(18) LWW: It is Finished

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Robin watched Peter fight the Witch and thought that many times she should most likely help him, but what could she do with her wounded arm and jumpy horse. She could go find some water and heal herself, but then what would she do, and by then it would most likely already be to late. So pulling out her sword she pushed Glade forward and fought off a few wondering creatures.

Being given the upper hand on height Robin had no problem cutting them down. She was growing bored and need something else to do. Fighting was fun, but her opponents were not even worthy of fighting her wounded, much less healed. She cut down a few more Minotaur, Dwarves, and even another Cyclopes--only smaller and easier to get rid of.

Once she was completely bored of that she rode Glade up the mountain side until she stood on a ledge below the highest point. With no one to fight up there she just sat and watched the entire battle. A few Fauns were doing well while fighting the same Minotaur. A Narnian Minotaur was killing Dwarves and a few white tigers with just a huge branch.

Robin thought about how she could help all these creatures, but her mind--being deprived of enough sleep and blood--was not in the mood of swinging the sword anymore.

Her ears twitched as did Glade's as the soft sound of pad paws hitting the ground at an impressive speed caught their attention. Robin turned in her seat and smiled as an on-coming golden blur raced up the back of the mountain. It stopped on the ledge above her and roared. It was the same roar Robin had heard earlier, but of course it was coming from the same voice box.

Aslan, with his pride restored, stood high a top the battle, causing every eye to look at him. The Witch and Peter stopped fighting to look up at him. Every creature that had been for years, months, days, and hours, encased in stone were now running up the mountain and stopped to look down. Lucy and Susan came to the sides of Robin and smiled at her.

"Impossible!" Jadis whispered before continuing her battle with Peter.

"What happened to you?" Lucy asked, pointing at her arm.

"I fought a Cyclops." Robin answered before turning Glade and urging the fresh army forward. They raced down the mountain at top speed and into the rocky land. Robin now swung her sword at any poor passerby on the wrong side. She kept her bad arm snug against her chest but with her free right arm she cut down any foe.

Aslan pounced forward ahead of everyone with his eyes on Jadis. She had Peter pinned to the ground and was about to give the killing blow, when she looked up and saw Aslan jump at her, shoving her to the ground. Jadis gave a weak attempt to free herself from the Lion's grip but there was no escaping it. As she stared into his eyes, a tear slipped down her cheek and she was gone.

Peter stood up and looked at where his enemy had once stood, then at where she lay now. Lastly he looked at Aslan. "It is finished." The Great Cat said. The battle for Narnia was over and was won. Peter held respect in his look.

"Peter!" Lucy and Susan both called. Robin rode up right behind them and was just smiling.

"I think they want you, Peter." She said as she stopped beside Peter. The girls ran into Peter making him take a step back to keep his balance. Susan quickly stepped back but Lucy held on for a moment longer. Susan looked around her as if something was missing.

"Where's Edmund?" She yelled. Peter looked around before taking off in some direction which Robin guessed to be the right one.

Robin sat there debating whether to follow them or not. Aslan walked up beside her. "He'll survive." Was all he said before slowly walking the way the children had run. Robin followed, but even slowly than Aslan. Her wound seemed to be affecting her now. Her mind was spinning and everything was in the wrong place. Glade's head in front of her was on her right and left, making her body want to turn one of those directions, but only to find that Glade was as confused as she was. He threw his back at her and stopped walking completely.

"Sorry boy. I'm not feeling so good. How about you steer and follow everyone." But as Glade took a step Robin lost all balance and fell forward. Her head hit his neck and she slid to the ground.

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