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        She was all alone. The last night of the tour and she always had a difficult time with endings. Maybe that was why she and Lindsey had never really had a real ending. "Or maybe" she thought, "you're not supposed to have an ending. Maybe you and Lindsey never really end." She had to stop thinking that way. She was absolutely and completely in love with him. As hard as she had tried throughout the years she could not erase Lindsey Buckingham from her heart. Even when he said the nastiest things about her and to her, even when he flaunted all of his girlfriends in front of her, she couldn't stop loving him. Sure, she hated him, he was an asshole, but he was her asshole and she loved him more than she hated him. So much more. They really were so complicated.  It had been a long time for them. She was finally sober, but still felt a little insecure. She was afraid to spend the rest of her life alone, and although she held out hope for Lindsey it had been so long she had really given up hope. Her mind traveled back to their meeting before agreeing to this tour. He had been so attentive and sweet. She wanted to kiss him, still wanted him, and thought he wanted her too but she wasn't going to test that out. She was Stevie Nicks god damn it and she doesn't throw herself at anyone. She sure as hell wasn't going to face that rejection especially knowing that Lindsey had a very much younger girlfriend. The weeks truly flew by and the flirtation between she and Lindsey became more and more intense and finally they gave in to each other. She smiled to herself remembering:

It was the first night of the tour and it was such a good show. Stevie was keyed up from the intensity of the show, the adulation of the crowd and attention she got from Lindsey were enough to keep her up all night. She had changed into her satin night gown and sat in her bathroom removing her make-up and then brushing her hair. She heard a knock on the door to her suite. She looked back at the clock, it was 1 am. She wondered who would be coming in so late and hated to be seen without her makeup but she quickly answered anyway. Pulling open the door she sees Lindsey and her heart almost stops. "After all this time how can he still be so damn gorgeous" Stevie thinks to herself. She caught her breath. "Lindsey, what are you doing here so late? Come in!" Lindsey smiled, God he had missed seeing her like this, her eyes so animated and she looked so beautiful without her makeup. He could tell she was excited to see him. "Oh, I just wanted to talk, you were so amazing tonight Stevie." Compliments were so few and far between from Lindsey and Stevie blushed. "Thank you Lindsey, that means alot. And you were pretty fantastic yourself." She led him into the sitting area of her suite not really sure where to go from here. They both sat down and he automatically laced his finger between hers and began to play with her hair. Stevie was both thrilled and uncomfortable at the same time. She had longed for this type of intimacy between them yet she didn't understand where it was coming from or where it was going. She finally broke the silence and asked, "So Lindsey, what did you want to talk about?" Lindsey sat quiet for a moment, trying to find the words. God, he was so happy to be with her right now. She was finally his Stevie again, no cocaine, no Klonopin. He thought of why she had been in those bad places and couldn't help but think he was partly to blame. He knew he made things harder for her than it had to be. He knew he flaunted his girlfriends mercilessly around her. It was a shitty thing to do considering everything they had been through together. He had just been angry and hurt that she didn't love him anymore when he still was consumed by the love he felt for her. But looking at her now brought him back to the present and he looked down and replied, "Honestly Stevie, I don't know. I just can't bring myself to stay away from you. After being away from each other for so long and fighting the times we were together, I can't be away from you when you're a couple of doors away from me. I've missed you so much." Stevie froze, not knowing what to say, but hoping that he was saying was what she had been feeling as well. "Lindsey, I've missed you too, so much." Lindsey didn't wait for her to say anything else but immediately pulled her face toward his and kissed her with as much passion as he could muster. Stevie automatically responded, a moan escaping her throat as she returned the kiss with intensity. Stevie couldn't believe this was happening, but she wasn't going to question it. Lindsey carried her to the bedroom never breaking the kiss. He gently laid her down and caressed her soft porcelain skin. He had forgotten how soft she was, how much his body responded to just the touch of hers. He wanted her, wanted her more than he ever knew he could, yet he wanted to take his time. He wanted to take in every inch of her. Stevie on the other hand lie wondering why he had slowed down. It had been 10 years since the last time they had been together this way and she had definitely aged. She truly was afraid that he had taken a second look at her and no longer wanted her, and she felt the rejection washing over her. Lindsey felt her body tense up beneath his and searched her eyes for the answer. She had never been able to hide anything from him and she couldn't hide this. He knew there was nothing that he could say to make her feel any differently but he could show her. He would make the most passionate love to her that she had ever experienced and she would know that he couldn't want her more than he did now. He increased the intensity of the kiss and caressed her thigh. He could feel her tremble, not believing that he could still do this to her. He removed her night gown and put his mouth around her nipple and sucked hard. She let out a scream and that only made him want to please her more. She removed his shirt, she wanted him so badly, and began to unzip his pants, however at the same time he began to place kisses all over her body and rendered her useless. He made her feel so alive and she wanted him inside her, needed him inside her, to know that she could still make him scream as well. "Lindsey?" her husky voice rasped. "Hmmm" he replied, not bothering to remove his mouth from her perfect body. "Fuck me. Now." Lindsey didn't want to rush things, but he wanted to fuck her so badly he couldn't think straight. She helped him remove the rest of his clothing and he hovered over her. He entered into her and they both moaned simultaneously. Stevie had been with many others, yet no one had ever come close to the way Lindsey made her feel. Lindsey never felt as perfect as when he was inside Stevie. They were almost 50 and they could still fuck like they were 25. Stevie called his name over and over as he thrust inside her, and he knew she was so close. Her breath was coming faster and she was tightened around him, her cries becoming more intense. He need to feel her, needed her to touch him and as if she could read his mind (he had long ago decided he thought she could) she began to caress his body as she cried out his name. He thrust faster and faster knowing it would be over soon, and she screamed his name so loudly he thought she must have woken the whole floor. He didn't care. He thrusted erratically and cried out her name and she lit up. He collapsed on her, extremely exhausted and beyond happy.  She nestled against him and was glowing. He knew this was what she had wanted and was secretly thrilled she was cuddled against him and not throwing him out as had happened so often before. He looked at her and before he even knew what he was saying heard himself say, "I love you Stevie." He froze, not believing what he had just done. The words were true, but he had said them so early on and didn't want to frighten Stevie away. Stevie had never wanted to be forced into doing something and he was afraid with those words he had ended something before it had really even started. As he internally panicked, Stevie was overjoyed. She had waited so long to hear him say that again and finally he had. "I love you so much, Lindsey" she quietly replied. Wait, had Lindsey heard that right? Was it possible the angel he had loved for so long, that he had pushed away could love him too? "You do?" he said. "I do, forever....but I don't know what we do with this Lindsey, I don't know what you want", she wasn't sure if he wanted to be with her again, but at least he finally knew how she felt. "We don't have to figure it all out tonight, Stevie. I love you, you love me we're here together and we have a long tour. We can take it slow, we can do this however you want to. I don't want to talk anymore tonight, though. It's been perfect and I just want to hold you for the rest of the night, is that ok?" Lindsey definitely didn't want to push her. "That's more than ok with me Lindsey. We can talk about this tomorrow." And they could. They would wake up together in the morning, the first morning together in a very long time, but they had plenty of time to figure it out. 

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