those three precious words.

I turned around and headed back to the castle. I found Elsa's room, she was in the corner, surrounded by ice and frost. She was in the same position as the time I came in when she was about twelve.

I slowly opened the window and flew in. "Elsa-"

"No stop, I thought I told you to leave." she said sternly.

"Elsa please, can we talk?" I asked.

"We did talk now we are done talking. I told you to leave, but I know how horrible your ears work so I will say it a little louder so you can hear me ok?" She asked in a tone that scared me.

She stood, walked over to me "JACK! I want you to leave! NOW!" She yelled at me. She broke down in years and fell to the floor. I sat in front of her, facing her.

I reached out my hand, lifted her chin, and forced her to look me in the eye. I wiped her tears with my thumbs.

Then I leaned in slowly, I saw her eyes flutter shut. So I closed mine. Then I felt her cold lips on mine. I was kissing her, and she was kissing me back.

After she broke the kiss so she could breath, I jumped up and did a backflip in the air, because I was so happy she felt the same.

She giggled at my reaction to the kiss, then my cheeks burned like a campfire.

"Elsa, I Love You." I told her as I walked closer. I heard her breath catch when I said that.

"J-Jack?" she stuttered

"Yes Elsa?"

"I-I-I Love y-you too." She said softly

Then I couldn't help it, I kissed her again.

A/N: hey so I saw people's comments so I decided to post this chapter, I was going to make it longer later, but I wanted to post what I had, it will be awhile til the next chapter though.

Jelsa kiss!!!!

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