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Elsa's POV

It was dark, I couldn't see anything. "Elsa."

"Pitch" I greeted

"So have you thought about my offer?"

"I have"

"So? What is your answer?"

"I said I've thought, not decided. Anyways there is a condition for me to consider your deal."

"Oh is your sister not as precious to you as I assumed?" He asked smirking as he appeared

"My condition is Jack. He must not be harmed."

"If Jack is to be unharmed he must also join us. I will welcome him, but I have asked for his help before. He rudely declined, but he would do anything for you."

"That's not true, he would never consider joining you! He was right, you are really crazy."

"Ha. Ha." He said sarcastically. "That boy loves you, more than he should. His worst fear is losing you. He will join us, if you ask him." He is lying!

"Choose soon my fair queen." He bowed as he disappeared in the shadows

I turned around and saw Anna frozen like she was last week. I tried running to her but something knocked me back wards. I got up and looked at the floor, only to see Jack, struck in the heart with black sand. "Nooo!" I screamed "Jack!" No this is a dream! Just a nightmare!

I was shaken awake by Jack. "Elsa! It was just a nightmare! I'm right here!" He whisper yelled.

I was crying, he hugged me. I told him about him and Anna dying but not about my talk with pitch. Then I got up from my nap to prepare for the ball tonight.


Jack's POV

After breakfast with Elsa, I explored the castle. Once I felt satisfied that I had explored the majority of the castle, I went back to Elsa's room.

I looked out a window on my way to Elsa's room, it was probably around 4:00 judging by where the sin sat in the sky.

I went in to Elsa's room to find her screaming as she slept "no! Jack! please don't leave me! help me! no Anna!" I quickly woke her up.

Then she got up and prepped herself for her suitor ball tonight. "So elsa," I paused as she hummed in response as a maid did her hair. "Are you excited to meet your suitors?" I asked.


Elsas POV

I knew my answer to jack's question 'no I'm not excited! the only suitor I want is standing in this room right now' I thought as the maid left.

But, I certainly can't tell him that. I would be a fool, he doesn't return my feelings, I am just a good friend to him.

My hair was in the same bun as at my coronation, and I no longer wore gloves. I wore a beautiful blue dress that is similar to Anna's dress at my coronation.

By now it was already 7:00 and the guests would arrive at 7:30 so I made my way to the ballroom with Jack. Jack didn't seem to like this ball, whenever I mentioned it he would get upset and be silent.

I wondered why. He almost never gets upset. The guest would arrive at any moment so I kissed Jack's cheek and told him to cheer up.

The suitors arrived and greeted me with handshakes and occasionally a kiss on my hand. As the rest of the suitors made their way into the ballroom I sat on a throne like chair at the front of the room.

Music started and me and Anna were asked to dance along with many other women attending my suitor ball. I danced with an older man, he was tall and lean with a long white beard.

After the song I began to walk back, I was tripped though. I braced myself for the impact but instead felt a pair of cool hands land around my waist. I looked up to see my favorite ocean blue eyes staring into mine.

"Hey snowflake, I saw you falling for me." Wow he can be so cheesy.

"Ha ha" I laugh sarcastically "very cute. Now, I have to go back to my seat and wait for another suitor. They actually want to court me." He frowned and opened his mouth to say something.

"Actually I- yes of course, go have fun buddy." He said. That hit me hard 'buddy', I'm just his buddy.

I went to sit down, a man about 30 asked me to dance, I accepted. we danced and talked about me being a queen without a queen.

"It must be hard, I mean all that work and no help." He said

"Difficult at times but manageable. I prefer to do my work alone, control is everything to me." I explained

"I feel like your no longer referring to your queenly duties, but rather your lovely gift and the isolation you're so comfortable with." He said. Great he's a freaking therapist! No thank you! I don't need someone to tell me what I'm feeling! That's why I have a brain!

The song ended, I started to walk back to my seat, but of course I get interrupted again. This time I didn't recognize who grabbed me.

He turns me and I look into those poisonous green eyes.

"Hello my beautiful queen, it's been a while?" He asked with a smirk

"Hans, why are you here? You should be in the deepest dungeons of the Southern Isles!" I said. he wrapped a hand around my waist, I couldn't get away from his tight grip. He slipped

His fingers through mine with his other hand.

"Your highness, I of course was released. I am here as a suitor." He said

"Well, Hans, you may not suit me. I apologies but you have no chance. I have no wish to sleep with one eye open because my husband," I paused because I nearly choked on that word I was using to describe Hans. "May try to kill me in the middle of the night."

"Oh elsa, you could learn to love me. I truly love you." He said

"You don't love me! Your broken! Nobody can love you! Just because I am broken too doesn't mean that I can love you!" I nearly yelled

"Fix me." He said simply before he kissed me. The feeling of being kissed was... Perfect, but something felt wrong. I pushed him away.

"Leave. Now!" I yelled. The guards came and dragged him out.

I walked back to my seat. I sat down without looking at the chair.

I sat on something, rather someone!

I quickly stood, I looked at Jack sitting there. "oops sorry, didn't see you there." I apologized

"Don't sweat it most people don't see me, you aren't the first." He said. He sounded upset "having fun?" He asked in the same tone

"Of course I am." I said forgetting the Hans event. He looked

Almost hurt.

"Guess you chose a suitor." He said

"What!? No! why are you acting like this?" I asked

He stood our faces were inches apart "like what? Huh? Your the one acting different!" He yelled at me

My eyes began to water, he has never yelled at me. I blinked away the tears and bit my lip. He wasn't looking at me fortunately.

"I'm sorry that I snapped, I should go now" he said still not looking at me. He hugged me and I felt all better. Honestly when he hugged me I felt happy and completely stress free.

He flew off and the stress returned. Wait, I recalled our conversation. He thinks I kissed Hans! He must be so disappointed! His best friend suddenly kisses her worst enemy! I have to tell him what really happened when I see him next.

I have to leave out the part where I kissed back though. I only kissed back because I was thinking of me and Jack kissing.

But I am just jack's buddy

I decided to send the rest of the guests home, it was late.

A/N: this is like the last chapter for awhile, sorry :(

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