(27) PC: You don't know?

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Robin trotted atop Glade coming up behind the group walking through the forest toward the How. With Glade's long strides they quickly arrived at the front of the line with the prince, kings, and queens. Robin jumped off of the stallion's back and walked between him and Lucy--who was walking beside Susan.

"So, Robin. What did you do while we were gone?" Lucy asked. Robin smiled at the little girl.

"Waited for you to return." She remarked. Lucy rolled her eyes and gave a 'really?' look. Robin chuckled. "No, I was mostly in Calorman and Archenland country tending to needs and many other things there."

"I guess it's no use asking if any of our friends are still alive." Susan said looking down. Robin shook her head sadly.

"No, there isn't. Cor died a few years after you left and Aravis soon later. They both still spoke highly of you four though."

"What about Ram the Great?" It was Edmund who said this. He had been eavesdropping from in front of them and had slowed his pace until he stood beside Susan.

"Haven't heard, or seen of him in a long while. I do hope I don't anytime soon." Then she muttered: "Never enjoyed his company." Edmund laughed and the girls smiled at each other.

The girls started a conversation with a Dwarf and Faun, while Edmund walked ahead and stood beside Peter and Caspian. So that left Robin and Glade. She didn't mind the fact that everyone was in their own world, actually she was very glad for it. She watched Lucy giggle, and Susan laugh. Edmund talking about things that no one understood, and Peter already readying battle plans. This was the world Robin had known so long ago, and she was very glad to be back into it.

"So, what are they like?" The badger, behind Robin, asked Trumpkin.

"Complainers... Stubborn as mules in the morning" The Dwarf replied.

"So, you like 'em." Nikabrik asked.

"Enough." Robin turned back and smiled at the three. Trufflehunter was the only on to return it and Nikabrik glared. Trumpkin didn't seem to notice anything at all, as he looked ahead. His eyes were wider than normal and it made Robin turn back around. She gasped. There out at the end of a large meadow stood Aslan's How.

As they approach Centaurs walked to the edge of the ramp going down into the underground fortress. Drawing their long swords they held them out over the path. Stopping, Edmund, Lucy, and Susan moved up to the front as Robin and Caspian fell back behind. Peter looked back at Robin as if she should be going first, but she gave no heed of his question and just gave him a look of; "Get going." He smiled and turned back around, the four walked down and Caspian and Robin followed, behind.

Once inside the Pevensie gazed around the large casum in small awe, and encouragment at all the working Narnians. "It may not be what you are use to, but it is defensible." Caspian stated.

Susan wandered off for a short while and Peter and Caspian started another conversation about something ot another. Robin turned to Lucy, but before she could say anything, Susan came back. She stood in the opening of the tunnel, leading down to the lower casums.

"Peter, you may want to see this." She said. Peter looked confused but nodded anyways and everyone--including Robin and Caspian--walked to Susan and followed her into the tunnel.

All around the walls, were depictions of when Lucy met Tumnus at the lamppost, when Edmund had a run in with the White Witch. Then the meeting of Aslan, saving Edmund, Aslan's death on the Stone Table, then the big battle on the plains. And last but not least, the crowning of the kings and queens.

"It's us." Susan stated. Lucy turned a circle and then turned back to Caspian.

"What is this place?" She asked.

"You don't know?" Caspian asked confused, and surprised. He grabbed a torch off the wall and continued down the tunnel, until he came to the end where it opened into a large room. He lit the powder in little water basions. They watched the fire spread around until it ended. With the new light they could see the large pictures carved into the wall. On two of the walls, facing each other, shows two Narnian warriors. On the wall across from the doorway: was Aslan himself.

In the center of the room, was the Stone Table still cracked down the middle. Lucy walked toward it and placing one hand on the slab she turned back to her family and friends.

"He must know what he's doing." She said, looking back at Aslan.

"I think it's up to us now." Peter said, and they all gazed at the carving. Robin looked away and at her old friends. She looked at how much older they looked in just what they said was a year. You could say she didn't think they'd look so young still. Maybe young isn't the write word. More like how much older they look at their young age. Okay, that doesn't work either. She quit trying to figure it out and excused herself from the group, although she merely just walked away.

She walked back through the tunnel and up a few makeshift stair cases until she found one that lead her to a lookout of the field. A Faun stood on this overlook and didn't give her a second glance as she came up beside him. His eyes were trained on something else, something out in the fog along the forest line. Robin didn't try to see it, but she still found herself staring where he was looking. She wouldn't have seen it, if he didn't move, and the horse snort.

There was a spy on their side of the river.

"Go tell King Peter." She commanded and he quickly trotted away. Robin stood there and watched the rider disappear. She felt like going after him and ending him, but something told her to let him alone. Something that she only felt every now and then. Something only the lines of Aslan speaking to her.

The Faun came back, interrupting her thoughts. "High King Peter wishes you join the counsel." He told her. Robin huffed. She hated being in a counsel, especially after the last one. But nevertheless, she walked back down the stairs, into the main cavern, down the tunnel, and into the tomb.

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