I Went Searching For An Answer

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They agreed Lindsey had to go back. They didn't talk about the things Stevie had heard, but she didn't believe that he would distance himself from her and not claim their daughters. He loved them. She didn't really understand the issue about money, he would still have plenty left. Sure he would be missing a significant chunk of it, but they didn't care about the house. He had always moved into wherever Stevie was. They weren't going to quit touring or making albums, so it wasn't like they wouldn't make it back. She would never say this, but she had over twice as much money as Lindsey did. Money would never be an issue for them. She knew however, that this battle was over pride. Kristen had hurt Lindsey's pride in doing this, and Stevie didn't think she deserved a penny for only being married to Lindsey for a few months. It was a low blow to call adultery on this, hadn't Kristen taken advantage of Lindsey when he was engaged to Stevie? She sighed, she assumed it didn't matter. They would face this. She agreed to be subpoenaed and she knew it wouldn't be pleasant for her, but winning this battle was important to Lindsey. If it helped him, she would do whatever. For now, she needed to stop thinking about this. She was tired and not feeling well, her headaches had come back. She would sleep. Lindsey wasn't here anyway. 

Lindsey hated being back in LA, especially since he was staying in a hotel. Stevie had offered her empty home there to him, but he didn't think it would help his situation any. He was going to his house today to get a few things and see his kids. He wasn't looking forward to dealing with Kristen, but it had to be done. Lindsey pulled in the driveway, his driveway, and felt a wave of anger wash over him. He needed to let it go. For now anyway. He knocked at the door and after a moment Kristen answered. "Oh, hi Lindsey. Come in." she said. "How gracious of you Kristen, to invite me into the home I've had for 10 years and worked and paid for." he angrily retored. "I've packed your things, they are over there. The rest are in boxes and I'll have a mover bring them to...well, where? Stevie's home I guess?" she said sarcastically. "You don't need to do anything with my things Kristen. I'm not even sure that I have to move out, so don't start redecorating yet." he retorted. "So you're not denying that you're at Stevie's? I think we do already know that I will get this house and everything else that I want. You aren't going to be able to get out of this Lindsey." she said snarkily. "Well first of all Kristen where I am staying is none of your business, but I am actually in a hotel. Secondly, you have accusations, but you have no proof. Maybe you didn't realize this, but you have to have proof that I slept with Stevie. Seeing as you have none, you're without a leg to stand on." he chuckled to himself, pleased with his choice of words. Kristen was silent for a moment. She hadn't really thought about that. "Well, I wouldn't celebrate a victory Lindsey, Stevie's pregnant and you've been in Phoenix for weeks at a time. You were photographed kissing her, and you have a very well known history. It will be my word against yours. And no is going to believe you." she angrily told him. "We'll see Kristen. I'm not here to talk to you about this, I just want to see my kids." he said walking past her. He didn't reveal to Kristen that Stevie would be there. He didn't think she needed to plan ahead. He played with his children for a few hours, he had really missed them and hated that he wouldn't be getting to see them much. When he put them down for bed he collected his clothes and walked out without saying another word to Kristen. She was enjoying this and he didn't want to give her the satisfaction. 

LIndsey wasn't really feeling like being alone, he had so much on his mind and wanted to talk to someone for a fresh perspective. He called up his brother, Jeff, and asked if he could stop by. When Lindsey arrived Jeff met him outside with a big hug. "Hey little brother, long time no see. Seems like you have a lot going on, want to talk about it?" "Yeah, I think so Jeff, I need a new perspective on this." Lindsey told Jeff everything that happened. Lindsey was really prideful, so it was hard to admit his mistakes and wrong turns to his older brother, but he knew if he wanted advice he needed to tell all of it. Jeff stayed quiet the entire time until Lindsey reached the part where Tony had told him that the twins should be Nicks' and not Buckinghams. "Lindsey you cannot do that! How could you even think about putting Stevie through that after everything else you've done to her! Not to mention your daughters, what, they aren't as important as their siblings who did get their father's last name? How could you even consider that?" he roared. "Whoa, Jeff, I didn't say I was going to do that, I was just telling you the story." Lindsey defended. "Look Linds, you fucked up a lot here, a lot. Kristen's a bitch for sure, we all know that, but you have to think this through. I know you have court in a couple of days, and if Stevie is willing to speak, then I guess you let her and see where it goes. You need to really think this through though. Is fighting this battle worth dragging yourself and Stevie through the mud? Is it worth stressing her out? I mean come on Linds, you're going to prolong all this over money. It's not like you don't have enough and besides, no offense, Stevie has twice as much as you do and it's not like you'll ever do without. You'll make more. I think you should let this go and focus on what is important. Stevie is the love of your life. I don't know why she sticks around, because and I'm being honest with you, I'm you're brother and I love you, you have put that woman through a lot of shit and I don't think you deserve the time of day from her. But she puts up with you and still even manages to love you. Put her first. It's amazing to have a child with the love of your life. Don't miss out on this. Let this Kristen thing go, let her have what she wants and focus on Stevie and your kids, and finally making your life together. This is your last shot here and I don't want to see you fuck it up again." Jeff finally finished. It was a dose of reality for Lindsey or more like a kick in the ass, but it was what he needed. "Well, thanks Jeff, that wasn't easy to hear, but I guess I needed it." Lindsey said sincerely. "I know you did." Jeff laughed. "When are we going to get to see the fabulous Stevie Nicks? I haven't seen her in a long time, we've missed her." "Soon, we'll probably come back to LA after the twins are born. If I can manage it maybe we can meet up when she comes in for the hearing." Lindsey said. Jeff agreed that they should and with one last embrace Lindsey walked out to his car and headed back to his hotel.

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