(10) LWW: Narnia's not going to run out of toast

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A quick reminder that this is NOT! a love story.


"Peter." Aslan caught the attention of the three siblings as they watched the fighters chase after the wolf. "Clean your sword." At the mention of clean, Peter thought of water, then of Robin. He quickly jumped up, leaving his sword in the dead Maugrim, and ran to the water's edge with his sisters behind him.

Robin lay with her back to the bank and her feet in the water. The little tidal waves splashing up onto her boots. One hand lay in the water while the other one is pushed against her chest. Her chest rises and falls slowly but steadily. They would have thought her asleep it if wasn't for the blood pouring out of her arm pressed to her body. Peter was the first one down to her, slipping and sliding on the wet bank. He approached her slowly unsure of what to do.

"Stop!" She nearly roared. Her eyes still remaining shut. Everyone released a sigh of relief. "You are making the water shy." Peter's eyebrows went up.

"How?" He asked, looking down at the water lapping around his feet.

"By standing in it." She opened her eyes and stared at him. "I'm fine by the way. Just a gash that'll be healed soon and only a scar will remain." She gave a chuckle as he looked at her confused again. "Go clean your sword." She said, barely able to contain her laughter. Peter shook his head and walked back up the bank to fetch his sword.

After the sword was clean of blood along with Robin's arm, Peter knelt before Aslan. The Lion placed his paw onto Peter's shoulder, then lowered it. "Rise, Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane, Knight of Narnia." Peter looked at his sisters and Robin. Lucy and Susan had their mouths agape, Robin simply smiled. The now Knight looked back at Aslan, his expression determined and brave. He placed his sword back into the sheath, and turned to smile at his sisters.

Robin walked away as they talked. She was never one for the talkers, not that she didn't mind them, but she just wasn't going to sit there and do nothing, she probably wouldn't even understand what they were talking about. At times it seems they spoke in a different language. She walked through the creek and back to where she had been sitting before the horn blew. There also stood Aslan in all his glory. The setting sun shinning onto his golden coat.

"Are you alright?" He asked as she stopped beside his head. She looked down at her arm. The deep cut was now only a fresh pale scar.

"I've had worse." She whispered. Aslan chuckled.

"Yes, only then you didn't have a stream to heal yourself."

"I probably wouldn't have been able to anyways. I had just been born into the world."

"That does not mean that you wouldn't have been able to." He side glanced at her, she was now looking at the ground. "I do not mean to discourage you."

"I know." She whispered, then turning to him. "Why did you make me the way I am?"

"That answer is for another day."

"It always is." Robin hissed.

"But that day is coming closer than you think. It might not be this day, month, or year, but it will be sometime." Robin nodded her head and stared off into the setting sun. The Lion left her as she sat down resting against her hands again.

The rising sun found Robin on the same overlook in the same position and still awake. She had stayed there all night long and listened to the world. It was the first true night she had had as a human since she stayed panther. She had heard Oreius come back and tell his tale of saving Edmund, but even if she did go down to see him, he wouldn't know who she was. She didn't leave her spot until a young Faun came up and told her the Pevensie had asked for her to join them in breakfast.

With a heavy sigh she stood up and walked down the hill. She caught sight of Peter leaning against the rock wall of the grass covered hillock she had just been sitting on. Lucy, Susan, and Edmund were sitting around a small table on pillows. Edmund was devouring toast, while Lucy just smiled at him.

"Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed." She said, still smiling. Edmund gave a smile back and looked up to see Robin. He was about to say something but;

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." Peter interrupted. Robin stopped in place.

"You're leaving?" She stuttered out, at the same time as Susan said: "We're going home?" Of course this caused a small breathed out laugh from Lucy, but it left when Peter pushed himself off the rock and walked forward.

"You are." He said. He sat down on the pillow set out for him. "I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe." Robin now found the ability to walk forward and slowly took the extra seat between Susan and Lucy. "But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help." Robin was confused.

"But they need us." Lucy said looking discouraged.

"All four of you." Robin added.

"Lucy, it's too dangerous." Peter argued giving Robin a glance. "You almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed!"

"Which is why we have to stay." Edmund said. Everyone looked at him. "I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

Susan looked convinced about something. "I suppose that's it then." She said as she stood up and walked toward the tent behind everyone. Peter turned around confused.

"Where are you going?" He asked. Susan picked up her bow and quiver at the tent edge.

"To get in some practice." She said with a sweet smile. Robin raised her hand as she took a bite of toast.

"Can I join?" Susan just smiled more and nodded her head. Robin quickly finished two more pieces of toast and downed her water. She stood up. "Lucy, you want to come?" She gave a bright, big smile.

"Sure." She followed Robin away from the boys then after Susan to the archery course.

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